UNIX File Exchange

Windows File Exchange


Windows File Exchange


NRAO Windows Users

To make your files accessible to NRAO Windows users, use the Pub share that has been created by default on your NRAO-NM Windows computer.  On your Windows computer, open Windows Explorer and click on C:\Pub.  In this Explorer window, copy the files you want to give other NRAO Windows users access to.  Once these files have been placed on C:\Pub, they can be accessed on the NRAO intranet in Windows by clicking on Start, Run, typing in \\<hostname>\pub where <hostname> is the name of the computer on which the files reside, and clicking on OK.  In addition, other NRAO Windows users can also copy files to the Pub share on your Windows computer for you to access.


NRAO-NM Non-Windows Users

To make your files accessible to NRAO-NM Non-Windows users, use your user folder on filehost, e.g., \\filehost\mglenden.   Your filehost area may already be mapped in your Windows Explorer to a drive letter, e.g., Z:\.  If not, on your Windows computer, click on Start, Run, type in \\filehost\, and click on OK.  In this Explorer window, copy files you want to give other NRAO-NM non-Windows users access to. Once these files have been placed on your filehost area, they can be accessed on the NRAO intranet by NRAO-NM non-Windows users at /users/<username>, e.g., /users/mglenden.

Note: See HTML to share files with other Non-Window users at other NRAO sites.


Users Outside of NRAO

To make your files accessible to users outside of NRAO, use the AOC FTP server called ftp.aoc.nrao.edu.   To place your files on this FTP server from Windows, click on Start, Run, type in \\samba-aoc\ftp\staff\, and click on OK.

Note: If you do not already have a subfolder named after your username, e.g., \\samba-aoc\ftp\staff\mglenden, please contact the AOC Help Desk to have one created for you.

In the Explorer window that opens after you click on OK, copy the files you want users outside of NRAO to access.   Once these files have been placed in your area on ftp.aoc.nrao.edu, these files can be accessed off the NRAO intranet by anyone using a FTP program like WS FTP or putty and the user 'anonymous' along with any password.  Once connected to ftp.aoc.nrao.edu in a FTP program, go to /pub/staff/ to download the files.


To make your files accessible to users outside of NRAO and at other NRAO sites, use your webpage on the AOC webserver at http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~<username>, e.g., http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~mglenden.  To place your files in your area on this webserver, click on Start, Run, type in \\samba-aoc\\public_html on your NRAO Windows computer, and click on OK.  In the Explorer window that opens after you click on OK, copy the files you want users outside of NRAO and at other NRAO sites to access.   Once these files have been placed on your webpage, they can be accessed by a web browser such Firefox or Internet Explorer at http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~<username>.

Note: Files on your webpage can be downloaded by clicking on their filename as long as there is no index.html file in your webpage folder.


Author, Marie Glendenning

Content reviewed on: 21-November-2006
Reviewed by: Marie Glendenning

Page maintained by Gayle Rhodes