
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * VisibilityBufferAsync.h
00003  *
00004  *  Created on: Nov 3, 2010
00005  *      Author: jjacobs
00006  */
00011 #include <msvis/MSVis/VisBuffer.h>
00013 namespace casa {
00015 class ROVisibilityIteratorAsync;
00017 namespace asyncio {
00018     class VlaDatum;
00019     class VLAT;
00020 }
00022 class VisBufferAsync : public VisBuffer {
00024     friend class Rovia_Test;
00025     friend class ViReadImplAsync;
00026     friend class VisBufferAsyncWrapper;
00027     friend class VisBufferAutoPtr;
00028     friend class asyncio::VlaDatum;
00029     friend class asyncio::VLAT;
00031 public:
00033     //VisBufferAsync (const VisBuffer& vb);
00035     ~VisBufferAsync ();
00037     VisBufferAsync & operator= (const VisBufferAsync & other);
00039     virtual void allSelectedSpectralWindows(Vector<Int>& spws, Vector<Int>& nvischan);
00040     virtual VisBufferAsync & assign (const VisBuffer & vb, Bool copy);
00041     virtual Vector<MDirection> azel(Double time) const;
00042     virtual MDirection azel0(Double time) const;
00043     virtual VisBuffer * clone ();
00044     //virtual Int dataDescriptionId() const;
00045     virtual void detachFromVisIter ();
00046     virtual Vector<Float> feed_pa(Double time) const;
00047     virtual Double hourang(Double time) const;
00048     virtual void invalidate (); // This one is booby-trapped right now
00049     virtual void invalidateAsync (); // Use this one in async code
00050 //    virtual Vector<Double> & lsrFrequency ();
00051 //    virtual const Vector<Double> & lsrFrequency () const;
00052     virtual void lsrFrequency(const Int& spw, Vector<Double>& freq, Bool& convert) const;
00053     virtual const ROMSColumns& msColumns() const;
00054     Int msId () const;
00055     virtual Bool newArrayId () const;
00056     virtual Bool newFieldId () const;
00057     Bool newMS() const;
00058     virtual Bool newSpectralWindow () const;
00059     Int nRowChunk() const{
00060       return nRowChunk_p;
00061     }
00063     Int numberAnt () const;
00064     Int numberCoh () const;
00065     virtual Vector<Float> parang(Double time) const;
00066     virtual Float parang0(Double time) const;
00067     virtual Int polarizationId() const;
00068     virtual Vector<uInt>& rowIds(){throw(AipsError("rowIds() not implemented for VBA."));}
00069     virtual const Vector<uInt>& rowIds() const {throw(AipsError("rowIds() const not implemented for VBA."));}
00070     virtual void setCorrectedVisCube(Complex c);
00071     virtual void setCorrectedVisCube (const Cube<Complex> & vis);
00072     virtual void setModelVisCube(Complex c);
00073     virtual void setModelVisCube (const Cube<Complex> & vis);
00074     virtual void setModelVisCube (const Vector<Float> & stokes);
00075     virtual void setVisCube(Complex c);
00076     virtual void setVisCube (const Cube<Complex>& vis);
00078 protected:
00080     // The constructors are not public because creation should be performed
00081     // by a factory object (e.g., VisBufferAutoPtr).  The use of a factory
00082     // makes it possible to fine tune at run time whether a VisBuffer or a
00083     // VisBufferAsync is created.
00085     VisBufferAsync ();
00086     VisBufferAsync (const VisBufferAsync & other);
00087     VisBufferAsync (ROVisibilityIterator & iter);
00089     void attachToVisIter(ROVisibilityIterator & iter);
00090     void checkVisIter (const char * func, const char * file, int line, const char * extra = "") const;
00091     void clear ();
00092     void construct ();
00093     virtual void copyAsyncValues (const VisBufferAsync & other);
00094     virtual void copyCache (const VisBuffer & other, Bool force);
00095     template<typename T> void copyVector (const Vector<T> & from, Vector<T> & to);
00096     Vector<MDirection>& fillDirection1();
00097     Vector<MDirection>& fillDirection2();
00098     void fillFrom (const VisBufferAsync & other);
00099     MDirection & fillPhaseCenter();
00100     Bool getAllBeamOffsetsZero () const;
00101     const Vector <String> & getAntennaMounts () const;
00102     const Cube <RigidVector <Double, 2> > & getBeamOffsets () const;
00103     const MeasurementSet & getMs () const;
00104     Int getNSpw () const;
00105     MDirection getPhaseCenter () const;
00106     const Cube <Double> & getReceptorAngles () const;
00107     void setAngleInfo (Bool allBeamOffsetsZero,
00108                        const Vector<String> antennaMounts,
00109                        Cube<RigidVector<Double, 2> > beamOffsets,
00110                        const Cube<Double> & receptorAngles);
00111     void initializeScalars ();
00113     void setFilling (Bool isFilling);
00114     void setLsrInfo (const Block <Int> & channelGroupNumber,
00115                      const Block <Int> & channelIncrement,
