mini RTAI LXRT tasklets module

Detailed Description

The MINI_RTAI_LXRT tasklets module adds an interesting new feature along the line, pioneered by RTAI, of a symmetric usage of all its services inter-intra kernel and user space, both for soft and hard real time applications.

In such a way you have opened a whole spectrum of development and implementation lanes, allowing maximum flexibility with uncompromized performances.

The new services provided can be useful when you have many tasks, both in kernel and user space, that must execute in soft/hard real time but do not need any RTAI scheduler service that could lead to a task block. Such tasks are here called tasklets and can be of two kinds: normal tasklets and timed tasklets (timers).

It must be noted that only timers should need to be made available both in user and kernel space. In fact normal tasklets in kernel space are nothing but standard functions that can be directly executed by calling them, so there would be no need for any special treatment. However to maintain full usage symmetry, and to ease any possible porting from one address space to the other, also normal tasklet functions can be used in whatever address space.

Note that if, at this point, you are reminded to similar Linux kernel services you are not totally wrong. They are not exactly the same, because of their symmetric availability in kernel and user space, but the basic idea behind them is clearly fairly similar.

Tasklets should be used whenever the standard hard real time tasks available with RTAI and LXRT schedulers can be a waist of resources and the execution of simple, possibly timed, functions could often be more than enough. Instances of such applications are timed polling and simple Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) like sequences of services. Obviously there are many others instances that can make it sufficient the use of tasklets, either normal or timers. In general such an approach can be a very useful complement to fully featured tasks in controlling complex machines and systems, both for basic and support services.

It is remarked that the implementation found here for timed tasklets rely on a server support task that executes the related timer functions, either in oneshot or periodic mode, on the base of their time deadline and according to their, user assigned, priority. Instead, as told above, plain tasklets are just functions executed from kernel space; their execution needs no server and is simply triggered by calling a given service function at due time, either from a kernel task or interrupt handler requiring, or in charge of, their execution when they are needed. Once more it is important to recall that all non blocking RTAI scheduler services can be used in any tasklet function. Blocking services must absolutely be avoided. They will deadlock the timers server task, executing task or interrupt handler, whichever applies, so that no more tasklet functions will be executed.

User and kernel space MINI_RTAI_LXRT applications can cooperate and synchronize by using shared memory. It has been called MINI_RTAI_LXRT because it is a kind of light soft/hard real time server that can partially substitute RTAI and LXRT in simple applications, i.e. if the constraints hinted above are wholly satisfied. So MINI_RTAI_LXRT can be used in kernel and user space, with any RTAI scheduler. Its implementations has been very easy, as it is nothing but what its name implies. LXRT made all the needed tools already available. In fact it duplicates a lot of LXRT so that its final production version will be fully integrated with it, ASAP. However, at the moment, it cannot work with LXRT yet.

Note that in user space you run within the memory of the process owning the tasklet function so you MUST lock all of your processes memory in core, by using mlockall, to prevent it being swapped out. Also abundantly pre grow your stack to the largest size needed during the execution of your application, see mlockall usage in Linux manuals.

The RTAI distribution contains many useful examples that demonstrate the use of most services, both in kernel and user space.


file  rtai_nam2num.h
 Conversion between characters strings and unsigned long identifiers.
file  rtai_tasklets.h
 Interface of the mini LXRT RTAI tasklets module.
file  tasklets.c
 Implementation of the mini LXRT RTAI tasklets module.

Data Structures

struct  rt_tasklet_struct


#define TSKIDX   1
#define INIT   0
#define DELETE   1
#define TASK_INSERT   2
#define TASK_REMOVE   3
#define USE_FPU   4
#define TIMER_INSERT   5
#define TIMER_REMOVE   6
#define SET_TASKLETS_PRI   7
#define SET_FIR_TIM   8
#define SET_PER   9
#define SET_HDL   10
#define SET_DAT   11
#define EXEC_TASKLET   12
#define WAIT_IS_HARD   13
#define SET_TSK_PRI   14
#define REG_TASK   15
#define TASKLET_STACK_SIZE   8196
#define rt_init_timer   rt_init_tasklet
#define rt_delete_timer   rt_delete_tasklet
#define rt_set_timer_handler   rt_set_tasklet_handler
#define rt_set_timer_data   rt_set_tasklet_data
#define rt_timer_use_fpu   rt_tasklet_use_fpu
#define sched_malloc(size)   rt_malloc((size))
#define sched_free(adr)   rt_free((adr))


