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Observing Strategy

A tremendous amount could be said about observing strategy. See the article by Joan Wrobel in the book ``Very Long Baseline Interferometry and the VLBA'' (1995: ASP) for a good discussion. That book also contains a lot of information about VLBI and is a good reference for all observers to have. Other important sources of information are the ``VLBA Observational Status Summary'' and ``General Instructions on Observation Preparation'' (which is sent to scheduled users). These and many other useful documents can be accessed on the Internet from the ``VLBA Information for Astronomers'' page. This section of the SCHED  Manual will be limited to a few important concepts to keep in mind while scheduling. It is assumed that the observer already has a reasonable idea of how much time is needed per source, what frequencies to observe, etc. The suggestions here are more oriented toward smooth observing, processing, and calibration.

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Craig Walker 2014-06-17