No. |
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Authors |
1. |
Dust in Intermediate Polars: Light Curves from the Spitzer Space Telescope
K. E. Belle (LANL), D. W. Hoard (SSC), S. B. Howell (NOAO)
2. |
Early Results of a High-Resolution Spectroscopic Monitoring Program of the Mysterious Eclipsing Binary
W. Ketzeback, R. McMillan, J. Dembicky, G. Saurage, J, Huehnerhoff
(Apache Point), J. Coughlin (NMSU), J. Barentine (UTA), S. Schmidt,
S. Hawley & G. Wallerstein (U. of Washington)
3. |
K-Band Observations of Subgap CV's
Ryan T. Hamilton, T. E. Harrison (NMSU),
C. Tappert (Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile) &
S. B. Howell (NOAO)
4. |
First Detection of the Zeeman Effect in the 36 GHz Class I Methanol Maser Line with the EVLA
E. Momjian (NRAO) & A.P. Sarma (De Paul U.)
5. |
3D Solar Model using the Djehuty Code
J. A. Guzik (LANL) & D. S. Dearborn (LLNL)
6. |
Early Solar Mass Loss and the Solar Abundance Problem
J.A. Guzik & K. Mussack (LANL)
7. |
Quantitative Agreement of Pulsar Spectra with the Emission from a Rotating Faster-than-light Source Across Sixteen Orders of Magnitude
A. Schmidt (UNM/LANL), J. Singleton (LANL), H. Ardavan (Cambridge), J. Fasel (LANL), D. Bizzozero (UNM/LANL), J. Middleditch (LANL)
8. |
The LEAP of Pulsars in the Milky Way
M. McKinnon (NRAO)
9. |
Supernova 1987A Interpreted through the SLIP Model
J. Middleditch (LANL)
10. |
Faster-than-light Sources of Electromagnetic Radiation: Relevance to Gamma-Ray-Bursts
D. Bizzozero (UNM/LANL), P. Volegov (LANL), H. Ardavan (Cambridge), A. Schmidt (UNM/LANL), J. Fasel (LANL), A. Ardavan (Oxford) & J. Singleton (NHMFL/LANL)
11. |
HII Regions in the Outer Disk and Tidal Arms of M81,
M.T. Patterson, R.A.M. Walterbos (NMSU),
D.A. Thilker (Johns Hopkins U.), R.C. Kennicutt (Institute of Astronomy)
& C. Chiappini (Geneva Observatory/INAF-OATrieste)
12. |
6.7 GHz Methanol Masers in M31
Y.M. Pihlstrom (UNM), L.O. Sjouwerman (NRAO), V. Fish (Haystack)
13. |
Extremely Accurate Stellar Diameter Measurements with the Help of
Coherent Integration: Nu Ophiuchus
A.M. Jorgensen (NMT),
H. Schmitt,
J.T. Armstrong (NRL),
C. Tycner (Central Michigan U.),
R. Hindsley (NRL),
R.T. Zavala (Naval Observatory Flagstaff) &
D. Mozurkewich (Seabrook Engineering)
14. |
Modeling Vertically Extdended Neutral Gas in the Edge-on Galaxy NGC4302
L.K. Zschaechner, R.J. Rand (UNM), R.A. Walterbos (NMSU) &
R.A. Benjamin - University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
15. |
Using Twisted Helices to Model the M87 Jet
J. Eilek (NMT/NRAO), P. Hardee (U. Alabama), A. Lobanov (MPIfR/Bonn) & F. Owen (NRAO)
16. |
Parsec-Scale Localization of the Quasar SDSS J1536+0441A, a Candidate Binary Black Hole System
J. Wrobel (NRAO) & A. Laor (Technion)
17. |
Polarization Properties of Active Galaxies on Parsec Scales
S.E. Tremblay (UNM), G.B. Taylor (UNM,NRAO) & J.F Helmboldt (NRL)
18. |
Local and Global Radiative Feedback: The Rise of Early Stellar Populations
R. Hueckstaedt (LANL), D. Whalen (Carnegie Mellon U.), and T. McConkie (Brigham Young U.)
19. |
The Arecibo L-Band Feed Array (ALFA) Zone of Avoidance Survey
T. McIntyre, P.A. Henning & R. Minchin (UNM)
20. |
VLA HI Imaging of HIPASS-Selected Early Type Galaxies
K. Nyland, L. Young, D. Lucero (NMT)
R. Morganti (ASTRON) & E. Sadler (U. of Sydney)
21. |
A Spitzer Spectroscopic View of Gaseous Halos
Richard Rand (UNM),
R.A. Benjamin (U. of Wisconsin-Whitewater) &
K, Wood (U. of St. Andrews)
22. |
Examining the Mg II Absorber-Galaxy connection at Intermediate Redshift
T. Ross, C. Churchill (NMSU), G. Kacprzak (Swinburne U.), J. Holtzman (NMSU), A. Connolly (U. of Washington), C. Steidel (Caltech) & M.Murphy (Swinburne U.)
23. |
Microwave Observations of Neptune
B. Hesman (NRAO), M. Hofstadter (JPL), B. Butler (NRAO) & K. Devaraj (Georgia Tech)
24. |
Formation of Coronal Holes on Ashes of Decaying Active Regions
N. Karachik & A.A. Pevtsov (NSO)
25. |
Analysis of Images from the Apache Point Observatory LCROSS Impact Observation Campaign
C. Miller, N.J. Chanover, R.T. Hamilton (NMSU), R.M. Suggs (NASA-MSFC) & R.J. McMillan (APO)
26. |
Dynamic screening in solar p-p reactions
K. Mussack (LANL)
27. |
NESSI: the New Mexico Tech Extrasolar Spectroscopic Survey Instrument
K. Houairi,
C. Jurgenson,
M. Creech-Eakman (NMT/MRO),
G. Vasisht,
M. Swain (NASA/JPL),
F. Santoro (NMT/MRO),
P. Deroo (NASA/JPL),
P. Boston (NMT) &
P. Chen (NASA/JPL)
28. |
A Progress Report on the Long Wavelength Array
G.B. Taylor & J. Craig (UNM) on behalf of the LWA Collaboration
29. |
The contribution of the DiFX software correlator to the VLBA sensitivity upgrade
A. Deller, W. Brisken, J. Romney & C. Walker (NRAO)
30. |
The VLBA: A Telescope Moving Forward
J.S. Ulvestad, J.D, Romney, W.F. Brisken, A.T. Deller, R.C. Walker & S.J Durand (NRAO)
31. |
Orion KL at K-band with the EVLA WIDAR Correlator
32. |
The Winding HI Spiral Arms of the Barred Galaxy NGC 1365
J. Speights & D. Westpfahl (NMT)
33. |
High-Contrast Flares in the ANCHORS X-ray Database
Jacqueline McCleary (NMSU) &
Scott Wolk (CfA)
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