int support_tasklet (void *tasklet)
rt_tasklet_structrt_init_tasklet (void)
 Init, in kernel space, a tasklet structure to be used in user space.
void rt_delete_tasklet (struct rt_tasklet_struct *tasklet)
 Delete, in kernel space, a tasklet structure to be used in user space.
int rt_insert_timer (struct rt_tasklet_struct *timer, int priority, RTIME firing_time, RTIME period, void(*handler)(unsigned long), unsigned long data, int pid)
 Insert a timer in the list of timers to be processed.
void rt_remove_timer (struct rt_tasklet_struct *timer)
 Remove a timer in the list of timers to be processed.
void rt_set_timer_priority (struct rt_tasklet_struct *timer, int priority)
 Change the priority of an existing timer.
void rt_set_timer_firing_time (struct rt_tasklet_struct *timer, RTIME firing_time)
 Change the firing time of a timer.
void rt_set_timer_period (struct rt_tasklet_struct *timer, RTIME period)
 Change the period of a timer.
int rt_set_tasklet_handler (struct rt_tasklet_struct *tasklet, void(*handler)(unsigned long))
void rt_set_tasklet_data (struct rt_tasklet_struct *tasklet, unsigned long data)
RT_TASKrt_tasklet_use_fpu (struct rt_tasklet_struct *tasklet, int use_fpu)
int rt_insert_tasklet (struct rt_tasklet_struct *tasklet, int priority, void(*handler)(unsigned long), unsigned long data, unsigned long id, int pid)
 Insert a tasklet in the list of tasklets to be processed.
void rt_set_tasklet_priority (struct rt_tasklet_struct *tasklet, int priority)
void rt_remove_tasklet (struct rt_tasklet_struct *tasklet)
 Remove a tasklet in the list of tasklets to be processed.
int rt_exec_tasklet (struct rt_tasklet_struct *tasklet)
 Exec a tasklet.
rt_fun_entry rt_tasklet_fun[] __attribute__ ((__unused__))
void enq_timer (struct rt_tasklet_struct *timed_timer)
void rem_timer (struct rt_tasklet_struct *timer)
rt_tasklet_structrt_find_tasklet_by_id (unsigned long id)
 Find a tasklet identified by its id.
void asgn_min_prio (void)
void set_timer_firing_time (struct rt_tasklet_struct *timer, RTIME firing_time)
void rt_timers_manager (long dummy)
void rt_register_task (struct rt_tasklet_struct *tasklet, struct rt_tasklet_struct *usptasklet, RT_TASK *task)
void rt_wait_tasklet_is_hard (struct rt_tasklet_struct *tasklet, int thread)
 MODULE_PARM (tasklets_stacksize,"i")
int __rtai_tasklets_init (void)
void __rtai_tasklets_exit (void)


DEFINE_LINUX_CR0 struct rt_tasklet_struct timers_list
rt_tasklet_struct tasklets_list
spinlock_t tasklets_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED
spinlock_t timers_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED
rt_fun_entry rt_tasklet_fun []
RT_TASK timers_manager
int tasklets_stacksize = TASKLET_STACK_SIZE

Define Documentation

#define DELETE   1

Definition at line 39 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by rt_delete_tasklet().

#define EXEC_TASKLET   12

Definition at line 50 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by rt_exec_tasklet().

#define INIT   0

Definition at line 38 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by rt_init_tasklet().

#define REG_TASK   15

Definition at line 53 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by support_tasklet().

#define rt_delete_timer   rt_delete_tasklet

Definition at line 356 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

#define rt_init_timer   rt_init_tasklet

Definition at line 345 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

#define rt_set_timer_data   rt_set_tasklet_data

Definition at line 408 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

#define rt_set_timer_handler   rt_set_tasklet_handler

Definition at line 400 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

#define rt_timer_use_fpu   rt_tasklet_use_fpu

Definition at line 420 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

#define sched_free adr   )     rt_free((adr))

Definition at line 117 of file tasklets.c.

Referenced by frstk_srq_handler(), and rt_mbx_delete().

