
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //# MirVisReader.h: reads data from a Miriad Visibility dataset 
00002 //# Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002
00003 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
00004 //#
00005 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
00007 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
00008 //# option) any later version.
00009 //#
00010 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00011 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00012 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
00013 //# License for more details.
00014 //#
00015 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
00016 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00017 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00018 //#
00019 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
00020 //#        Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu.
00021 //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
00022 //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
00023 //#                        520 Edgemont Road
00024 //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
00025 //#
00026 //#
00027 //# $Id: MirVisReader.h,v 1.2 2009/09/03 23:28:32 pteuben Exp $
00032 #include <casa/Logging/LogIO.h>
00033 #include <casa/Containers/Block.h>
00034 #include <casa/Containers/List.h>
00036 #include <miriad/Filling/FillMetadata.h>
00037 #include <mirlib/miriad.h>
00039 #include <casa/namespace.h>
00040 //# Forward Declarations
00041 namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
00042 class String;
00043 class AipsError;
00044 //class GlishRecord;
00045 } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
00047 //class GlishArray;
00048 class MirVarHandler;
00050 // <summary>
00051 // a container for a data record read in from a Miriad datatset
00052 // </summary>
00053 // 
00054 // <use visibility=local>
00055 // 
00056 // <reviewed reviewer="" date="yyyy/mm/dd" tests="" demos="">
00057 // </reviewed>
00058 //
00059 // <etymology>
00060 // this class holds the record-dependent data from a Miriad dataset
00061 // </etymology>
00062 //
00063 // <motivation>
00064 // MSes filled from Miriad data feature multiple windows of differing shapes.  
00065 // Performance during MS reads can be aided by collecting together MS table 
00066 // records of the same shape (e.g. of the same window).  MirFiller accoplishes
00067 // this by reading all baselines from a single timestamp at once, so that 
00068 // they written out in order of spectral window.  This class provides a 
00069 // container for holding the data from different baselines.  
00070 //
00071 // Access Performance is aided when the data from a Miriad dataset is filled
00072 // in a particular order.  This class provides a container so that the data
00073 // can be buffered for "sorting" prior to filling into the output MS.  
00074 // </motivation>
00075 //
00076 // <synopsis>
00077 // At the moment, this is intended for use only by the MirFiller class.
00078 //
00079 // 
00080 // </synopsis>
00081 //
00082 // <example>
00083 // 
00084 // 
00085 // </example>
00086 //
00087 // <todo asof="2001/02/22">
00088 // 
00089 // </todo>
00090 //
00091 class MirDataRecord : MirTypeAssert {
00092     Int np_p, nn_p, nw_p, pol_p;
00093     Bool marked_p;
00094     Double *preamble_p;
00095     Float *narrow_p;
00096     Float *wide_p;
00097     Int *flags_p;
00098     Int *wflags_p;
00100 public:
00101     MirDataRecord(Int nnarrow=0, Int nwide=0, Int npreamble=5);
00102     ~MirDataRecord();
00104     // return the number of preamble elements
00105     uInt getPreambleCount() { return np_p; }
00107     // return the number of narrow band channels
00108     uInt getNarrowCount() { return nn_p; }
00110     // return the number of wide band channels
00111     uInt getWideCount() { return nw_p; }
00113     // return the address of the preamble buffer
00114     Double *preamble() { return preamble_p; }
00116     // return the address of the narrow channel data buffer
00117     Float *narrow() { return narrow_p; }
00119     // return the address of the wide channel data buffer
00120     Float *wide() { return wide_p; }
00122     // return the address of the flags channel data buffer
00123     Int *flags() { return flags_p; }
00125     // return the address of the wflags channel data buffer
00126     Int *wflags() { return wflags_p; }
00128     // return the polarization code
00129     Int pol() { return pol_p; }
00131     // set the polarization code
00132     void setPol(Int val) { pol_p = val; }
00134     // return true if this record is marked
00135     Bool isMarked() { return marked_p; }
00137     // set the mark
00138     void setMarked(Bool val) { marked_p = val; }
00140     void copyFrom(const MirDataRecord& other);
00141 };
00143 // <summary>
00144 // a Miriad history reader
00145 // </summary>
00146 // 
00147 // <use visibility=export>
00148 // 
00149 // <reviewed reviewer="" date="yyyy/mm/dd" tests="" demos="">
00150 // </reviewed>
00151 //
00152 // <etymology>
00153 // Class name is short for Miriad history reader.
