Uses of Class

Packages that use SourceCatalog
edu.nrao.sss.model.source Astronomical source object model. 
edu.nrao.sss.model.source.parser Classes that create source catalogs from text input. 

Uses of SourceCatalog in edu.nrao.sss.model.source

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.source that return SourceCatalog
 SourceCatalog SourceCatalog.clone()
 SourceCatalog SourceCatalogProvider.findCatalogById(long id)
          Returns the catalog with the given ID, or null if this provider holds no such catalog.
static SourceCatalog SourceCatalog.fromXml(Reader reader)
          Creates a new catalog based on the XML data read from reader.
static SourceCatalog SourceCatalog.fromXml(String xmlFile)
          Creates a new catalog from the XML data in the given file.
 SourceCatalog SourceBuilder.makeCatalog(String name)

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.source that return types with arguments of type SourceCatalog
 List<SourceCatalog> SourceCatalogProvider.findCatalogByName(String name)
          Returns a list of all catalogs held by this provider with the given name.
 List<SourceCatalog> SourceCatalogProvider.findCatalogsOwnedBy(long ownerId)
          Returns a list of all catalogs held by this provider and owned by the user with the given ID.
 List<SourceCatalog> SourceCatalogProvider.findPublicCatalogs()
          Returns a list of all public catalogs held by this provider.
 List<SourceCatalog> SourceCatalogProvider.getCatalogs()
          Returns a list of all catalogs held by this provider.
protected  List<Validation<SourceCatalog>> SourceCatalogValidator.makeValidationList(ValidationPurpose purpose)

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.source with parameters of type SourceCatalog
 boolean SourceGroup.setCatalog(SourceCatalog newCatalog)
          Sets the catalog to which this source group belongs.
protected  void SourceGroup.simplySetCatalog(SourceCatalog newCatalog)
          Sets this group's catalog to newCatalog without contacting either the former or new catalog.

Constructors in edu.nrao.sss.model.source with parameters of type SourceCatalog
SourceGroup(SourceCatalog container, String nameOfGroup)
          Creates a new group that belongs to container.

Uses of SourceCatalog in edu.nrao.sss.model.source.parser

Fields in edu.nrao.sss.model.source.parser declared as SourceCatalog
protected  SourceCatalog AbstractSourceCatalogReader.catalog

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.source.parser that return SourceCatalog
 SourceCatalog AbstractSourceCatalogReader.getCatalog()
 SourceCatalog SourceCatalogReader.getCatalog()
          Returns the catalog most recently created by this reader.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.source.parser with parameters of type SourceCatalog
 boolean Astro2007aHtmlTableReader.addFileBrightnessesTo(SourceCatalog catalog)
          Adds to the sources in catalog any file-based brightnesses contained in this reader that are associated with sources of the same name.
 boolean Astro2007aHtmlTableReader.addImageLinksTo(SourceCatalog catalog)
          Adds to the sources in catalog any image links contained in this reader that are associated with sources of the same name.
 boolean Astro2007aHtmlTableReader.addLinksTo(SourceCatalog catalog)
          Adds to the sources in catalog any informational links contained in this reader that are associated with sources of the same name.
 boolean in, SourceCatalog destination)
          A default implementation of, SourceCatalog).
 boolean in, SourceCatalog destination)
          Reads data from in and uses it to add sources to destination.
 boolean in, SourceCatalog destination, FileCompressionFormat format)
          This method prepares the input stream in to be passed as an InputStreamReader to, SourceCatalog).
 boolean in, SourceCatalog destination, FileCompressionFormat format)
          Reads data from in and uses it to add sources to destination.
abstract  boolean in, SourceCatalog destination)
          An abstract method that must be implemented by subclasses.
 boolean in, SourceCatalog destination)
          NOTE: This method closes the incoming Reader!
 boolean in, SourceCatalog destination)
          Reads data from in and uses it to add sources to destination.
 boolean in, SourceCatalog destination)
          Reads data from in and uses it to add sources to destination.
 boolean in, SourceCatalog destination)
          NOTE: This method closes the incoming Reader!
 boolean in, SourceCatalog destination)
          NOTE: This method closes the incoming Reader!
 boolean in, SourceCatalog destination)
          NOTE: This method closes the incoming Reader!
 boolean in, SourceCatalog destination)
          NOTE: This method closes the incoming Reader!
 boolean in, SourceCatalog destination)
          NOTE: This method closes the incoming Reader!
 boolean in, SourceCatalog destination)
          NOTE: This method closes the incoming Reader!
 boolean in, SourceCatalog destination, String earliestDate)
          Reads data from in and uses it to add sources to destination.
 boolean fileName, SourceCatalog destination)
          A default implementation of, SourceCatalog).
 boolean fileName, SourceCatalog destination)
          Reads data from a file and uses it to add sources to destination.
 boolean AbstractSourceCatalogWriter.write(SourceCatalog cat, OutputStream out)
          Delegates to AbstractSourceCatalogWriter.write(SourceCatalog, OutputStream, FileCompressionFormat) passing a format of UNCOMPRESSED
 boolean SourceCatalogWriter.write(SourceCatalog cat, OutputStream out)
          Writes the sources in cat to the OutputStream out.
 boolean AbstractSourceCatalogWriter.write(SourceCatalog cat, OutputStream out, FileCompressionFormat format)
          Wraps the output stream in a ZipOutputStream or GZIPOutputStream as appropriate depending on format.
 boolean SourceCatalogWriter.write(SourceCatalog cat, OutputStream out, FileCompressionFormat format)
          Writes the sources in cat to the OutputStream out.
 boolean AbstractSourceCatalogWriter.write(SourceCatalog cat, String fileName)
          Delegates to AbstractSourceCatalogWriter.write(SourceCatalog, Writer).
 boolean SourceCatalogWriter.write(SourceCatalog cat, String fileName)
          Writes the sources in cat to a file
abstract  boolean AbstractSourceCatalogWriter.write(SourceCatalog cat, Writer out)
          Must be overridden to perform the actual writing.
 boolean PstSourceCatalogWriter.write(SourceCatalog catalog, Writer out)
          Must be overridden to perform the actual writing.
 boolean SourceCatalogWriter.write(SourceCatalog cat, Writer out)
          Writes the sources in cat to the Writer out.
 boolean XmlSourceCatalogWriter.write(SourceCatalog cat, Writer out)
          NOTE: This method closes the incoming Writer!

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