Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy:

A Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the VLBA

2003 June 9-12  ----  Socorro, New Mexico, USA

Scientific Program:

Scientific Themes, quoted from the First Announcement..

Registered Participants: final list.

Group Photo.

The Meeting Poster, also available as a gzipped postscript file.  The poster was designed by Travis Rector and Crystal Brogan.

Scientific Organizing Committee 

J. Attridge (Haystack Obs)
J. Cordes (Cornell Univ.) 
P. Diamond (Jodrell Bank Obs.) 
J. Eilek (New Mexico Tech) 
A. Fey (USNO) 
D. Gabuzda (Univ. College Cork) 
M. Garrett (JIVE) 
L. Greenhill (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) 
H. Hirabayashi (ISAS) 
K-Y. Lo (NRAO) 
A. Marscher (Boston Univ.) 
K. Menten (MPIfR) 
M. Reid (Chair, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA) 
J. Romney (NRAO)
A. Whitney (Haystack Obs.)

Local Organizing Committee

C. Brogan (NRAO) 
V. Dhawan (NRAO) 
D. Finley (NRAO) 
S. Lagoyda (NRAO) 
A. Mioduszewski (NRAO) 
T. Rector (NRAO) 
T. Romero (NRAO) 
J. Romney (Chair, NRAO) 
G. Taylor (NRAO) 
C. Walker (NRAO) 
D. Westpfahl (NMT) 

Thanks to our sponsors:
Link to AUI Link to NRAO Link to Tech Link to NSF home page

Last Modified by Jon Romney on 2003 June 24