00154 // </etymology>
00155 //
00156 // <motivation>
00157 // Miriad history is read independently from the visibility data; thus,
00158 // an independent class is in order.  This class hides the details of how
00159 // to read Miriad history.
00160 // </motivation>
00161 //
00162 // <synopsis>
00163 // This class is used to extract history from a Miriad visibility dataset.  
00164 // Normally, an application does not create this class by itself, but rather
00165 // via MirVisReader::openHistory();
00166 // </synopsis>
00167 //
00168 // <example>
00169 // 
00170 // 
00171 // </example>
00172 //
00173 // <todo asof="2001/05/15">
00174 // </todo>
00175 //
00176 class MirHisReader {
00177 private:
00178     Int uv_handle_p, eof_p;
00179     Char hline[256];
00181 public: 
00183     // create a History reader from a Miriad file handle
00184     MirHisReader(Int mirhandle) : uv_handle_p(mirhandle), eof_p(0) {
00185         hisopen_c(uv_handle_p, "read");
00186     }
00188     // delete the reader
00189     ~MirHisReader() {
00190         hisclose_c(uv_handle_p);
00191     }
00193     // return true this reader there is no more history to read
00194     Bool atEnd() { return (eof_p > 0); }
00196     // read the next available line into a String.  True is returned 
00197     // if line was successfully loaded; False is returned 
00198     // if the last line had already been read.  
00199     Bool readLine(String &line) {
00200         if (atEnd()) return False;
00201         hisread_c(uv_handle_p, hline, 256, &eof_p);
00202         line = hline;
00203         return True;
00204     }
00205 };
00207 // <summary>
00208 // a Miriad visibility dataset reader
00209 // </summary>
00210 // 
00211 // <use visibility=export>
00212 // 
00213 // <reviewed reviewer="" date="yyyy/mm/dd" tests="" demos="">
00214 // </reviewed>
00215 //
00216 // <etymology>
00217 // Class name is short for Miriad visibility reader.
00218 // </etymology>
00219 //
00220 // <motivation>
00221 // MSes filled from Miriad data feature multiple windows of differing shapes.  
00222 // Performance during MS reads can be aided by collecting together MS table 
00223 // records of the same shape (e.g. of the same window).  MirFiller accomplishes
00224 // this by reading all baselines from a single timestamp at once, so that 
00225 // they written out in order of spectral window.  This class provides a 
00226 // container for holding the data from different baselines.  It also 
00227 // encapsulates all the knowledge needed for reading Miriad data.
00228 // </motivation>
00229 //
00230 // <synopsis>
00231 // This class is used to extract data from a Miriad visibility dataset.  
00232 //
00233 // 
00234 // </synopsis>
00235 //
00236 // <example>
00237 // 
00238 // 
00239 // </example>
00240 //
00241 // <todo asof="2001/05/15">
00242 //   <li> deal with telescopes, correlator modes </li>
00243 //   <li> support multiple polarizations </li>
00244 //   <li> make handleVarChanges() a protected virtual function </li>
00245 // </todo>
00246 //
00247 class MirVisReader : MirTypeAssert {
00248 public: 
00249     enum wideConventions { NONE=0, BIMA, MIRIAD, MIXED, NCONV };
00251 private:
00252     // info that doesn't change during life of filler
00253     String inname_p;
00254     Int uv_handle_p;                   // miriad file handle
00255     uInt debug;
00256     LogIO log_p;
00258     // variable information worth caching
00259     List<MirFreqSetup*> fsetups_p;     // the correlator setups found
00260     List<MirSource*> sources_p;        // the sources found
00261     List<String> telescopes_p;         // the telescopes found
00262     MirPolSetup pol_p;
00263     Int maxchan_p, maxwide_p, maxspect_p, narray_p, nrec_p;
00264     Int nobs_p, nscan_p;               // These are indicative, not invarient
00265     Int badnsyst_p, badwsyst_p;        // # of recs with bad system temps
00266     Int firstmode_p;                   // first correlator mode encountered
00267     Double starttime_p, endtime_p;
00268     wideConventions wideconv_p;        // apparent wide-channel convention
00270     // read state
00271     Block<MirDataRecord *> buf_p;
00272     Int nintrec_p, maxrec_p, nnarr_p, nwide_p;
00273     Double time_p;                     // in AIPS++ frame
00274     MirVarHandler *varhandler_p;
00275     Bool varupd_p, hasmore_p, dowide_p, verbose_p, previewed_p, scanned_p;
00277 public:
00278     // construct a reader.  mirfile is the name of Miriad dataset.  If 
00279     // dopreview is False, the previewing of the dataset's contents will 
00280     // be delayed.  If doscan is True (and dopreview is True), the entire
00281     // input dataset will be read to take an accounting of its contents; 
00282     // set this to False to prevent this for a very large file (see also 
00283     // preview()).  dbg is the default debug level to set; this value is 
00284     // passed to setDebugLevel().  
