Ohio trip, May 10-17, 2008

You may click on these small pictures to see more detailed versions. Most viewers put a line around the pictures that are clickable. There are a lot of pictures because MaGee Marsh is an absolutely wonderful place. Birds in migration pause there to eat and rest before crossing Lake Erie to Point Pelee. It is a small area with a nice boardwalk about 20 miles east of Toledo. It is crowded with birders but they are generally friendly and helpful. I also visited with my sister in Columus and birded in the nice Brandon Woods Metro Park near her home. All pictures below are from Magee Marsh boardwalk except as noted. I have not bothered with dates since almost every day was entirely spent in the one location; order is taxonomic. This trip yielded 2 life birds (Black-billed Cuckoo and Connecticut Warbler) and 14 life photos.

[Boardwalk entrance sign] [Trumpeter Swan] [Trumpeter Swan] [Canada Goose]

Boardwalk entrance sign,
Trumpeter Swan (digiscoped along Highway 2) and at Metzger Marsh Wildlife Area
(from a population introduced at Ottawa NWR), Canada Goose at Magee Marsh Visitors' Center

[Great blue Heron] [Bald Eagle] [Solitary Sandpiper] [Solitary Sandpiper] [Ruddy Turnstone]

Great blue Heron (fighting wind over Lake Erie), Bald Eagle (Metzger Marsh also seen at Magee),
Solitary Sandpiper, Ruddy Turnstone

[American Woodcock] [American Woodcock] [American Woodcock] [Black-billed Cuckoo] [Black-billed Cuckoo] [Black-billed Cuckoo]

American Woodcock (flash makes eyes red) and Black-billed Cuckoo

[Eastern Screech-Owl] [Red-bellied Woodpecker]

Eastern Screech Owl, Red-bellied Woodpecker (Columbus)

[White-eyed Vireo] [White-eyed Vireo] [Philadelphia Vireo] [Philadelphia Vireo] [Philadelphia Vireo] [Red-eyed Vireo]

White-eyed, Philadelphia, and Red-eyed Vireos

[Purple Martin] [Purple Martin] [Black-capped Chickadee] [Black-capped Chickadee] [Red-breasted Nuthatch] [Red-breasted Nuthatch]

Purple Martin (Magee Marsh Visitor Center, Metzger Marsh),
Black-capped Chickadee, and Red-breasted Nuthatch

[House Wren] [House Wren] [Ruby-crowned Kinglet] [Veery] [Veery] [Veery]

House Wren, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Veery

[Gray-cheeked Thrush] [Gray-cheeked Thrush] [Gray-cheeked Thrush] [Swainson's Thrush] [Swainson's Thrush]

Gray-cheeked Thrush (3 at left) and Swainson's Thrush (2 at right)

[Wood Thrush] [Wood Thrush] [Wood Thrush] [American Robin] [American Robin]

Wood Thrush (Columbus) and American Robin

[Tennessee Warbler] [Tennessee Warbler] [Tennessee Warbler] [Nashville Warbler] [Nashville Warbler] [Nashville Warbler]

Tennessee and Nashville Warbler

[Northern Parula] [Northern Parula] [Northern Parula] [Northern Parula] [Yellow Warbler] [Yellow Warbler] [Yellow Warbler]

Northern Parula and Yellow Warbler

[Chestnut-sided Warbler] [Chestnut-sided Warbler] [Chestnut-sided Warbler] [Chestnut-sided Warbler]

Chestnut-sided Warbler

[Magnolia Warbler] [Magnolia Warbler] [Magnolia Warbler] [Magnolia Warbler]

Magnolia Warbler

[Cape May Warbler] [Cape May Warbler] [Cape May Warbler] [Black-throated Blue Warbler] [Black-throated Blue Warbler] [Black-throated Blue Warbler] [Black-throated Blue Warbler]

Cape May and Black-throated Blue Warbler

[Black-throated Green Warbler] [Black-throated Green Warbler] [Black-throated Green Warbler] [Black-throated Green Warbler] [Blackburnian Warbler] [Blackburnian Warbler]

Black-throated Green and Blackburnian Warbler

[Palm Warbler] [Bay-breasted Warbler] [Bay-breasted Warbler] [Blackpoll Warbler] [Blackpoll Warbler] [Prothonotary Warbler]

Palm, Bay-breasted, Blackpoll, and Prothonotary (Visiters' center trail) Warblers

[Black-and-white Warbler] [Black-and-white Warbler] [Black-and-white Warbler] [American Redstart] [American Redstart] [American Redstart]

Black-and-white Warbler, American Redstart

[Ovenbird] [Ovenbird] [Ovenbird] [Northern Waterthrush] [Connecticut Warbler] [Connecticut Warbler] [Connecticut Warbler]

Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush, and Connecticut Warbler

[Mourning Warbler] [Mourning Warbler] [Mourning Warbler] [Mourning Warbler] [Common Yellowthroat] [Common Yellowthroat]

Mourning Warbler and Common Yellowthroat

[Hooded Warbler] [Hooded Warbler] [Wilson's Warbler] [Wilson's Warbler] [Canada Warbler] [Canada Warbler]

Hooded (Columbus), Wilson's, and Canada Warbler

[Gray Catbird] [Gray Catbird] [Gray Catbird] [Scarlet Tanager] [Scarlet Tanager] [Scarlet Tanager]

Scarlet Tanager

[Grasshopper Sparrow] [Grasshopper Sparrow] [Lincoln's Sparrow] [Lincoln's Sparrow] [Swamp Sparrow] [White-throated Sparrow]

Grasshopper (Oak Openings Metro Park of Toledo),
Lincoln's, Swamp, and White-throated Sparrows

[Northern Cardinal] [Rose-breasted Grosbeak] [Rose-breasted Grosbeak] [Red-winged Blackbird] [Baltimore Oriole]

Northern Cardinal, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Red-winged Blackbird, and Baltimore Oriole

Eric W. Greisen