Uses of Class

Packages that use Parameter
edu.nrao.sss.model.parameter The EVLA Parameters Database, classes thereof. 

Uses of Parameter in edu.nrao.sss.model.parameter

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.parameter that return Parameter
 Parameter ParameterProvider.findParameterById(long id)
          Returns the Parameter with the given id, if any.

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.parameter that return types with arguments of type Parameter
 List<Parameter> ParameterProvider.findParameterByName(String name)
          Returns the Parameter(s) with the given name, if any.
 Map<Integer,Parameter> BatchUpdateFile.getParameterMap()
 List<Parameter> ParameterProvider.getParameters()
          Returns a list of all parameters held by this provider.
 List<Parameter> ParameterProvider.getParameters(ParameterFilter filter)
          Returns a list of parameters held this provider that can pass through filter.
protected  List<Validation<Parameter>> ParameterValidator.makeValidationList(ValidationPurpose purpose)

Methods in edu.nrao.sss.model.parameter with parameters of type Parameter
 void Parameter.addValue(Parameter parameter)
 boolean ParameterFilter.allows(Parameter param)
          Returns true if this filter allows the given parameter to pass through it.
 boolean ParameterFilter.blocks(Parameter param)
          Returns true if this filter blocks the given parameter.
 void Parameter.clone(Parameter parameter)

Constructors in edu.nrao.sss.model.parameter with parameters of type Parameter
Parameter(Parameter parameter)

Constructor parameters in edu.nrao.sss.model.parameter with type arguments of type Parameter
ParameterValidation(AbstractValidator<Parameter> validationContainer, ValidationPurpose reasonForValidation)

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