Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy:

A Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the VLBA

Poster Sessions

AGN Jets

1. VLBA Polarimetry of Lobe-dominated Quasars from the Jodrell Bank Survey
Christian Aars, David Hough

2. Observations of Oblique Polarization Structures in Active Extragalactic Radio Jets
H. D. Aller, M. F. Aller

3. A Helical Magnetic Field in the Jet of 3C 273
K. Asada, M. Inoue, S. Kameno,Y. Uchida, H. Nagai

4. Concurrent 43 and 86 GHz VLBA Polarimetry Observations of the Quasars 3C273 and 3C279
J. M. Attridge, R. B. Phillips, J. F. C. Wardle, D. C. Homan

5. Kinematic Study of the Blazar 0716+714
U. Bach, T.P. Krichbaum, E. Ros, A. Witzel, J.A. Zensus, S. Britzen

6. The Complete Caltech-Jodrell Bank Flat-Spectrum (CJF) Survey
S. Britzen, R. Vermeulen, G. Taylor, R.M. Campbell, T.J. Pearson, A.C.S. Readhead, W. Xu, I.W. Browne, D.R. Henstock, P. Wilkinson

7. Phase-reference Astrometry of Compact Symmetric Objects
P. Charlot, N. Pradel, J.-F. Lestrade

8. HALCA and VLBA Observations of 3C454.3
T. Chen, D. H. Roberts, J. F. C. Wardle, C. C. Cheung, G. A. Moellenbrock

9. VSOP Observations of the EGRET Blazar 1633+382
C.C. Cheung, J.S. Ulvestad, W.T. Vestrand

10. Multi-Frequency VSOP and VLBA Polarization Observations of 3C279 and 3C345
C.C. Cheung, D.H. Roberts, J.F.C. Wardle, G.A. Moellenbrock, D.C. Homan

11. Multi-frequency, Multi-epoch VLBA Polarization Observations of Mrk 501
Sarah Croke, Patrick Charlot, Denise C. Gabuzda, Hélène Sol

12. Spectra Aging in Young Radio Sources
Daniele Dallacasa, Matteo Murgia, Roberto Fanti, Carlo Stanghellini

13. Cores and Jets in Quasars at  z>4
S. Frey, L. I. Gurvits, A. P. Lobanov, I. Snellen

14. Parsec-Scale Circular Polarization Measurements Of BL Lac Objects
Denise C. Gabuzda, Vasilii M. Vitrishchak

15. Proper Motion In the Jet and Counter-jet of the Giant Radio Galaxy B2 1144+35
G. Giovannini, G.B. Taylor, L. Feretti

16. High-frequency Spectra of Extreme GPS and Rising-spectrum Radio Sources
Eddie Guerra, Steve Meyers, Juan Cabanela, Bruce Partridge

17. Using Jet Structure to Probe Jet Conditions
Philip E. Hardee

18. The VSOP Survey: The Angular Size/Brightness Temperature Distribution
S. Horiuchi, E. Fomalont, J. Lovell, G. Moellenbrock, W. Scott, R. Dodson

19. Bimonthly Polarimetric Observations of 15 AGNs at High Frequencies
S. Jorstad, A. Marscher, J. Stevens, M. Lister, A. Stirling, T. Cawthorne, P. Smith, J-L. Gómez, D. Gabuzda, W. Gear, I. Robson

20. Radio Source Spectra and Structure: RATAN-600 and VLBA Observations
Yuri Y. Kovalev, Yuri A. Kovalev, Nikolai A. Nizhelsky

21. Violently Variable Blazar B0524+034 as seen by EVN, VLBA and VSOP
Yuri Y. Kovalev, Leonid I. Gurvits, Alexander G. Gorshkov

22. Double Helix in the Kiloparscec-Scale Jet in M87
Andrei Lobanov, Philip Hardee, Jean Eilek

23. MERLIN and VLBA Observations of Compact Steep-spectrum Jets:
the Attainment of High-quality Images By Combining Independent observations
Everton Lüdke

