Mueller.h File Reference

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class  casa::Mueller
class  casa::MuellerDiag
class  casa::MuellerDiag2
class  casa::MuellerScal
class  casa::AddMuellerDiag2
 Parallel-hands only "additive Mueller". More...
class  casa::AddMuellerDiag
 Full polarization "additive Mueller". More...


namespace  casa

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start of casa namespace -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Mueller * casa::createMueller (const Mueller::MuellerType &mtype)
Int casa::muellerNPar (const Mueller::MuellerType &mtype)
 Return Mueller type according to Int Mueller::MuellerType muellerType(const Int& n);.
Mueller::MuellerType casa::muellerType (const Jones::JonesType &jtype, const VisVector::VisType &vtype)
 Return Mueller type according to underlying Jones and VisVector types.
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Generated on 31 Aug 2016 for casa by  doxygen 1.6.1