#define sched_malloc size   )     rt_malloc((size))

Definition at line 116 of file tasklets.c.

Referenced by rt_typed_mbx_init().

#define SET_DAT   11

Definition at line 49 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by rt_set_tasklet_data().

#define SET_FIR_TIM   8

Definition at line 46 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by rt_set_timer_firing_time().

#define SET_HDL   10

Definition at line 48 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by rt_set_tasklet_handler(), and support_tasklet().

#define SET_PER   9

Definition at line 47 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by rt_set_timer_period().

#define SET_TASKLETS_PRI   7

Definition at line 45 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by rt_set_timer_priority().

#define SET_TSK_PRI   14

Definition at line 52 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by rt_set_tasklet_priority().

#define TASK_INSERT   2

Definition at line 40 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by rt_insert_tasklet().

#define TASK_REMOVE   3

Definition at line 41 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by rt_remove_tasklet().

#define TASKLET_STACK_SIZE   8196

Definition at line 57 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by rt_init_tasklet().

#define TIMER_INSERT   5

Definition at line 43 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by rt_insert_timer().

#define TIMER_REMOVE   6

Definition at line 44 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by rt_remove_timer().

#define TSKIDX   1

Definition at line 36 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by __rtai_tasklets_exit(), __rtai_tasklets_init(), rt_delete_tasklet(), rt_exec_tasklet(), rt_init_tasklet(), rt_insert_tasklet(), rt_insert_timer(), rt_remove_tasklet(), rt_remove_timer(), rt_set_tasklet_data(), rt_set_tasklet_handler(), rt_set_tasklet_priority(), rt_set_timer_firing_time(), rt_set_timer_period(), rt_set_timer_priority(), rt_tasklet_use_fpu(), and support_tasklet().

#define USE_FPU   4

Definition at line 42 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by rt_tasklet_use_fpu().

#define WAIT_IS_HARD   13

Definition at line 51 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

Referenced by rt_init_tasklet().

Function Documentation

struct rt_fun_entry rt_tasklet_fun [] __attribute__ (__unused__)   )  [static]

void __rtai_tasklets_exit void   ) 

Definition at line 768 of file tasklets.c.

References printk(), rt_base_linux_task, rt_task_delete(), rt_tasklet_fun, timers_manager, and TSKIDX.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int __rtai_tasklets_init void   ) 

Definition at line 749 of file tasklets.c.

References NR_RT_CPUS, printk(), rt_base_linux_task, rt_get_base_linux_task(), RT_SCHED_LOWEST_PRIORITY, RT_SCHED_MUP, rt_sched_type(), RT_TASK, rt_task_init(), rt_task_resume(), rt_tasklet_fun, rt_timers_manager(), tasklets_stacksize, timers_manager, TSKIDX, and tuned.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void asgn_min_prio void   )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 392 of file tasklets.c.

References flags, rt_tasklet_struct::next, RT_SCHED_READY, rt_spin_lock_irqsave(), rt_spin_unlock_irqrestore, timers_list, timers_lock, and timers_manager.

Referenced by rt_timers_manager().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void enq_timer struct rt_tasklet_struct timed_timer  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 196 of file tasklets.c.

References rt_tasklet_struct::firing_time, rt_tasklet_struct::next, rt_tasklet_struct::prev, and timers_list.

Referenced by set_timer_firing_time().


MODULE_PARM tasklets_stacksize  ,

void rem_timer struct rt_tasklet_struct timer  )  [inline, static]

Definition at line 205 of file tasklets.c.

References rt_tasklet_struct::next, and rt_tasklet_struct::prev.

Referenced by rt_timers_manager(), and set_timer_firing_time().

int rt_delete_tasklet struct rt_tasklet_struct tasklet  )  [inline]

Delete, in kernel space, a tasklet structure to be used in user space.

rt_tasklet_delete free a tasklet structure (struct rt_tasklet_struct) in kernel space that was allocated by rt_tasklet_init.

tasklet is the pointer to the tasklet structure (struct rt_tasklet_struct) returned by rt_tasklet_init.
This function is to be used only for user space tasklets. In kernel space it is just an empty macro, as the user can, and must allocate the related structure directly, either statically or dynamically. Definition at line 347 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

References DELETE, rtai_lxrt_t::i, LOW, rt_thread_join(), rtai_lxrt(), SIZARG, and TSKIDX.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int rt_exec_tasklet struct rt_tasklet_struct tasklet  )  [inline]

Exec a tasklet.

rt_exec_tasklet execute a tasklet from the list of tasklets to be processed.

tasklet is the pointer to the tasklet structure to be used to manage the tasklet tasklet.
Kernel space tasklets addresses are usually available directly and can be easily be used in calling rt_tasklet_exec. In fact one can call the related handler directly without using such a support function, which is mainly supplied for symmetry and to ease the porting of applications from one space to the other.

