Uses of Class

Packages that use WidarSubband
edu.nrao.sss.model.resource.evla EVLA hardware classes. 

Uses of WidarSubband in edu.nrao.sss.model.resource.evla

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.resource.evla that return WidarSubband
 WidarSubband WidarSubband.clone()
          Returns a copy of this subband.
static WidarSubband WidarSubband.fromXml(Reader reader)
          Creates a new subband based on the XML data read from reader.
static WidarSubband WidarSubband.fromXml(String xmlFile)
          Creates a new subband from the XML data in the given file.
 WidarSubband WidarBaseband.makeNewSubband()
 WidarSubband WidarBuilder.makeSubband()
          Creates a new subband whose values were assigned somewhat randomly.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.resource.evla with parameters of type WidarSubband
 void WidarBuilder.configure(WidarSubband sb)

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