24. VLBA Polarimetric Observations of Young Radio Sources
F. Mantovani, W. Junor, A. Rossetti, D.J. Saikia, C.J. Salter

25. Where has all the polarization gone?
E. Middelberg, A. L. Roy, D. C. Gabuzda

26. Magnetic Fields in the Accretion Disks of AGN: The Case of NGC 4258
Maryam Modjaz, James Moran, Lincoln J. Greenhill, Paul T. Kondratko

27. Electromagnetic Mechanism for the Origin of Knots In Parsec Scale Jets
V. I. Pariev, Ya. N. Istomin, A. S. Beresnyak

28. Multi-frequency Polarization Imaging of Blazars with Cyclic Activity
T. B. Pyatunina, D. C. Gabuzda, S. G. Jorstad, M. F. Aller, H. D. Aller, H. Teräsranta

29. Analysis of Strong Outbursts in Selected Blazars From the Metsähovi and UMRAO Monitoring databases
T. B. Pyatunina, N. A. Kudryavtseva, D. C. Gabuzda, S. G. Jorstad, M. F. Aller, H. D. Aller, H. Teräsranta

30. The Propagation of Jets in High-Energy-Peaked BL Lac Objects
Travis A. Rector, Karen Peterson, Denise C. Gabuzda, John T. Stocke

31. Kinematics of the Parsec-scale Jet in BL Lac
C. Reynolds, T. Cawthorne, D. Gabuzda

32. The VSOP Survey: The Initial Imaging Results
W. K. Scott, A. R. Taylor, S. Horiuchi, E. B. Fomalont, M. L. Lister, G. A. Moellenbrock, R. G. Dodson, P. G. Edwards,
H. Hirabayashi, Z. Shen, J. E. J. Lovell, S. Tingay, S. Frey, L. Mosoni, Z. Paragi, L. I. Gurvits, G. Piner, S. Fodor

33. J0253+3835: A High Red-Shift Quasar with an Interesting Twist
Christopher Stockdale, Joanne Attridge, Dan Homan, John Cowan, Michael Rupen

34. Orbital Motion of the Radio Core in the Radio Galaxy 3C 66B
H. Sudou, Y. Taniguchi, S. Iguchi, Y. Murata

35. Discovering Compact Symmetric Objects and Uses for Them
Greg Taylor, Alison Peck

36. Studying Circular Polarization with the VLBA
John F. C. Wardle, Daniel C. Homan

Micro QSOs, Binaries, SNRs & Pulsars

37. Binary Pulsars Resolved
Z. Arzoumanian

38. Astrometry of the Black Hole Binary GRS 1915+105
V. Dhawan, I. Rodrigues, F. Mirabel, M. Ribó

39. The Vela Proper Motion and Parallax Derived from VLBI Observations
R. Dodson, D. Legge, J. E. Reynolds, P. M. McCulloch

40. The Post-outburst Radio Evolution of Cygnus X-3
A.J. Mioduszewski, J.C.A. Miller-Jones, K.M. Blundell, M.P. Rupen

41. SS433 Observations with the VLBA
Z. Paragi, I. Fejes, R.C. Vermeulen, R.T. Schilizzi, R.E. Spencer, A.M. Stirling

42. VLBI Observations of SN1979C, SN1986J, and SN2001gd
Miguel-Ángel Pérez-Torres

43. The Distance to SS433
M.P. Rupen, J. Crossley, V. Dhawan, A.J. Mioduszewski

SMBH Accretion Disks & Their Environment

44. Emission Mechanisms in Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei
James M. Anderson, James S. Ulvestad, Jean A. Eilek

45. HI Studies of Southern Seyfert Galaxies: Challenges for Further VLBI investigations
R. Bohrer-Adornes, E. Lüdke

46. Sensitive VLBI Observations of the ULIRG IRAS 17208-0014
E. Momjian, J. D. Romney, C. L. Carilli, G. B. Taylor, T. H. Troland