User space tasklets instead must be first found within the tasklet list by calling rt_find_tasklet_by_id() to get the tasklet address to be used in rt_tasklet_exec(). Definition at line 445 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

References EXEC_TASKLET, rtai_lxrt_t::i, LOW, rtai_lxrt(), SIZARG, and TSKIDX.

Here is the call graph for this function:

struct rt_tasklet_struct* rt_find_tasklet_by_id unsigned long  id  ) 

Find a tasklet identified by its id.

id is the unique unsigned long to be used to identify the tasklet.
The support functions nam2num() and num2nam() can be used for setting up id from a six character string.

the pointer to a tasklet handler on success
Return values:
0 to indicate that id is not a valid identifier so that the related tasklet was not found.
Definition at line 310 of file tasklets.c.

References rt_tasklet_struct::id, rt_tasklet_struct::next, and tasklets_list.

struct rt_tasklet_struct * rt_init_tasklet void   )  [inline]

Init, in kernel space, a tasklet structure to be used in user space.

rt_tasklet_init allocate a tasklet structure (struct rt_tasklet_struct) in kernel space to be used for the management of a user space tasklet.

This function is to be used only for user space tasklets. In kernel space it is just an empty macro, as the user can, and must allocate the related structure directly, either statically or dynamically.

the pointer to the tasklet structure the user space application must use to access all its related services.
Definition at line 333 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

References INIT, LOW, rt_thread_create(), rtai_lxrt(), SIZARG, support_tasklet(), TASKLET_STACK_SIZE, TSKIDX, rtai_lxrt_t::v, and WAIT_IS_HARD.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int rt_insert_tasklet struct rt_tasklet_struct tasklet,
int  priority,
void(*  handler)(unsigned long),
unsigned long  data,
unsigned long  id,
int  pid

Insert a tasklet in the list of tasklets to be processed.

rt_insert_tasklet insert a tasklet in the list of tasklets to be processed.

tasklet is the pointer to the tasklet structure to be used to manage the tasklet at hand.
handler is the tasklet function to be executed.
data is an unsigned long to be passed to the handler. Clearly by an appropriate type casting one can pass a pointer to whatever data structure and type is needed.
id is a unique unsigned number to be used to identify the tasklet tasklet. It is typically required by the kernel space service, interrupt handler ot task, in charge of executing a user space tasklet. The support functions nam2num() and num2nam() can be used for setting up id from a six character string.
pid is an integer that marks a tasklet either as being a kernel or user space one. Despite its name you need not to know the pid of the tasklet parent process in user space. Simple use 0 for kernel space and 1 for user space.
Return values:
0 on success
a negative number to indicate that an invalid handler address has been passed.
Definition at line 427 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

References handler, rtai_lxrt_t::i, LOW, pid, rtai_lxrt(), SIZARG, TASK_INSERT, and TSKIDX.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int rt_insert_timer struct rt_tasklet_struct timer,
int  priority,
RTIME  firing_time,
RTIME  period,
void(*  handler)(unsigned long),
unsigned long  data,
int  pid

Insert a timer in the list of timers to be processed.

rt_insert_timer insert a timer in the list of timers to be processed. Timers can be either periodic or oneshot. A periodic timer is reloaded at each expiration so that it executes with the assigned periodicity. A oneshot timer is fired just once and then removed from the timers list. Timers can be reinserted or modified within their handlers functions.

