casa::SimACoh Class Reference

SimACoh: Model additive noise errors for the VisEquation . More...

#include <SimACoh.h>

Inheritance diagram for casa::SimACoh:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SimACoh (Int seed=1, Double rms=0.1)
 Construct from VisSet, seed and rms of additive noise (normal dist.
virtual VisBufferapply (VisBuffer &vb)
 Apply additive error (Inverse is minus).
virtual VisBufferapplyInv (VisBuffer &vb)

Private Member Functions

Bool solve (VisEquation &)
 SimACoh ()

Private Attributes

MLCG rndGen_p
Normal noiseDist_p

Detailed Description

SimACoh: Model additive noise errors for the VisEquation .

Intended use:

Public interface



SimACoh describes random additive errors to be used in the VisEquation .


See VisEquation for definition of the Visibility Measurement Equation. See ACoh for how SimACoh is to be used.


The properties of an additive component must be described for the VisEquation .

Definition at line 72 of file SimACoh.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

casa::SimACoh::SimACoh ( Int  seed = 1,
Double  rms = 0.1 

Construct from VisSet, seed and rms of additive noise (normal dist.


casa::SimACoh::SimACoh (  )  [private]

Member Function Documentation

virtual VisBuffer& casa::SimACoh::apply ( VisBuffer vb  )  [virtual]

Apply additive error (Inverse is minus).

Implements casa::ACoh.

virtual VisBuffer& casa::SimACoh::applyInv ( VisBuffer vb  )  [virtual]

Implements casa::ACoh.

Bool casa::SimACoh::solve ( VisEquation  )  [inline, private, virtual]

Implements casa::ACoh.

Definition at line 84 of file SimACoh.h.

References casacore::True.

Member Data Documentation

Normal casa::SimACoh::noiseDist_p [private]

Definition at line 88 of file SimACoh.h.

MLCG casa::SimACoh::rndGen_p [private]

Definition at line 87 of file SimACoh.h.

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