Tenth Summer Synthesis Imaging Workshop
13-20 June 2006, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA
The Tenth Summer Synthesis Imaging Workshop will take place from June 13
through June 20 of 2006 in Albuquerque, NM. The workshop will comprise a week
of lectures on aperture synthesis theory and techniques at a level
appropriate for graduate students in astrophysics. Basic lectures on
synthesis imaging, and advanced lectures on more specialized techniques,
will be included. Practical tutorials demonstrating data collection,
calibration and imaging of both VLA and VLBA data will be given. There
will be a nominal registration fee, which will cover the cost of the
meeting and a copy of ASP Vol. 180, "Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy
II", from the 1998 Workshop.
Photos from the workshop
The Workshop Lectures
Blank Evaluation Form
General Information
Arrival Information
List of participants, updated
General Schedule
Talk Schedule
First Announcement
The Tenth Summer Synthesis Imaging Workshop will take place at the
University of New Mexico, in Albuquerque NM, USA, June 13-20, 2006. The
schedule is posted at http://www.phys.unm.edu/~kdyer/2006, and includes
hands-on data tutorials and telescope tours at National Radio Astronomy
Observatory facilities. In addition to introductory lectures on radio
interferometry (at a level appropriate for beginning graduate students),
advanced topics will cover a selection of new synthesis instruments,
including The Atacama Large Millimeter Array, Magdalena Ridge Observatory,
and The Long Wavelength Array.
Attendance at the Summer Synthesis Imaging Workshop will be limited to 150
people. Inexpensive housing will be provided in UNM dormitories.
Registration will begin February 1. The deadline for early registration is
April 17. There may be support possibilities for students from the US and
Mexico, please contact us below for further updates. We regret that we
will be unable to provide any funding for students from other countries.
Information for students outside the US --
It is our understanding of current US policy that attending a scientific
workshop in the US should only require a tourist visa. Should you find you
need a letter of invitation, please contact Kristy Dyer, below. Due to
processing delays we strongly encourage you to start paperwork early, and
have moved the registration deadline up accordingly.
The Summer Synthesis Imaging Workshop is sponsored by University of New
Mexico and it's institutes, National Radio Astronomy Observatory and New
Mexico Tech.
Previous Workshops:
2004 -- Ninth
Summer School in Synthesis Imaging
2002 -- Eighth Summer School in Synthesis Imaging
Please send comments to
Kristy Dyer.
Last modified: Tue Oct 4 13:42:39 EDT 2005