timer is the pointer to the timer structure to be used to manage the timer at hand.
priority is the priority to be used to execute timers handlers when more than one timer has to be fired at the same time.It can be assigned any value such that: 0 < priority < RT_LOWEST_PRIORITY.
firing_time is the time of the first timer expiration.
period is the period of a periodic timer. A periodic timer keeps calling its handler at firing_time + k*period k = 0, 1. To define a oneshot timer simply use a null period.
handler is the timer function to be executed at each timer expiration.
data is an unsigned long to be passed to the handler. Clearly by a appropriate type casting one can pass a pointer to whatever data structure and type is needed.
pid is an integer that marks a timer either as being a kernel or user space one. Despite its name you need not to know the pid of the timer parent process in user space. Simple use 0 for kernel space and 1 for user space.
Return values:
0 on success
EINVAL if handler is an invalid handler address
Definition at line 364 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

References handler, rtai_lxrt_t::i, LOW, pid, rtai_lxrt(), RTIME, SIZARG, TIMER_INSERT, and TSKIDX.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void rt_register_task struct rt_tasklet_struct tasklet,
struct rt_tasklet_struct usptasklet,
RT_TASK task

Definition at line 700 of file tasklets.c.

References RT_TASK, task, rt_tasklet_struct::task, and rt_tasklet_struct::usptasklet.

void rt_remove_tasklet struct rt_tasklet_struct tasklet  )  [inline]

Remove a tasklet in the list of tasklets to be processed.

rt_remove_tasklet remove a tasklet from the list of tasklets to be processed.

tasklet is the pointer to the tasklet structure to be used to manage the tasklet at hand.
Definition at line 439 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

References rtai_lxrt(), SIZARG, TASK_REMOVE, and TSKIDX.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void rt_remove_timer struct rt_tasklet_struct timer  )  [inline]

Remove a timer in the list of timers to be processed.

rt_remove_timer remove a timer from the list of the timers to be processed.

timer is the pointer to the timer structure to be used to manage the timer at hand.
Definition at line 370 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

References rtai_lxrt(), SIZARG, TIMER_REMOVE, and TSKIDX.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void rt_set_tasklet_data struct rt_tasklet_struct tasklet,
unsigned long  data

Definition at line 402 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

References rtai_lxrt(), SET_DAT, SIZARG, and TSKIDX.

Here is the call graph for this function:

int rt_set_tasklet_handler struct rt_tasklet_struct tasklet,
void(*  handler)(unsigned long)

Definition at line 394 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

References handler, rtai_lxrt_t::i, LOW, rtai_lxrt(), SET_HDL, SIZARG, and TSKIDX.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void rt_set_tasklet_priority struct rt_tasklet_struct tasklet,
int  priority

Definition at line 433 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

References rtai_lxrt(), SET_TSK_PRI, SIZARG, and TSKIDX.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void rt_set_timer_firing_time struct rt_tasklet_struct timer,
RTIME  firing_time

Change the firing time of a timer.

rt_set_timer_firing_time changes the firing time of a periodic timer overloading any existing value, so that the timer next shoot will take place at the new firing time. Note that if a oneshot timer has its firing time changed after it has already expired this function has no effect. You should reinsert it in the timer list with the new firing time.

timer is the pointer to the timer structure to be used to manage the timer at hand.
firing_time is the new time of the first timer expiration.
This function can be used within the timer handler.

Return values:
0 on success.
Definition at line 382 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

References rtai_lxrt(), RTIME, SET_FIR_TIM, SIZARG, and TSKIDX.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void rt_set_timer_period struct rt_tasklet_struct timer,
RTIME  period

Change the period of a timer.

rt_set_timer_period changes the period of a periodic timer. Note that the new period will be used to pace the timer only after the expiration of the firing time already in place. Using this function with a period different from zero for a oneshot timer, that has not expired yet, will transform it into a periodic timer.

timer is the pointer to the timer structure to be used to manage the timer at hand.
period is the new period of a periodic timer.
The macro #rt_fast_set_timer_period can substitute the corresponding function in kernel space if both the existing timer period and the new one fit into an 32 bits integer.

This function an be used within the timer handler.

Return values:
0 on success.
Definition at line 388 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

References rtai_lxrt(), RTIME, SET_PER, SIZARG, and TSKIDX.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void rt_set_timer_priority struct rt_tasklet_struct timer,
int  priority

Change the priority of an existing timer.

rt_set_timer_priority change the priority of an existing timer.

timer is the pointer to the timer structure to be used to manage the timer at hand.
priority is the priority to be used to execute timers handlers when more than one timer has to be fired at the same time. It can be assigned any value such that: 0 < priority < RT_LOWEST_PRIORITY.
This function can be used within the timer handler. Definition at line 376 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

References rtai_lxrt(), SET_TASKLETS_PRI, SIZARG, and TSKIDX.

