casacore::TableExprNodeArrayTimesDComplex Class Reference

DComplex Array multiplication in table select expression tree. More...

#include <ExprMathNodeArray.h>

Inheritance diagram for casacore::TableExprNodeArrayTimesDComplex:
casacore::TableExprNodeArrayTimes casacore::TableExprNodeArray casacore::TableExprNodeBinary casacore::TableExprNodeRep

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TableExprNodeArrayTimesDComplex (const TableExprNodeRep &)
 ~TableExprNodeArrayTimesDComplex ()
MArray< DComplex > getArrayDComplex (const TableExprId &id)
 The default implementation of getArrayDComplex does getArrayDouble and converts the result.

Detailed Description

DComplex Array multiplication in table select expression tree.

Intended use:


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This class represents a multiplication in a table select expression tree. Numeric data types will be promoted if possible, so for instance a multiplication of Int and Complex is possible.

Definition at line 500 of file ExprMathNodeArray.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

casacore::TableExprNodeArrayTimesDComplex::TableExprNodeArrayTimesDComplex ( const TableExprNodeRep  ) 
casacore::TableExprNodeArrayTimesDComplex::~TableExprNodeArrayTimesDComplex (  ) 

Member Function Documentation

MArray<DComplex> casacore::TableExprNodeArrayTimesDComplex::getArrayDComplex ( const TableExprId id  )  [virtual]

The default implementation of getArrayDComplex does getArrayDouble and converts the result.

Reimplemented from casacore::TableExprNodeArray.

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Generated on 31 Aug 2016 for casa by  doxygen 1.6.1