2010 January 15
Kunegunda BELLE | LANL | Dust in Intermediate Polars: Light Curves from the Spitzer Space Telescope (P) |
David BIZZOZERO | UNM/LANL | Faster-than-light Sources of Electromagnetic Radiation: Relevance to Gamma-Ray-Bursts (P) |
Jillian BORNAK | NMSU | Dust to Dust: Grain Formation & Evolution in Classical Novae (T) |
Jack BRANDT | UNM | |
Walter BRISKEN | NRAO | |
Claire CHANDLER | NRAO | EVLA Observations of the Orion Hot Core: a Taste of the Future (T) |
Tzu-Ching CHANG | CITA | |
Eli CLARK | Cibola High School | |
Shang-Ying CLARK | Tau Technologies | |
Timothy CLARK | Tau Technologies | |
Patrick CRANE | NRL | |
Edward CRAWFORD | University of Washington | |
Michelle CREECH-EAKMAN | NMT/MRO | Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer: Advancing to First Light and New Science (T) |
Abhirup DATTA | NMT/NRAO | |
Fonda DAY | UNM | IRAS 19190+1102: A New Water Fountain PPN (T) |
Adam DELLER | NRAO | The contribution of the DiFX software correlator to the VLBA sensitivity upgrade (P) |
Vivek DHAWAN | NRAO | |
Helene R. DICKEL | UNM | |
John R. DICKEL | UNM | |
Bob DICKMAN | NRAO | Triaxiality, Isophotal Twist and the Bok Globule CB4 (P) |
Vincent DOVYDAITIS | Astron. Soc. of Las Cruces | |
Jean EILEK | NMT | Using Twisted Helices to Model the M87 Jet (P) |
Joseph H. FASEL | LANL | Comparison of observations with a model of pulsar radiation from superluminally rotating extended sources: spectra and flux-distance relation (T) |
Dave FINLEY | NRAO | |
Miller GOSS | NRAO | The New Zealand Cosmic Noise Expedition of 1948 - Revisited (T) |
Eric W. GREISEN | NRAO | |
Joyce Ann GUZIK | LANL | Studying Hybrid gamma Doradus/delta Scuti Variable Stars with Kepler (T) + (P) & (P) |
Todd HAINES | LANL | |
Ryan T. HAMILTON | NMSU | K-band Observations of Subgap CV's (P) |
Jacob HARTMAN | NRL | |
Miriam Krauss HARTMAN | NRAO | |
Trish HENNING | UNM | |
Brigette HESMAN | NRAO | Microwave Observations of Neptune (P) |
Dean C. HINES | Space Science Institute | Exoplanetary Circumstellar Environments and Disk Explorer (EXCEDE): A new space telescope concept for NASA's Explorers Program (T) |
Kamel HOUAIRI | MRO/NMT | NESSI: the New Mexico Tech Extrasolar Spectroscopic Survey Instrument (P) |
Robert HUECKSTAEDT | LANL | Local and Global Radiative Feedback: The Rise of Early Stellar Populations (P) |
Phillip JENKS | NMT | |
Anders M. JORGENSEN | NMT | Extremely Accurate Stellar Diameter Measurements With the Help of Coherent Integration: Nu Ophiuchus (P) |
Nina KARACHIK | NSO | Formation of Coronal Holes on Ashes of Decaying Active Regions (P) |
William KETZEBACK | NMSU/APO | Early Results of a High-Resolution Spectroscopic Monitoring Program of the Mysterious Eclipsing Binary, Epsilon Aurigae, at Apache Point Observatory (P) |
Roger KOPP | LANL (ret.) | |
Justin LINFORD | UNM | |
Maria LINFORD | CNM | |
David MARTIN | UNM | |
Josh MARVIL | NMT | |
Jacqueline MCCLEARY | NMSU | High-Contrast Flares in the ANCHORS X-ray Database (P) |
