Value ordering

An ordered set of values exists along each axis of the binary tables. This section explicitly specifies the ordering for each axis, which is constant over all tables.

baseline axis

Column-major traversal of the upper triangle of the (antenna A, antenna B) matrix (with antennas having integer ordering), followed by the ordered diagonal elements of the same matrix. While the previous sentence may be concise, it's probably not clear, so we present an example.

Assume there are four antennas with index values {1, 2, 3, 4}. The ordering of baseline axis values is then

((1,2), (1,3), (2,3), (1,4), (2,4), (3,4), (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4)).

baseband axis, spectral window axis, bin number axis, APC bin axis, spectral channel axis

Integer ordering.

polarization product axis

Determined by the SDM, and it may vary. Normally, the order will be RR, RL, LR, LL.