casa::ROCJonesMCol Class Reference

ROCJonesMCol: Read-only CJones cal_main column access. More...

#include <TimeVarVJMCol.h>

Inheritance diagram for casa::ROCJonesMCol:
casa::ROTimeVarVisJonesMCol casa::ROVisJonesMCol casa::ROCalMainColumns

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ROCJonesMCol (const CJonesTable &cjTable)
 Construct from a calibration table.
virtual ~ROCJonesMCol ()
 Default destructor.

Protected Member Functions

 ROCJonesMCol ()
 Prohibit public use of the null constructor, which does not produce a usable object.

Private Member Functions

 ROCJonesMCol (const ROCJonesMCol &)
 Prohibit copy constructor and assignment operator.
ROCJonesMColoperator= (const ROCJonesMCol &)

Detailed Description

ROCJonesMCol: Read-only CJones cal_main column access.

Intended use:

Public interface



From "read-only","CJones","cal main" and "columns".


The ROCJonesMCol class allows read-only access to columns in the CJones main calibration table. CJones matrices are used to store polarization configuration information in the Measurement Equation formalism.



Encapsulate read-only access to CJones calibration table columns.

Definition at line 298 of file TimeVarVJMCol.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

casa::ROCJonesMCol::ROCJonesMCol ( const CJonesTable cjTable  ) 

Construct from a calibration table.

virtual casa::ROCJonesMCol::~ROCJonesMCol (  )  [inline, virtual]

Default destructor.

Definition at line 305 of file TimeVarVJMCol.h.

casa::ROCJonesMCol::ROCJonesMCol (  )  [inline, protected]

Prohibit public use of the null constructor, which does not produce a usable object.

Definition at line 310 of file TimeVarVJMCol.h.

casa::ROCJonesMCol::ROCJonesMCol ( const ROCJonesMCol  )  [private]

Prohibit copy constructor and assignment operator.

Member Function Documentation

ROCJonesMCol& casa::ROCJonesMCol::operator= ( const ROCJonesMCol  )  [private]

Reimplemented from casa::ROTimeVarVisJonesMCol.

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Generated on 31 Aug 2016 for casa by  doxygen 1.6.1