Uses of Class

Packages that use SourceBrightness
edu.nrao.sss.model.source Astronomical source object model. 

Uses of SourceBrightness in edu.nrao.sss.model.source

Subclasses of SourceBrightness in edu.nrao.sss.model.source
 class AreaBrightness
          A source brightness that spans an area, as opposed to a single point.
 class CleanFileBrightness
          A source brightness that is described by a Clean Components File.
 class DescriptiveBrightness
          A base class for all source brightnesses that are not file based.
 class DiskBrightness
          A source brightness of type BrightnessDistribution.DISK.
 class FileBasedBrightness
          A source brightness whose description is based on a well known file format.
 class FitsFileBrightness
          A source brightness that is described by a Flexible Image Transport System file.
 class GaussianBrightness
          A source brightness of type BrightnessDistribution.GAUSSIAN.
 class PointBrightness
          A source brightness of type BrightnessDistribution.POINT.
 class UnknownBrightness
          A source brightness whose properties are unknown.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.source that return SourceBrightness
 SourceBrightness SourceBrightness.clone()
          Returns a source brightness that is equal to this one.
static SourceBrightness SourceBrightness.createBrightness(BrightnessDistribution type)
          Returns a source brightness instance for the distribution of the given type.
static SourceBrightness[] SourceBrightness.createBrightnesses(VlaFluxObservation fluxRec)
          Creates a pair of source brightnesses based on fluxRec.
 SourceBrightness Subsource.getBrightness(Frequency frequency, Date time, StokesParameter polarization)
          Returns the source brightness that matches the given parameters, if any.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.source that return types with arguments of type SourceBrightness
 List<SourceBrightness> Subsource.getBrightnesses()
          Returns this subsource's collection of brightnesses.
 Map<StokesParameter,SourceBrightness> Subsource.getBrightnesses(Frequency frequency, Date time)
          Returns a map where the key is a StokesParameter and the value is a source brightness.
 SortedSet<SourceBrightness> Subsource.getBrightnesses(Frequency frequency, StokesParameter polarization)
          Returns a set of this subsource's brightnesses that match the given criteria.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.source with parameters of type SourceBrightness
 void Subsource.addBrightness(SourceBrightness newBrightness)
          Adds newBrightness to this subsource.
 boolean SourceBrightnessFilter.allows(SourceBrightness sb)
          Returns true if this filter allows the given source brightness to pass through it.
 boolean SourceBrightnessFilter.blocks(SourceBrightness sb)
          Returns true if this filter blocks the given source brightness.
 int SourceBrightness.compareTo(SourceBrightness other)
          Compares this brightness to other for order.
 void Subsource.removeBrightness(SourceBrightness oldBrightness)
          Removes oldBrightness from this subsource.

Method parameters in edu.nrao.sss.model.source with type arguments of type SourceBrightness
 void Subsource.setBrightnesses(List<SourceBrightness> replacementList)
          Replaces this subsource's collection of brightnesses with replacementList.

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