! Example schedule for Mark IV observations ! with 1024 Mbps recorded bit rate. This uses 2 heads and ! 16 Mbps per track. ! ! Created originally for testing purposes: H.J. van Langevelde ! Adapted as a SCHED example: R.C. Walker 28 Dec 2000. ! Adapted for 1024 Mbps from eg512g.key by R.C. Walker 19 Feb 2003. ! ! Adapted for DISK use - make sure there are gaps for Tys measurements ! every 15 min and also gaps for Mark5 diskbank changes ! ! "*" in M31* removed. The VEX parser doesn't like it. April 11, 2014 RCW. ! ! Control code and print requests ! overwrite sumitem=el1, el2, early, dwell, disk, slew !optmode = scans !opminant = 3 ! ! Cover information. ! expt = 'Experiment that exercises 1024 Mbps' expcode = 'eg1024' version = 2 piname = 'Huib van Langevelde' address1 = 'JIVE, Radiosterrenwacht Dwingeloo' address2 = 'Postbus 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo' address3 = 'the Netherlands' phone = '+31 521 596 515' obsphone = '+31 528 221 273' fax = '+31 521 597 332' email = 'langevelde@jive.nl' obsmode = 'VLBA/MKIV' obstype = 'VLBI' ! ! Correlator information. ! correl = 'JIVE' coravg = 2 corchan = 128 cornant = 8 corpol = 'on' corwtfn = 'uniform' corsrcs = 'standard' cortape = DAT corship1 = 'Huib van Langevelde' corship2 = 'JIVE, Radiosterrenwacht Dwingeloo' corship3 = 'Postbus 2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo' corship4 = 'the Netherlands' cornote1 = ' ' ! ! ! ! ========================================================== ! =================== Source Catalog ===================== ! ========================================================== ! Get source coordinates for fringe finders, phase-reference ! source, etc, from the DEFAULT catalog ! The main source catalog options are sources.gsfc (Goddard) ! and sources.rfc (Petrov). srcfile = $SCHED/catalogs/sources.gsfc ! But my (Huib?) favourite strong, polarised source isn't in the DEFAULT ! catalog so I shall specify that separately. Also, J0045+4555 ! had dropped out of the standard catalog, presumably because the ! position was unreliable (only 2 observations). The entry here ! is taken from sources.vlba that was in use up to Nov. 2010. ! Note that this source is in more recent catalogs with more observations, ! but keep here for purposes of the example. ! ! This example used to have the first sources as "M31*". But it ! was learned that the VEX parser does not like the '*', so that was ! dropped. Generally characters other than letters, numbers, + and - are not ! recommended. srccat / EQUINOX = J2000 SOURCE='M31' RA=00:42:44.329 DEC=41:16:08.42 / SOURCE='J0045+4555','0042+456' RA=00:45:00.0324110 DEC= 45:55:15.263930 RAERR= 19.700 DECERR= 11.040 CALCODE='V' REMARKS='Petrov Dec. 2009 Solution 2009c_astro 2 Observations' / endcat / ! ! ! ========================================================== ! Get stations from the DEFAULT catalog ! ========================================================== ! Use the digital era stations file even though the VLBA is not in ! this schedule. stafile = $SCHED/catalogs/stations_RDBE.dat ! ! ! ========================================================== ! ==================== Setup Information =================== ! ========================================================== ! ! Get frequency information from the DEFAULT catalog - again the ! one from the digital era. ! freqfile = '$SCHED/catalogs/freq_RDBE.dat' ! ! ! Setup file for a 1024 mode. This is 16 channels, 2 bits, 16 MHz/channel ! which is 64 Mbps per channel. ! setinit = eg1024-1024 / ! The 1024 Mbps mode for this example. band = '6cm' nchan = 16 bits = 2 bbfilter = 16.0 pol = dual / endset / ! ! ! Set date and start time. ! year = 2010 month = 3 day = 4 start = 16:00:00 ! ! ! stations = eflsberg, jodrell1, cambg32m, onsala85, wb, noto, medicina, torun ! setup = eg1024-1024 ! ! The schedule is adapted for DISK based recording ! ! TSYS measurement information: ! ! PIs should keep in mind that MarkIV DAR stations measure the ! noise diode whenever there is an appropriate gap in recording. ! A measurement on the noise diode every 15 min is reccomended ! ! SCHED also requires that there is a gap of at least ! 22 min (for 1024Gb/s recording) to enable proper switching of ! diskpacks ! ! ! First two scans on the fringe finder gap 40 repeat 1 source = '3C48' dur = 11:00 / gap 40 repeat 1 source = '3C48' dur = 11:00 / ! ! ! Now the phase-reference and target source loop ! ! Since the JODRELL BANK LOVELL Telescope ("jodrell1"), used here, is restricted ! in the frequency of source changes to no more than 12 per hour, for phase-referencing ! experiments, either a cycle times of 10 mins can be sustained (e.g. 3m cal + 7m target). ! OR in this case where we require faster cycle times, one scan of the phase-calibrator is ! omited instead by re-issuing the "STATIONS= " command. ! ! Tihs example does not include POLARIZATION calibration ! ! group 12 repeat 4 ! STATIONS = jodrell1,eflsberg,wb,cambg32m,onsala85,medicina,noto,torun source='J0045+4555' dur=1:30 gap=1:00 / source='m31' dur=3:30 gap 0 / ! ! Omit JODRELL1 in the next scan ! STATIONS = eflsberg,wb,cambg32m,onsala85,medicina,noto,torun source='J0045+4555' dur=1:30 gap 0 / ! ! Include JODRELL1 again ! STATIONS = jodrell1,eflsberg,wb,cambg32m,onsala85,medicina,noto,torun source='m31' dur=3:30 gap 0 / source='J0045+4555' dur=1:30 gap 0 / source='m31' dur=3:30 gap 0 / ! STATIONS = eflsberg,wb,cambg32m,onsala85,medicina,noto,torun source='J0045+4555' dur=1:30 gap=1:00 / STATIONS = jodrell1,eflsberg,wb,cambg32m,onsala85,medicina,noto,torun source='m31' dur=3:30 gap 0 / source='J0045+4555' dur=1:30 gap 0 / source='m31' dur=3:30 gap 0 / STATIONS = eflsberg,wb,cambg32m,onsala85,medicina,noto,torun source='J0045+4555' dur=1:30 gap 0 / STATIONS = jodrell1,eflsberg,wb,cambg32m,onsala85,medicina,noto,torun source='m31' dur=3:30 gap 0 / ! gap 03:00 repeat 1 source = '3C48' dur = 11:00 /