base/include/asm-arm/rtai_sched.h File Reference

#include <asm/ptrace.h>

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#define I_BIT   PSR_I_BIT
#define rt_exchange_tasks(old_task, new_task)
#define init_arch_stack()
#define init_fp_env(spare_fpu_reg)   do { /* nop */ } while (0)


unsigned long current_domain_access_control (void)
void * get_stack_pointer (void)

Define Documentation


Definition at line 143 of file rtai_sched.h.


Definition at line 144 of file rtai_sched.h.

#define DO_TIMER_PROPER_OP  ) 


do { \ if (rtai_timer_irq_ack() < 0) \ return; \ } while (0)
Definition at line 158 of file rtai_sched.h.

#define I_BIT   PSR_I_BIT

Definition at line 52 of file rtai_sched.h.

#define init_arch_stack  ) 


do { \ task->stack -= 13; /* make room on stack */ \ task->stack[12] = (int)rt_startup; /* entry point */ \ task->stack[ 3] = SVC_MODE; /* cpsr */ \ task->stack[ 2] = (int)current_domain_access_control(); \ task->stack[ 1] = (int)data; /* arg 2 of rt_startup() */ \ task->stack[ 0] = (int)rt_thread; /* arg 1 " " */ \ } while (0)
Definition at line 133 of file rtai_sched.h.

#define init_fp_env spare_fpu_reg   )     do { /* nop */ } while (0)

Definition at line 145 of file rtai_sched.h.

#define rt_exchange_tasks old_task,
new_task   ) 


asm volatile( \ "mrc p15, 0, r2, c3, c0\n\t" /* get current domain_access_control */ \ "adr lr, 1f\n\t" /* get address of resume point */ \ "mrs r3, cpsr\n\t" /* get current cpsr */ \ "ldr ip, [%[oldp]]\n\t" /* get pointer to old task */ \ "stmfd sp!, {r0 - fp, lr}\n\t" /* push registers on stack */ \ "str %[new], [%[oldp]]\n\t" /* *oldp = new */ \ "str sp, [ip]\n\t" /* save current stack-pointer to old task */ \ "ldr sp, [%[new]]\n\t" /* get stack-pointer of new task */ \ "ldmfd sp!, {r0-r3}\n\t" /* pop new tasks' r0, r1, cpsr & d.a.c from stack */ \ "mcr p15, 0, r2, c3, c0\n\t" /* restore previous domain_access_control */ \ "msr cpsr_c, %[psr]\n\t" /* disable hw-irqs */ \ "msr spsr, r3\n\t" /* set spsr to previous cpsr */ \ "ldmfd sp!, {r4 - fp, pc}^\n\t" /* pop registers, pc = resume point, cpsr = spsr */ \ "1:" /* resume point (except for startup) */ \ : /* output */ /* none */ \ : /* input */ [oldp] "r" (&old_task), \ [new] "r" (new_task), \ [psr] "i" (SVC_MODE|I_BIT) \ : /* clobber */ "lr", "ip", "r2", "r3", "memory" \ )
Definition at line 89 of file rtai_sched.h.

Function Documentation

unsigned long current_domain_access_control void   )  [inline]

Definition at line 113 of file rtai_sched.h.

void* get_stack_pointer void   )  [inline]

Definition at line 148 of file rtai_sched.h.

Generated on Thu Nov 20 11:52:15 2008 for RTAI API by doxygen 1.3.8