Legacy Projects Workshop

2006 May 17

Array Operations Center

National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Socorro, New Mexico

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) invites all astronomers to a one-day Legacy Projects Workshop on Wednesday, May 17, 2006 at the Array Operations Center in Socorro, NM. Legacy projects should produce results of high scientific impact or data of long-term value to the entire astronomical community. They may require large amounts of time on one or more telescopes, collaborations of many astronomers from several institutions, new instrumentation and software, and new modes of observing. The goal of this workshop is to bring together like-minded people who can identify the leading scientific and technical opportunities for legacy projects and refine NRAO's policies for implementing them. The Program (Abstracts) includes invited speakers,a panel discussion, and both oral and poster sessions enabling every participant to present ideas related to legacy programs involving NRAO facilities.


REGISTRATION:   Please register by May 1, 2006 using our registration form .
After May 1, contact Jim Condon, Dale Frail or Terry Romero to request late registration.

Registered Participants

LOCATION:   The Symposium will be held in the NRAO Array Operations Center (AOC). The AOC is located on the campus of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro, New Mexico.   Click for directions and maps of the local area.

We will use three separate areas in the AOC, all located near the central lobby. The Auditorium is adjacent to the main entrance off the lobby on the ground floor. The Common Room is on the upper floor, at the head of the main staircase, and the Conference Room, also on the upper floor, is behind the main staircase, opposite the Common Room.

ORAL PROGRAM:   Oral presentations and the panel discussion will occur in the Auditorium, beginning at 08:30. The preliminary program is available. Two hours have been set aside for short contributed talks. If you would like to give one, please submit an abstract form. You may supplement your contributed talk with a poster.

INFORMATION for SPEAKERS: Projection facilities will be available for transparencies and for PowerPoint files. All speakers planning to show a PowerPoint presentation are requested to upload their files by 17:00 on Monday, May 15. Please use anonymous FTP at ftp.aoc.nrao.edu, change directory to incoming/legacyworkshop, and upload your file using your last name as the file name.

POSTER PROGRAM:   Posters will be shown in the Common Room. If you would like to display a poster, please submit an abstract form. Breaks in the oral program are long enough to allow adequate opportunities for viewing the posters. Refreshments will be served in the Common Room during the breaks.

INFORMATION for POSTER PRESENTERS: Poster mounting spaces measure 3 feet wide by 4 feet high. Please consult the program to find your poster number, and mount your poster in the correspondingly numbered space on the boards.

LUNCH:   NRAO will provide lunch, free to registered participants, in the Conference Room. All of the Symposium's three locations in the AOC, as well as the outdoor patio adjacent to the Common Room, are available for eating lunch.

Geoff Bower (UC, Berkeley)
Scott Chapman (Caltech)
James Condon (NRAO, Charlottesville)
Dale Frail (NRAO, Socorro)
David Helfand (Columbia University)
Luis Ho (Carnegie Observatories)
Matt Lister (Purdue University)
Joseph Mohr (University of Illinois)
Snezana Stanimirovic (UC, Berkeley)
Daniel Weedman (Cornell University)

Jim Cordes (Cornell University)
Rob Ivison (UK Astronomy Technology Centre)
Shri Kulkarni (Caltech)
Naomi McClure-Griffiths (CSIRO)
Tom Soifer (Spitzer Science Center)
Greg Taylor (UNM)

Dale Frail (NRAO, Socorro)
Terry Romero (NRAO, Socorro)


This page was last updated on 2006 May 18 by Terry Romero.