MiriadMemoryAssumptionError Class Reference

an exception indicating that assumptions about the size of primitive types are not satisfied. More...

#include <MirTypeAssert.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MiriadMemoryAssumptionError (const String &msg)
 An exception with a message indicating the unsupported feature.
virtual ~MiriadMemoryAssumptionError () throw ()

Protected Member Functions

 MiriadMemoryAssumptionError ()
 Message-less exceptions should not be created excepted possibly by subclasses.

Detailed Description

an exception indicating that assumptions about the size of primitive types are not satisfied.

Intended use:

Public interface

Review Status

Date Reviewed:


Current support of Miriad uv-IO is based on certain assumptions about use of memory, specifically the size of primitive types.


This exception is used to indicate that certain assumptions about the size of primitive types do not hold. Miriad IO in aips++ assumes that the sizes of Int, Float, and Double are equal to the corresponding sizes of int, float, and Double; this exception is thrown when these conditions are not met.

Normally, applications do not create and throw this exception directly as it has been integrated into the MirTypeAssert class which automatically checks the memory assumptions upon construction. Any class that depends on this assumption can inherit from MirTypeAssert.


See summary above.

Definition at line 66 of file MirTypeAssert.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MiriadMemoryAssumptionError::MiriadMemoryAssumptionError ( const String &  msg  ) 

An exception with a message indicating the unsupported feature.

virtual MiriadMemoryAssumptionError::~MiriadMemoryAssumptionError (  )  throw () [virtual]
MiriadMemoryAssumptionError::MiriadMemoryAssumptionError (  )  [protected]

Message-less exceptions should not be created excepted possibly by subclasses.

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