Employees: 76 + ~5 students
Correlator group
- VLA correlator
- At VLA
- Lag-type: cross-multiply lags, then transform
- Real-time, 27 antennas, 351 baselines
- VLBA correlator
- At AOC
- FX-type: transform to frequency spectrum, then cross-multiply
- Record-time-synchronize playback of up to 20 antenna data tapes
- EVLA correlator implementation
Cryogenics group
- Cryo-coolers (15 Kelvin, -432F) for cooled front-ends of receivers, closed cycle
- Helium gas compressors
- Helium gas refrigerators
- Helium lines on antennas
- VLA waveguide (all data communication between antennas & control building)
- Nitrogen gas pressurization
- Rotary joints, 2 per antenna
- Site paging, civil clocks
- EVLA fiber optics support
Data Acquisition Group
- VLBA data-tape recorders, 2 at each of 11 stations
- VLBA tape playback drives, 24 at AOC correlator
- Formatters, Samplers
- EVLA fiber optics design
Front End Group
- VLA receiver front ends and frequency converters
- 6 cooled front ends per antenna
- 2 un-cooled front ends per antenna
- VLBA receiver front ends and frequency converters
- 8 cooled front ends per antenna
- 2 un-cooled front ends per antenna
- VLA waveguide testing, cathodic protection system maintenance supervision
- Atmospheric Phase interferometer (VLA)
- Water Vapor radiometer
- P & 4 band dipoles
- EVLA receiver design, feeds implementation
- RFI/EMC/frequency coordination
Field Group
- Ten VLBA stations, from Virgin Islands to Hawaii
- Two technicians at each station, one on-call at all times
- antenna maintenance
- electronics, computer, communications maintenance
- building & grounds, electrical generator maintenance
- data tape operations
- local public relations
- Projects such as: VLBA holography digital tach, pointing improvements, and web cam
Lab Services Group
- Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) & web services for division
- Circuit, module, & cable assembly for division Lab infrastructure
- EVLA hardware, power supplies, production
LO/IF group
- Systems to process and transmit reference & tunable frequencies (LO) and intermediate frequency bands (IF)
- Frequency standards ? hydrogen masers
- Time ? UTC and IAT +/- 0.2 micro seconds
- PT link
- EVLA LO/IF sampler design, VLA antenna phone commo/wye com
Monitor & Control Group
- Transmit between and interface to system hardware and control/monitor computer
- Servo Control systems for rotation and focus of antenna subreflectors
- Monitors of the antenna and receiver systems status /wye mom
- VLA & VLBA site weather stations
- Pulsar data acquisition systems
- EVLA M & C Design
Engineering Group
- EVLA, ALMA support, other projects