47. Positional Consistency Between Water Masers and a Plasma Torus in NGC1052
Satoko Sawada-Satoh, Seiji Kameno, Katsunori M. Shibata, Makoto Inoue

48. The Structure of the Enigmatic AGN IRAS01475-0740
Henrique R. Schmitt

49. VLBA Imaging of Sgr A*  at 86GHz
Zhi-Qiang Shen, K. Y. Lo, P. T. P. Ho, Jun-Hui Zhao

50. Identification and Imaging of the Nucleus of NGC 4151
J.S. Ulvestad, D.S. Wong, G.B. Taylor, C.G. Mundell, J.F. Gallimore

51. A VLBA Survey of Flat-Spectrum FIRST Sources
J.S. Ulvestad, E.B. Fomalont, P.G. Edwards

52. Maser Emission from a Keplarian Annulus
L. Uscanga, J. Cantó

53. Active Galaxies At Milliarcsecond Resolution in the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey
J.M. Wrobel, T.A. Rector, G.B. Taylor, S.T. Myers, C.D. Fassnacht

54. Water-Vapor Maser Emission from the Seyfert 2/LINER NGC 3079
Aya Yamauchi, Naomasa Nakai, Naoko Sato, Philip Diamond

Masers: Star Formation & SNRs

55. Parsec-Scale Water Maser Structure in TXS 2226-184
Gregory H. Ball, Lincoln J. Greenhill, James M. Moran, Ingyin Zaw, Christian Henkel

56. LBA Observations of Methanol Masers Sites with Reported Disks
R. Dodson, R. Ojha, S. Ellingsen

57. Kinematics, Physical Condition, and Magnetic Field of the W3 IRS 5 Region Traced by Water Masers
Hiroshi Imai, Osamu Kameya, Tetsuo Sasao, Makoto Miyoshi, Shuji Deguchi, Shinji Horiuchi, Yoshiharu Asaki

58. The VLBA Survey of OH MASERs Towards SFR: Preliminary Results
V. Migenes, L. Cruz-Vazquez, V. I. Slysh, I. E. Val'tts, S. Horiuchi, M. Inoue

59. VLBA Observations of Excited OH Masers at 4765-MHz
Patrick Palmer, W. M. Goss, K. E. Devine

60. VLBA Observations of Magnetic Fields in Star Forming Regions
A. P. Sarma, T. H. Troland, J. D. Romney

61. VLBA and EVN Imaging of Protoplanetary Disk in GL2789
Irina E. Val'tts, V.I. Slysh, M.A. Voronkov, V. Migenes

Masers: Red Giant Stars

62. The 3-D Kinematics of Water Masers Around the Semiregular Variable RT Virginis
H. Imai, K. M. Shibata, T. Sasao, M. Miyoshi, M. Inoue, K. B. Marvel, P. J. Diamond, V. Migenes, Y. Murata

63. Astrometry of the OH masers of 4 Mira Stars
Huib Jan van Langevelde, Wouter Vlemmings, Phil Diamond

64. Targets for Future Southern mm-VLBI Experiments from the Mopra SiO Line Survey
Everton Lüdke, Nadiane Cristina Cassol

65. VLBI Observations of Water Masers Near Herbig AE/BE Stars
Kevin B. Marvel, Vince Mannings

Scattering, IDVs, & Gravitational Lensing

66. A 1995-2002 Usage of the VLBA: Gravitational Lensing and Compact/Medium Symmetric Objects
Pedro Augusto

67. Small-Scale Galactic HI Structure
C. Brogan, W.M. Goss, B.A. Zauderer, C.G. DePree, J. Lazio

68. The Extreme IDV Source J1819+3845 as seen with Ultimate Angular Resolution
L. I. Gurvits, A. G. de Bruyn, J. Dennett-Thorpe

69. VLBA Polatimetry:A Faraday Screen in 3C273?
Roopesh Ojha, John F. C. Wardle, Daniel C. Homan, David H. Roberts, Margo F. Aller, Hugh D. Aller, Philip A. Hughes

