24th Annual New Mexico Symposium

2008 October 24

Array Operations Center

National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Socorro, New Mexico

Dark skies and remote sites have attracted world-class astronomical facilities to the Southwest and supported a wide range of research since the mid-1900s. Regional achievements span areas in both science and technology including optical and radio interferometry, as well as new understanding of solar physics, planetary science, star and galaxy formation and evolution, and the creation and evolution of our universe. To support the network of scientific research in the Southwest and encourage interdisciplinary discussions, the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and New Mexico Tech (NMT) are sponsoring the 24th Annual New Mexico Symposium on Friday, 2008 October 24, at the NRAO Array Operations Center (AOC) in Socorro, NM.

REGISTRATION:   Registration has closed, and the talk schedule is full. If you forgot to register but still want to come, contact me at jeilek at aoc.nrao.edu . Here's a list of current registrants.

LOCATION:   The Symposium will be held in the Array Operations Center of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. The AOC is located on the campus of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro, New Mexico. Directions and maps of the local area are available, as is a list of local restaurants . You may also be interested in a local map.

ORAL PROGRAM:   Oral presentations will begin at 09:00 in the AOC Auditorium, located off the lobby, immediately adjacent to the main entrance. We are scheduling in 20-minute slots, including 15 minutes for the talk and 5 minutes for discussion.

The oral program is now available; information for speakers can be found here

POSTER PROGRAM:   Posters will be displayed in the AOC Common Room, located on the upper floor at the head of the main staircase. Breaks in the oral program will provide plenty of time for viewing the posters; refreshments will be served in the Common Room during the breaks to induce participants to walk upstairs and look at the posters.

The poster program is now available; information for poster presenters can be found here

JANSKY LECTURE:   The 43rd annual Karl G. Jansky Lecture will be given by Dr. Arthur M. Wolfe, in the evening following the Symposium. Dr. Wolfe's lecture, entitled "Finding the Gas that Makes Galaxies", will be given near the NRAO AOC on the campus of New Mexico Tech. NRAO will host a dinner for registered Symposium participants preceding the Jansky Lecture.

This page last updated on 2008 July 23 by Jean Eilek.