casa::MSCleanImageSkyModel Class Reference

MS Clean Image Sky Model: Image Sky Model implementing the MS Clean algorithm. More...

#include <MSCleanImageSkyModel.h>

Inheritance diagram for casa::MSCleanImageSkyModel:
casa::CleanImageSkyModel casa::ImageSkyModel casa::SkyModel casa::Iterate

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MSCleanImageSkyModel (const Int nscales, const Int stoplargenegatives=2, const Int stoppointmode=-1, const Float smallScaleBias=0.6)
 Create a MSCleanImageSkyModel with nScales, we figure out what they are.
 MSCleanImageSkyModel (const Vector< Float > &useScaleSize, const Int stoplargenegatives=2, const Int stoppointmode=-1, const Float smallScaleBias=0.6)
 Create a MSCleanImageSkyModel, you provide the scale sizes, IN PIXELS for example: Vector<Float> scales(4); scales(0) = 0.0; scales(1) = 3.0; scales(2) = 10.0; scales(3) = 30.0;.
 ~MSCleanImageSkyModel ()
virtual Bool solve (SkyEquation &me)
 Solve for this SkyModel.

Private Types

enum  Scale_Method {

Private Attributes

Scale_Method method_p
Int nscales_p
Vector< Float > userScaleSizes_p
Int stopLargeNegatives_p
 parameter to stop the cycle (for the first N cycles) if you get a negative on the largest scale; To disable, use < 0
Int stopPointMode_p
 parameter which stops the cycle if you hit the smallest scale this many consecutive times; if < 0, don't stop for this
Float smallScaleBias_p

Detailed Description

MS Clean Image Sky Model: Image Sky Model implementing the MS Clean algorithm.

Intended use:

Public interface



MSCleanImageSkyModel implements the MS Clean algorithm. It is derived from SkyModel .


The MS Clean is the Multi-Scale clean, collecting flux in several different scale size Gaussian components. It is highly effective in imaging extended structure and results in residuals with excellent statistics.

The MS Clean is implemented using the LatticeCleaner class.

Masking is optionally performed using a mask image: only points where the mask is non-zero are searched for Gaussian components. This can cause some difficulty, as the different Gaussian scale sizes will extend beyond the mask by different amounts. If no mask is specified all points in the inner quarter of the image are cleaned.


See the example for SkyModel .


Definition at line 88 of file MSCleanImageSkyModel.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 108 of file MSCleanImageSkyModel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

casa::MSCleanImageSkyModel::MSCleanImageSkyModel ( const Int  nscales,
const Int  stoplargenegatives = 2,
const Int  stoppointmode = -1,
const Float  smallScaleBias = 0.6 

Create a MSCleanImageSkyModel with nScales, we figure out what they are.

casa::MSCleanImageSkyModel::MSCleanImageSkyModel ( const Vector< Float > &  useScaleSize,
const Int  stoplargenegatives = 2,
const Int  stoppointmode = -1,
const Float  smallScaleBias = 0.6 

Create a MSCleanImageSkyModel, you provide the scale sizes, IN PIXELS for example: Vector<Float> scales(4); scales(0) = 0.0; scales(1) = 3.0; scales(2) = 10.0; scales(3) = 30.0;.

casa::MSCleanImageSkyModel::~MSCleanImageSkyModel (  ) 


Member Function Documentation

virtual Bool casa::MSCleanImageSkyModel::solve ( SkyEquation me  )  [virtual]

Solve for this SkyModel.

Reimplemented from casa::ImageSkyModel.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 109 of file MSCleanImageSkyModel.h.

Definition at line 111 of file MSCleanImageSkyModel.h.

Definition at line 121 of file MSCleanImageSkyModel.h.

parameter to stop the cycle (for the first N cycles) if you get a negative on the largest scale; To disable, use < 0

Definition at line 116 of file MSCleanImageSkyModel.h.

parameter which stops the cycle if you hit the smallest scale this many consecutive times; if < 0, don't stop for this

Definition at line 120 of file MSCleanImageSkyModel.h.

Definition at line 112 of file MSCleanImageSkyModel.h.

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