00285     MirVisReader(const String& mirfile, Bool doscan=True, Int dbg=0, 
00286                  Bool dopreview=True);
00288     // destroy the reader
00289     ~MirVisReader();
00291     // set the debugging level which controls the amount of debugging 
00292     // messages that are printed to the terminal (as opposed to the logger).  
00293     // A value of zero or less will cause no extra messages to be printed; 
00294     // increasing values will increase the amount of messages.
00295     void setDebugLevel(Int level) { debug = (level < 0) ? 0 : (uInt) level; }
00297     // set the debugging level which controls the amount of debugging 
00298     // messages that are printed to the terminal.  A value of zero or less 
00299     // means that no extra messages will be printed; increasing values will 
00300     // increase the amount of messages.
00301     Int getDebugLevel() const { return debug; }
00303     // return true if the debugging level is at least as high as a given 
00304     // level.
00305     Bool Debug(Int level) { return (level <= Int(debug)); }
00307     // return the Miriad dataset name
00308     const String& getName() { return inname_p; }
00310     // rewind the input dataset and prepare for a new reading.  filler is 
00311     // the object that will handle updates to variables; if NULL, no handler
00312     // will be alerted when variables change.  If dowide is True, the 
00313     // wideband data will be read in, too.  maxrec is the 
00314     // maximum number of records to read per timestamp; if maxrec<=0, 
00315     // it will adjust dynamically to the number of baselines being processed.
00316     void reset(MirVarHandler *filler=NULL, Bool verbose=False, 
00317                Bool dowide=True, Int maxrec=0);
00319     // read in the data for a single timestamp.  fm is the container
00320     // to use to store retrieved metadata.
00321     Int readIntegration(::FillMetadata &fm);
00323     // return the (AIPS++-referenced) timestamp for the current buffered
00324     // records.  This is only correct after a call to readIntegration().
00325     Double getTime() { return time_p; }
00327     // return the number of records buffered for the current integration
00328     Int getNumRecs() { return nintrec_p; }
00330     // return the correlation data for the i-th buffered record.
00331     MirDataRecord *getRecord(Int i) { return buf_p[i]; }
00333     // set the marked data item for each MirDataRecord to False
00334     void clearMarks() {
00335         for(Int i=0; i < nintrec_p; i++) buf_p[i]->setMarked(False);
00336     }
00338     // create and return a new pointer to a history reader.  The caller
00339     // should delete the reader when finished with it.  
00340     MirHisReader *openHistory() { return new MirHisReader(uv_handle_p); }
00342     // return the basic characteristics of the input dataset as a Record.  
00343     // If scan is True, the entire file will be scanned (if necessary) to 
00344     // all the information; otherwise, an incomplete description may be given
00345     // based on just the first record.  If verbose is True, a summary is 
00346     // sent to the logger.  Note that this function may force a call to 
00347     // preview() if it has not already been called.
00348     //PJT    GlishRecord summary(Bool verbose=True, Bool scan=True);
00350     // return the basic characteristics of the input dataset as a Record.  
