Credit Page

Photo of Emile du Chatelet, 18th century French mathematician; from the Agnes Scott College Web site on Biographies of Women Mathematicians.

Stephan's Quintet, a small group of galaxies in the cluster Pegasus. Optical image from W.C. Keel and R.E. White III (University of Alabama)

Radio image of the source 3C338, in the cluster Abell 2100. From F. N. Owen (NRAO) and J. A. Eilek (NMT)

X-ray image of the inner part of cluster Abell 400, with the central radio source overlaid. From F. N. Owen (NRAO) and J. A. Eilek (NMT)

The central regions of the galaxy Centaurus A; optical image from the Catania Astrophysical Observatory Catania.

The Hercules cluster, Abell 2151, a spiral-rich cluster of galaxies. Image taken by Gergory Bothun U. of Oregon(University of Oregon), through University of Alabama photo archive (W.C. Keel).

Hilfy Chanur; (c) 1992 Michael Whelan and DAW books.

A bright, classical double radio galaxy. Radio image from Clarke etal, ApJ 385, 173, 1992. Check the Web site of A.H. Bridle (NRAO) for a better rendition of the image and discussion of the source.

Magnetic field model for rotating dipolar field, offsett by 85 degrees from rotation axis. This particular orientation is thought to describe the Crab pulsar. The last open field lines are shown; these contain the radio loud plasma. Model by J.A. Eilek and P.N. Arendt (NMT).

Optical image of M51, the Whirlpool galaxy. A three-color reconstruction, from W. C. Keel (U. Alabama).

Optical image of the central regions of the Crab Nebula, showing the dynamic filament system around the Crab pulsar. Data by J. Hester & P. Scowen, from the HST public information Web site; check there for better pictures and more information.

Optical image, from HST, of the central dust disk in the center of the galaxy NGC 4261. Data by H. Ford & L. Ferrarese, from the HST public information Web site; check there for better pictures and more information.

Radio profile of pulsar 1541+09; taken at Arecibo by T.H. Hankins (NMT) & J.M. Rankin (U. Vermont).

Radio image of the tailed radio galaxy 1231+674, in the cluster Abell 1559. VLA image from F.N. Owen (NRAO) & M. J. Ledlow (NMSU); also O'Donoghue etal Ap.J. Supp. 72, 75, 1990.

Radio image of the double radio galaxy 1155+266, in the cluster Abell 1452. VLA image from F.N. Owen (NRAO) & M. J. Ledlow (NMSU).
An unusual tailed radio source with double jets, emanating from the double nuclei in the parent galaxy. This galaxy is the central galaxy in the cluster Abell 400. Radio image from Owen etal, ApJ (Letters), 294, L85, 1985.

X-ray image of the inner part of cluster Abell 400, with the central radio source overlaid. From F. N. Owen (NRAO) and J. A. Eilek (NMT)

A tailed radio source attached to the central galaxy in the cluster Abell 2634. Radio image from F. N. Owen (NRAO) and J. A. Eilek (NMT) .

X-ray image of the inner part of cluster Abell 2634, with the central radio source overlaid. From F. N. Owen (NRAO) and J. A. Eilek (NMT)


Last Update: January 2, 1998