16-18 December 2008, Socorro, New Mexico, USA

  • Travel and Transportation:

    Participants should make their own travel arrangements for arriving in Socorro. The closest airport to Socorro is Albuquerque (ABQ), which is about 70 miles north of Socorro. If you are driving see these directions. We encourage attendees who rent cars to car-pool from the Albuquerque airport.

    If you are not renting a car or car-pooling with someone from the Albuquerque airport, then it is possible to arrange for transportation through American Transportation (formerly known as Socorro Taxi). The cost is approximately $70 one-way per person, and arrangements will be the responsibility of the traveler. Contact American Transportation directly (, or call, inside the US, the toll-free number 1-800-991-4276 or, outside the US, +1-575-835-4276). A credit card will be required, and reservations must be made well in advance.

    NRAO will provide shuttle transportation to and from the workshop hotels in the morning and the evening, and after the workshop dinner. This will help alleviate parking problems near the SOC.

    Directions in Socorro for getting to the NRAO DSOC or the Macey Center can be found here.