00351     // A scanning of the entire file will be forced so that the number of 
00352     // scans and observations can be counted with the given limits:
00353     // scanlim is the maximum time gap in seconds allowed between records 
00354     // of the same scan; obslim is maximum gap in seconds between 
00355     // records of the same observation.  If verbose is True, a summary is 
00356     // sent to the logger.  
00357     //PJT GlishRecord summary(Int scanlim, Int obslim, Bool verbose=True);
00359     // get the full list of polarization correlation types seen thus far
00360     ConstMirPolSetup& getDefaultPolSetup() { return pol_p; } 
00362     // return the list of sources
00363     const List<MirSource*>& getSourceList() { return sources_p; }
00365 protected:
00366     // peek into the contents of the dataset to cache important information.
00367     // scanlim and obslim are used for counting the number of observations
00368     // and scans in the dataset.  scanlim is the maximum time gap in seconds 
00369     // allowed between records of the same scan; obslim is maximum gap 
00370     // in seconds between records of the same observation.  If scan is True
00371     // (the default), the dataset will be read through to gather the 
00372     // information; otherwise, limited information will be gleaned from the
00373     // first record and scanlim and obslim will be ignored.  One can set 
00374     // scan=False for very large datasets to avoid this overhead.
00375     void preview(Int scanlim, Int obslim, Bool scan=True);
00377     // peek into the contents of the dataset to cache important 
00378     // information.  If scan is True
00379     // (the default), the dataset will be read through to gather the 
00380     // information; otherwise, limited information will be gleaned from the
00381     // first record.  One can set scan=False for very large datasets to avoid 
00382     // this overhead.  Five minutes and four hours are used for the scan and
00383     // observation gap limit (when scan=True).
00384     void preview(Bool scan=True) { preview(300, 2400, scan); }
00386     // return True if this dataset has been previewed
00387     Bool previewed() { return previewed_p; }
00389     // return the basic characteristics of the input dataset as a Record.  
00390     // If verbose is True, a summary is 
00391     // sent to the logger.  
00392     // scan specifies the conditions under which the entire dataset may 
00393     // get read as a result of this request:  if scan < 0, the dataset
00394     // will not be read; if scan=0, it will only be read if it hasn't 
00395     // already (using scanlim and obslim if necessary; if scan > 0, the 
00396     // dataset will be read and scanlim and obslim will be used to count 
00397     // scans and observations.  
00398     // scanlim is the maximum time gap in seconds 
00399     // allowed between records of the same scan; obslim is maximum gap 
00400     // in seconds between records of the same observation.  
00401     //GlishRecord summary(Bool verbose, Int scan, Int scanlim, Int obslim);
00403     // return the contents of a MirPolSetup list as a GlishArray
00404     //static GlishArray toGlishArray(ConstMirPolSetup &pol);
00406     // return the contents of a String List as a GlishArray
00407     //static GlishArray toGlishArray(const List<String>& list);
00409 private:
00411     // return true if this reader should be verbose in its messages.  This
00412     // will be true if the verbose option is enabled or the debug level is
00413     // greater than 1.
00414     Bool verbose() { return (verbose_p || debug > 1); }
00416     // check to be sure that the given name points to a readable miriad 
00417     // dataset.  If not, throw an exception.
00418     void checkIsMiriadDataset(const String& name) throw(AipsError);
00420     // resize the data buffer for a new read.  Values less than or equal 
00421     // to zero mean keep previous value.  
00422     void resizeBufferFor(Int nrec=0, Int nnarrow=0, Int nwide=0);
00424     // full and brief scanning of the data--should only be called from preview()
00425     void fullscan(Int scanlim, Int obslim);
00426     void briefscan();
00428     // update the given FillMetadata container with updated variable values.
00429     // If a VarHandler was provide via reset(), signal the changes to it.
00430     // fm is the FillMetadata container to update, and time is the current 
00431     // timestamp.  
00432     void handleVarChanges(::FillMetadata &fm, Double time);
00434     // add to a cached list of telescopes
00435     void setTelescope(String name) {
00436         ListIter<String> li(telescopes_p);
00437         for(li.toStart(); ! li.atEnd() && li.getRight() != name; ++li);
00438         if (li.atEnd()) li.addRight(name);
00439     }
00440 };
00442 #endif
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Generated on 31 Aug 2016 for casa by  doxygen 1.6.1