Uses of Class

Packages that use SchedTime
edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scheduling [Put description here.] 

Uses of SchedTime in edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scheduling

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scheduling that return SchedTime
 SchedTime SchedTime.add(SchedTime otherTime)
          Deprecated. Returns a SchedTime that is the sum of the argument and this SchedTime.
 SchedTime SchedTime.add(TimeDuration td)
          Deprecated. Returns a SchedTime that is the sum of the argument and this SchedTime.
static SchedTime SchedTime.fromString(String str)
          Deprecated. Parses a string in the format used by Barry and returns a corresponding schedule time or null if there is no such time.
static SchedTime SchedTime.fromXml(Reader reader)
          Deprecated. Returns the SchedTime constructed from a reader or null if it is not possible to determine the corresponding time.
static SchedTime SchedTime.fromXml(String xmlString)
          Deprecated. Returns a SchedTime from an xml representation or null if it is not possible to parse the xml.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scheduling that return types with arguments of type SchedTime
protected  List<Validation<SchedTime>> SchedTimeValidator.makeValidationList(ValidationPurpose purpose)

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scheduling with parameters of type SchedTime
 SchedTime SchedTime.add(SchedTime otherTime)
          Deprecated. Returns a SchedTime that is the sum of the argument and this SchedTime.
 int SchedTime.compareTo(SchedTime otherTime)
 boolean SchedTime.equals(SchedTime other)
 TimeDuration SchedTime.subtract(SchedTime otherTime)
          Deprecated. Returns a TimeDuration that represents the time difference between this SchedTime and the argument.

Constructors in edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scheduling with parameters of type SchedTime
SchedTime(SchedTime copy)
          Deprecated. Constructs an instance of this SchedTime initialized to the same LST day and hour as the argument.

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