Initializing your AIPS++ environment
Updated 2002-03-12

1. Before starting up AIPS++, you need to setup environment.

current list of the locations of setup files for various machines


Solaris{csh,sh}  (for ver1.4){csh,sh}  (for ver1.5){csh,sh}  (for ver1.6){csh,sh}   # recent Consortium version


Solaris, Linux 

h2o(Linux) - local installation (for development and testing) 
smadata(Solaris) - local installation (for development and testing)

a) To run AIPS++ on smadata (Cambridge),

if you are using csh,

source /aips++/release/v1.5/aipsinit.csh  # for Public release 1.5 

Similarly, if you are using sh,

. /aips++/release/v1.5/ 
b) To run AIPS++ in Hawaii,
from any of linux PCs or Sun Solaris machines,
source /sma/netapps/ver1.5/aipsinit.csh  # for Public release 1.5
Note (particularly, if you are logging on as smauser): by 'source'-ing the file above, it will set pgplot related environments point to the AIPS++ directories which contains its own pgplot library and other setup files. This may cause some problems for other softwares that use pgplot. In such cases, you may need to unsetenv LD_LIBRARY and other PGPLOT_* setups.

2. Once the environment is set, type,

to start up AIPS++. Or if you just want to use glish, type,

Note: AIPS++ can be run at any local directory. By default, the data files will be created in current directory. So you may want to create a working directory to run AIPS++. You can also control your local AIPS++ environment by customizing .aipsrc .

SMA data analysis AIPS++ documents (@NRAO)