00116                      const Block <Int> & channelStart,
00117                      const Block <Int> & channelWidth,
00118                      const MPosition & observatoryPosition,
00119                      const MDirection & phaseCenter,
00120                      Bool velocitySelection);
00121     void setMeasurementSet (const MeasurementSet & ms);
00122     void setMeasurementSetId (Int id, bool isNew);
00123     void setMEpoch (const MEpoch & mEpoch);
00124     void setMSD (const MSDerivedValues & msd);
00125     void setNAntennas (Int);
00126     void setNCoh (Int);
00127     void setNSpw (Int);
00128     void setNewEntityFlags (bool newArrayId, bool newFieldId, bool newSpectralWindow);
00129     void setPolarizationId (Int);
00130     void setNRowChunk (Int);
00131     void setReceptor0Angle (const Vector<Float> & receptor0Angle);
00132     void setRowIds (const Vector<uInt> & rowIds);
00133     void setSelectedNVisibilityChannels (const Vector<Int> & nVisibilityChannels);
00134     void setSelectedSpectralWindows (const Vector<Int> & spectralWindows);
00135     void setTopoFreqs (const Vector<Double> & lsrFreq, const Vector<Double> & selFreq_p);
00136     void setVisibilityShape (const IPosition & pvisibilityShape);
00137     void updateCoordInfo (const VisBuffer *, const Bool dirDependent=True);
00139     static MDirection unsharedCopyDirection (const MDirection & direction);
00140     static void unsharedCopyDirectionVector (Vector<MDirection> & direction);
00141     static MEpoch unsharedCopyEpoch (const MEpoch & mEpoch);
00142     static MPosition unsharedCopyPosition (const MPosition & position);
00144 private:
00146     Bool fillAllBeamOffsetsZero ();
00147     Vector <String> fillAntennaMounts ();
00148     Cube <RigidVector <Double, 2> > fillBeamOffsets ();
00149     Cube <Double> fillReceptorAngles ();
00151     Bool                           allBeamOffsetsZero_p;
00152     Vector<String>                 antennaMounts_p;
00153     mutable Vector<MDirection>     azelCached_p;      // mutable because it is a cached value
00154     mutable Double                 azelCachedTime_p;  // mutable because it is a cached value
00155     Cube<RigidVector<Double, 2> >  beamOffsets_p;
00156     Block<Int>                     channelGroupNumber_p;
00157     Block<Int>                     channelIncrement_p;
00158     Block<Int>                     channelStart_p;
00159     Block<Int>                     channelWidth_p;
00160     //Int                            dataDescriptionId_p;
00161     mutable Vector<Float>          feedpaCached_p;      // mutable because it is a cached value
00162     mutable Double                 feedpaCachedTime_p;  // mutable because it is a cached value
00163     Bool                           isFilling_p;
00164     Vector<Double>                 lsrFrequency_p; // calculated by getTopoFreqs if velSelection_p
00165     MEpoch                         mEpoch_p;
00166     const MeasurementSet *         measurementSet_p;  // [use]
00167     mutable ROMSColumns *          msColumns_p; // [own]
00168     MSDerivedValues *              msd_p; // [own]
00169     Int                            nAntennas_p;
00170     Int                            nCoh_p;
00171     Bool                           newArrayId_p;
00172     Bool                           newFieldId_p;
00173     Bool                           newSpectralWindow_p;
00174     Int                            nRowChunk_p;
00175     Int                            nSpw_p;
00176     //const ROScalarColumn<Int> *    obsMFreqTypes_p; // [use]
00177     MPosition                      observatoryPosition_p;
00178     mutable Vector<Float>          parangCached_p;      // mutable because it is a cached value
00179     mutable Double                 parangCachedTime_p;  // mutable because it is a cached value
00180     Int                            polarizationId_p;
00181     Vector<Float>                  receptor0Angle_p;
00182     Cube<Double>                   receptorAngles_p;
00183     Vector<Double>                 selFreq_p;
00184     Vector<Int>                    selectedNVisibilityChannels_p;
00185     Vector<Int>                    selectedSpectralWindows_p;
00186     Bool                           velSelection_p;
00187     IPosition                      visibilityShape_p;
00188 };
00191 template<typename T>
00192 void VisBufferAsync::copyVector (const Vector<T> & from, Vector<T> & to)
00193 {
00194     // Make an independent copy of the vector.
00195     // N.B.: the independence is only at the top Vector level
00196     //       so any deep dependence is not undone
00198     Vector<T> tmp = from;
00199     to = tmp.copy();
00200 }
00203 } // end namespace casa
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Generated on 31 Aug 2016 for casa by  doxygen 1.6.1