Here is the call graph for this function:

RT_TASK * rt_tasklet_use_fpu struct rt_tasklet_struct tasklet,
int  use_fpu

Definition at line 410 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

References LOW, RT_TASK, rt_task_use_fpu(), rtai_lxrt(), SIZARG, task, TSKIDX, USE_FPU, and rtai_lxrt_t::v.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void rt_timers_manager long  dummy  )  [static]

Definition at line 625 of file tasklets.c.

References asgn_min_prio(), flags, linux_cr0, rt_tasklet_struct::next, rem_timer(), restore_fpcr, restore_fpenv, RT_SCHED_LOWEST_PRIORITY, rt_sleep_until(), rt_spin_lock_irqsave(), rt_spin_unlock_irqrestore, rt_task_resume(), RTIME, save_fpcr_and_enable_fpu, save_fpenv, set_timer_firing_time(), timers_list, timers_lock, timers_manager, and tuned.

Referenced by __rtai_tasklets_init().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void rt_wait_tasklet_is_hard struct rt_tasklet_struct tasklet,
int  thread

Definition at line 707 of file tasklets.c.

References RT_SCHED_SUSPENDED, rt_tasklet_struct::task, and rt_tasklet_struct::thread.

void set_timer_firing_time struct rt_tasklet_struct timer,
RTIME  firing_time
[inline, static]

Definition at line 420 of file tasklets.c.

References enq_timer(), rt_tasklet_struct::firing_time, flags, rt_tasklet_struct::next, rt_tasklet_struct::prev, rem_timer(), rt_spin_lock_irqsave(), rt_spin_unlock_irqrestore, RTIME, and timers_lock.

Referenced by rt_timers_manager().

Here is the call graph for this function:

int support_tasklet void *  tasklet  )  [static]

Definition at line 296 of file rtai_tasklets.h.

References rt_tasklet_struct::data, rt_tasklet_struct::handler, handler, REG_TASK, rt_make_hard_real_time(), rt_make_soft_real_time(), RT_TASK, rt_task_delete(), rt_task_suspend(), rt_thread_init(), rtai_lxrt(), rtai_sti, SET_HDL, SIZARG, task, and TSKIDX.

Referenced by rt_init_tasklet().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

RT_TASK* rt_base_linux_task [static]

Definition at line 747 of file tasklets.c.

Referenced by __rtai_tasklets_exit(), and __rtai_tasklets_init().

struct rt_fun_entry rt_tasklet_fun[] [static]

Initial value:

Definition at line 140 of file tasklets.c.

Referenced by __rtai_tasklets_exit(), and __rtai_tasklets_init().

struct rt_tasklet_struct tasklets_list [static]

Initial value:

{ &tasklets_list, &tasklets_list, }
Definition at line 132 of file tasklets.c.

Referenced by rt_find_tasklet_by_id().

spinlock_t tasklets_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED [static]

Definition at line 135 of file tasklets.c.

int tasklets_stacksize = TASKLET_STACK_SIZE [static]

Definition at line 744 of file tasklets.c.

Referenced by __rtai_tasklets_init().

DEFINE_LINUX_CR0 struct rt_tasklet_struct timers_list [static]

Initial value:

{ &timers_list, &timers_list, RT_SCHED_LOWEST_PRIORITY, 0, RT_TIME_END, 0LL, 0, 0, 0, }
Definition at line 125 of file tasklets.c.

Referenced by asgn_min_prio(), enq_timer(), and rt_timers_manager().

spinlock_t timers_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED [static]

Definition at line 136 of file tasklets.c.

Referenced by asgn_min_prio(), rt_timers_manager(), and set_timer_firing_time().

RT_TASK timers_manager [static]

Definition at line 390 of file tasklets.c.

Referenced by __rtai_tasklets_exit(), __rtai_tasklets_init(), asgn_min_prio(), and rt_timers_manager().

Generated on Thu Nov 20 11:59:09 2008 for RTAI API by doxygen 1.3.8