Uses of Class

Packages that use ScanTimeType
edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scan Scan object model. 

Uses of ScanTimeType in edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scan

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scan that return ScanTimeType
static ScanTimeType ScanTimeType.fromString(String text)
          Returns the scan time type represented by text.
static ScanTimeType ScanTimeType.getDefault()
          Returns the time type to use as a default.
 ScanTimeType FocusOffset.getDurationType()
          Returns the type of duration used by this offset.
 ScanTimeType PointingPosition.getDurationType()
          Returns the type of duration used by this position.
 ScanTimeType SwitchSetting.getDurationType()
          Returns the type of duration used by this setting.
 ScanTimeType TippingPosition.getDurationType()
          Returns the type of duration used by this position.
 ScanTimeType DelaySetting.getDurationType()
          Returns the type of duration used by this setting.
 ScanTimeType ScanTimeSpecification.getTimeType()
          Returns the type of time held by this specification.
static ScanTimeType ScanTimeType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static ScanTimeType[] ScanTimeType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scan that return types with arguments of type ScanTimeType
static List<ScanTimeType> ScanTimeType.siderealSubset()
          Returns the elements of this enumeration that are based on sidereal time.
static List<ScanTimeType> ScanTimeType.utSubset()
          Returns the elements of this enumeration that are based on universal time.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.project.scan with parameters of type ScanTimeType
 void ScanTimeSpecification.set(ScanTimeType newType, Date newDateTime)
          Specifies the universal date and time for a scan.
 void ScanTimeSpecification.set(ScanTimeType newType, LocalSiderealTime newLst)
          Specifies the local sidereal time for a scan.
 void ScanTimeSpecification.set(ScanTimeType newType, String newTimeText)
          Specifies the timing for a scan.
 void ScanTimeSpecification.set(ScanTimeType newType, TimeDuration newDuration)
          Specifies the duration for a scan.
 void ScanTimeSpecification.set(ScanTimeType newType, TimeOfDay newLst)
          Specifies the local sidereal time for a scan.
 void FocusOffset.setDurationType(ScanTimeType newType)
          Sets a new duration type for this offset.
 void PointingPosition.setDurationType(ScanTimeType newType)
          Sets a new duration type for this position.
 void SwitchSetting.setDurationType(ScanTimeType newType)
          Sets a new duration type for this setting.
 void TippingPosition.setDurationType(ScanTimeType newType)
          Sets a new duration type for this position.
 void DelaySetting.setDurationType(ScanTimeType newType)
          Sets a new duration type for this setting.

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