Postdocs & Invited Speakers
Last update 2009-04-08 22:45 MST
Manuel Aravena (NRAO, CV)
Esteban Araya (NRAO/UNM)
Geoffrey Bower (UC Berkeley)
Claire Chandler (NRAO, Socorro)
Aeree Chung (NRAO, Socorro)
Stuartt Corder (NRAO/Joint ALMA
Adam Deller (NRAO, Socorro)
Paul Demorest (NRAO, CV)
Violetta Impellizzeri (NRAO, CV)
Nissim Kanekar (NRAO, Socorro)
Brian Kent (NRAO, CV)
Amanda Kepley (UVA/NRAO)
Masaya Kuniyoshi (UNM)
James Miller-Jones (NRAO, CV)
Maurilio Pannella (NRAO, Socorro)
Rachel Rosen (NRAO, GB)
Michael Rupen (NRAO, Socorro)
Veronica Strazzullo (NRAO, Socorro)
Jeff Wagg (NRAO, Socorro)
Registered Local Science Staff
Last update 2009-03-18 15:35
Sanjay Bhatnagar
Chris Carilli
Barry Clark
Jean Eilek (NMT)
Dale Frail
Miller Goss
Eric Greisen
Juergen Ott
Frazer Owen
Deborah Shepherd
Gustaaf van Moorsel
Lisa Young (NMT)

Participants of the 2009 NRAO Postdoctoral Symposium held at the NRAO in Socorro, April 29 to May 1, 2009.