Welcome to Amy Mioduszewski's Home Page
This page is under construction, please bear with me. Last edit April
23, 2009.
Associate Scientist at the
National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). I am part
of the
AIPS group. If you have a question or comment about AIPS
please e-mail the designated AIP.
My present favorite image: 1.5 GHz VLBA image of SS433.
This is one of the last frames
in the SS433 Movie. Click here to download a gzipped mpeg, avi, fast mpeg or high resolution gif version of the movie.
- Mailing Address:
- P.O. Box O
- Socorro, NM 87801
Tel: (+1) 505-835-7263
Fax: (+1) 505-835-7027
E-mail address: amiodusz@nrao.edu
AIPS Stuff
Installing/updating AIPS on NRAO Laptops
VLA calibrator models at frequecies below Q-band
A little history
- Education
- As an undergraduate I attended Lawrence Technological University ,
a small engineering university in Southfield Michigan, where I majored in
physics. After receiving my undergraduate degree in 1991,
I went to the University of
Michigan , where I was a graduate student in the
department. I received my Ph.D. in 1996, with the acceptance of
my thesis Observations and Simulations of Parsec Scale
Jets in AGN . My thesis adviser was Hugh Aller .
- Postdoctoral positions
- For my first postdoc I was the JIVE
support scientist at
the VLBA
correlator. Which means I worked for the Joint Institute for VLBI in
Europe, but I
worked at the NRAO in Socorro. I was in the space VLBI group and was
responsible for the space VLBI experiments that involved only the
space telescope ( HALCA ) and
ground radio telescopes in Europe. During this postdoc I got involved with
the search for radio counterparts to X-ray binaries with Bob Hjellming and
Michael Rupen both at NRAO. My area of interest is high resolution imaging
(i.e. VLBI observations) of these objects, which are also known as
- My second postdoc was at the Research Centre for Theoretical Astrophysics at the University of Sydney . I worked with
Lewis Ball (now at the Parkes
radio telescope) and Vikram Dwarkadas (now at the
University of Chicago ) on estimating the radio emission from
hydrodynamic simulations of supernovae.
The strength of this approach is that it is not limited by the assumption
of self-similarity that is required by the classic analytical approach.
Scientific Interests
- My main interest is imaging the radio counterparts to X-ray
binaries, otherwise known as microquasars. X-ray binaries are close binary
systems of stars where one member of the binary is a compact object,
i.e., a black hole or neutron star. Material
from the "normal" star falls into the compact object. This material heats
up to high temperature and emits X-rays, thus the name X-ray binary. X-ray
binaries were the first good evidence of the existence of black holes.
The radio emission from these objects is almost always from a relativistic
jet (a jet of material that is ejected at speeds close to the speed of
light), this is similar to quasars on a much smaller scale, thus radio
emitting X-ray binaries are frequently called microquasars (even though
there is real evidence for jets in only a few sources that have been
imaged with sufficient resolution). Along with my collaborators
Michael Rupen and Vivek Dhawan, we use the VLA to monitor known miscroquasars
and search for new radio counterparts when there has been an X-ray nova.
If the sources are bright enough we use the VLBA to image
these objects, frequently encountering relativistic jets.
Publications on ADS
Click here to download a gzipped postscript
preprint of "Simulated Radio Images and Light Curves of Young Supernovae"
Mioduszewski, Dwarkadas and Ball, accepted for publication in ApJ.
Cyg X-3 poster from 2002 HEAD meeting .
Non-astronomical Interests (photos to come)
- Adventure traveling
- Golden retrievers
- Australian birds
- New Mexico