Travis MCINTYRE | UNM | The Arecibo L-band Feed Array (ALFA) Zone of Avoidance Survey (P) |
Mark MCKINNON | NRAO | The LEAP of Pulsars in the Milky Way (P) |
John MIDDLEDITCH | LANL | Supernova 1987A Interpreted through the SLIP Model (P) |
Charles MILLER | NMSU | Analysis of Images from the Apache Point Observatory LCROSS Impact Observation Campaign (P) |
Eric MILLER | UNM | |
Franklin MILLER | Aerospace Corp. (ret.) | |
Stephanie MOATS | NMT | |
Emmanuel MOMJIAN | NRAO | First Detection of the Zeeman Effect in the 36 GHz Class I Methanol Maser Line with the EVLA (P) |
Katie MUSSACK | LANL | Dynamic screening in solar p-p reactions (P) |
Steven T. MYERS | NRAO | |
Peter NAPIER | NRAO | |
Lynn D. V. NEAKRASE | NMSU/ASU | Estimating atmospheric dust contributions on Mars from laboratory studies of dust devils (T) |
Kristina NYLAND | NMT | VLA HI Imaging of HIPASS-Selected Early Type Galaxies (P) |
Juergen OTT | NRAO | |
Frazer OWEN | NRAO | |
Maurilio PANNELLA | NRAO | The nature of faint radio sources: insights from a panchromatic approach (T) |
Maria PATTERSON | NMSU | HII Regions in the Outer Disk and Tidal Arms of M81 (P) |
Ue-Li PEN | CITA | Peeling broad band time variable RFI sources (T) |
Alexei PEVTSOV | NSO | |
Ylva PIHLSTROM | UNM | 6.7 GHz Methanol Masers in M31 (P) |
Richard RAND | UNM | A Spitzer Spectroscopic View of Gaseous Halos (P) |
Lee J. RICKARD | UNM | |
Paige ROMERO | UNM | |
Jonathan D. ROMNEY | NRAO | The VLBA Sensitivity Upgrade: Science and Status (T) |
Teresa ROSS | NMSU | Examining the Mg II Absorber-Galaxy connection at Intermediate Redshift (P) |
Nirupam ROY | NRAO | |
Nicolay RUZHENTSEV | Institute of Radio Astronomy | On Possibilities of Computed Method for Obtaining of Astroclimatic Estimations in the Radio Astronomy |
Eileen V. RYAN | NMT/MRO | |
Andrea SCHMIDT | UNM/LANL | Quantitative Agreement of Pulsar Spectra with the Emission from a Rotating Faster-than-light Source Across Sixteen Orders of Magnitude (P) |
Luke SCHMIDT | NMT | |
Hans SCHOON | Team Technologies Incorporated | |
David SHAFFER | Lowell Observatory (adjunct) | |
Jonathan SIEVERS | CITA | |
Lorant SJOUWERMAN | NRAO | 36.2 GHz Methanol Masers in Sagittarius A (T) |
Jason SPEIGHTS | NMT | The Winding HI Spiral Arms of the Barred Galaxy NGC 1365 (P) |
Veronica STRAZZULLO | NRAO | The massive red sequence of cluster galaxies at z~1.4 (T) |
Michael TAMASHIRO | ||
Greg TAYLOR | UNM | A Progress Report on the Long Wavelength Array (P) |
Steven TREMBLAY | UNM | Polarization Properties of Active Galaxies on Parsec Scales (P) |
R. Craig WALKER | NRAO | Probing the TeV Emission and Jet Collimation Regions in M87 (T) |
Stephen WHITE | AFRL | |
Joan WROBEL | NRAO | Parsec-Scale Localization of the Quasar SDSS J1536+0441A, a Candidate Binary Black Hole System (P) |
Lisa YOUNG | NMT | |
Laura ZSCHAECHNER | UNM | Modeling Vertically Extended Neutral Gas in the Edge-on Galaxy NGC4302 (P) |
This page last updated on 2010 January 14 by Brigette Hesman.