Uses of Class

Packages that use IFPair
edu.nrao.sss.model.resource.vla VLA hardware classes. 

Uses of IFPair in edu.nrao.sss.model.resource.vla

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.resource.vla that return IFPair
static IFPair IFPair.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static IFPair[] IFPair.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.resource.vla with parameters of type IFPair
 Frequency VlaConfiguration.getBandwidth(IFPair ifPair)
          Returns the bandwidth used for this configuration for the given IF pair.
 Frequency VlaConfiguration.getBandwidthNominal(IFPair ifPair)
 Frequency VlaConfiguration.getCentralFrequency(IFPair ifPair)
          Returns a copy of one of the two central frequencies that can be held by this configuration.
 Frequency VlaConfiguration.getCentralSkyFrequency(IFPair ifPair, DopplerTracker dt, Date dateTime)
          Returns a central sky frequency for the given IF pair.
 Frequency VlaConfiguration.getCentralSkyFrequency(IFPair ifPair, Source source, Date dateTime)
          Deprecated. do not use; see VlaConfiguration.getCentralSkyFrequency(IFPair, DopplerTracker, Date)
 FrequencyRange VlaConfiguration.getFrequencyRange(IFPair ifPair)
          Returns the sky frequency range for this configuration for the given IF pair.
 Frequency VlaConfiguration.getSSLO(IFPair ifPair)
          Deprecated. Do not use; see VlaConfiguration.getSSLO(IFPair, DopplerTracker, Date) instead.
 Frequency VlaConfiguration.getSSLO(IFPair ifPair, DopplerTracker dt, Date dateTime)
          Deprecated. Do not use; see VlaConfiguration.calcLoIfSetupParams(DopplerTracker, DopplerTracker, Date) instead.
 boolean VlaConfiguration.isSkyFrequency(IFPair ifPair)
          Returns true if the central frequency for the specified IFPair was specified as a Sky Frequency, false if it was specified as a Rest Frequency.
 void VlaConfiguration.setCentralFrequency(IFPair ifPair, Frequency central)
          calls setCentralFrequency(ifPair, central, true);
 void VlaConfiguration.setCentralFrequency(IFPair ifPair, Frequency central, boolean isSkyFrequency)
          Sets one of the two central frequencies that can be held by this configuration.
 boolean CorrelatorMode.uses(IFPair ifPair)
          Returns true if this mode uses the given IF pair.

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