70. VLBA Snap-shot Imaging of Scintillating Sources
Roopesh Ojha, David L. Jauncey, James E. Lovell, Lucyna Kedziora-Chudczer, John E. Reynolds, Anastasios K. Tzioumis,
Alan L. Fey, Kenneth J. Johnston, Hayley Bignall, Jean-Pierre Macquart

Astrometry & Geodesy

71. Extending the ICRF to Higher Radio Frequencies - First Imaging Results
A.L. Fey, D.A. Boboltz, P. Charlot, E.B. Fomalont, G.E. Lanyi, L.D. Zhang & the K-Q VLBI Survey Collaboration

72. Processing VLBA Geodetic/Astrometric Data
David Gordon

73. Towards an Understanding of the Dynamics of the Milky Way
Kazuya Hachisuka, Shinji Horiuchi, Yoshiharu Asaki, Nanako Mochizuki, Makoto Miyoshi

74. Extending the ICRF to Higher Radio Frequencies: Astrometry
C.S. Jacobs, G.E. Lanyi, C.J. Naudet, O.J. Sovers, L.D. Zhang, P. Charlot, D. Gordon, C. Ma, and the KQ VLBI Survey Collaboration

75. VLBI Imaging Of the Extragalactic Reference Sources of the Guide Star HR 8703 for the Gravity Probe B Mission
J. I. Lederman, N. Bartel, M. F. Bietenholz, R. R. Ransom, M. I. Ratner, D. E. Lebach, I. I. Shapiro, J.-F. Lestrade

76. Interferometric Phase Fluctuations at Low Elevations over VLBA Baselines
Jean-François Lestrade, Philippe Andr, Patrick Charlot

77. Toward the Determination of Outer Galactic Rotation Curve - Source Selection for Phase-referencing VLBI
N. Mochizuki, K. Hachisuka

78. VLBA Calibrator Survey: Astrometric and Image Results
L. Petrov, D. Gordon, A.J. Beasley, E. Fomalont

79. Analysis of Systematic Errors in Differential VLBI Astrometry
N. Pradel, P. Charlot, J.-F. Lestrade

Future Projects, New Instruments & VLBI Techniques

80. The MkIV EVN Data Processor at JIVE
I.M. Avruch, on behalf of the Correlator Team

81. Extending VLBI to 2mm and 1mm Wavelengths
S.S. Doeleman, R.B. Phillips, A.E.E. Rogers,  J.M. Attridge, M.A. Titus, D.L. Smythe, R.J. Cappallo, T.A. Buretta, A.R. Whitney,
T. Krichbaum, D.A. Graham, W. Alef, A. Polatidis, U. Bach, A. Witzel, J.A. Zensus, A. Greve, M. Greving, R. Freund,
P. Strittmatter, L. Ziurys, T. Wilson, H. Fagg

82. A Radio Telescope for Ireland?
Denise C. Gabuzda, Aaron Golden

83. An X-ray Interferometer at NASA-Goddard
K. C. Gendreau, S. Z. Queen, Z. Arzoumanian

84. Dual-beam Phase Referencing with VERA
Mareki Honma and VERA group

85. Potential Improvements To VLBA Uv-coverages By the Addition of an 32m Peruvian Antenna
S. Horiuchi, D. W. Murphy, J. K. Ishitsuka, M. Ishitsuka

86. Multi-Frequency Imaging for Space VLBI
Sergey Likhachev, Nikolay Kardashev

87. iARISE: An International, Two-spacecraft Space VLBI Mission To Image Black Holes At the Microarcsecond Level
D. Murphy, R. Preston, E. Fomalont, J. Ulvestad, J. Romney, L. Greenhill, M. Reid

88. The European VLBI Network: Operations, Reliability and Performance
Z. Paragi, C. Reynolds, A.D. Biggs, H. Imai, M. Garrett

89. NRAO's VLBA Data Calibration Pipeline
Loránt O. Sjouwerman, Amy J. Mioduszewski, Eric W. Greisen


Last Modified by Jon Romney on 2003 July 30