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Name Location Dat Drive Exabyte Drive CD Capability Other Peripherals
alcor Rm. 257 None None DVD-Writer None
alfirk Rm. 257 None None DVD-Writer None
capella Rm. 209 None None DVD-Writer None
dubhe Rm. 211 None None DVD-Writer None
hamal Rm. 209 None None DVD-Writer None
megrez Rm. 257 DDS-4 EL820* DVD-Writer None
mizar Rm. 211 None None DVD-Writer None
phecda Rm. 211 DDS-4 EL820* DVD-Writer None
thuban Rm. 209 None None DVD-Writer None
zaurak Rm. 209 DDS-4 EL820* DVD-Writer DAT-72

 * Drives read both low and high density tapes but can only write high density tapes. Will eject write-enabled low-density tapes.

Note: To avoid confusion and potential loss of data, the use of any of the tape drives should be coordinated with the designated user of the system it is attached to.   All computers and tape drives in public areas are labeled with their names.   If there is more than one tape drive on a system, please be careful to specify the right name for the drive you are attempting to use.

Content reviewed on: 26-April-2007
Reviewed by: K. Scott Rowe & Marie Glendenning

Page maintained by Jeff Goldin