
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //# MSAntennaColumns.h: provides easy access to MSAntenna columns
00002 //# Copyright (C) 1996,1999,2000
00003 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
00004 //#
00005 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
00007 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
00008 //# option) any later version.
00009 //#
00010 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00011 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00012 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
00013 //# License for more details.
00014 //#
00015 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
00016 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00017 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00018 //#
00019 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
00020 //#        Internet email:
00021 //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
00022 //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
00023 //#                        520 Edgemont Road
00024 //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
00025 //#
00026 //# $Id$
00031 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
00032 #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MPosition.h>
00033 #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MCPosition.h>
00034 #include <casacore/measures/TableMeasures/ArrayQuantColumn.h>
00035 #include <casacore/measures/TableMeasures/ScalarMeasColumn.h>
00036 #include <casacore/measures/TableMeasures/ScalarQuantColumn.h>
00037 #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ArrayColumn.h>
00038 #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ScalarColumn.h>
00039 #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/String.h>
00041 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
00043 class MSAntenna;
00045 // <summary>
00046 // A class to provide easy read-only access to MSAntenna columns
00047 // </summary>
00049 // <use visibility=export>
00051 // <reviewed reviewer="Bob Garwood" date="1997/02/01" tests="" demos="">
00052 // </reviewed>
00054 // <prerequisite>
00055 //   <li> MSAntenna
00056 //   <li> ArrayColumn
00057 //   <li> ScalarColumn
00058 // </prerequisite>
00059 //
00060 // <etymology>
00061 // ROMSAntennaColumns stands for Read-Only MeasurementSet Antenna Table columns.
00062 // </etymology>
00063 //
00064 // <synopsis>
00065 // This class provides read-only access to the columns in the MSAntenna
00066 // Table.  It does the declaration of all the Scalar and ArrayColumns with the
00067 // correct types, so the application programmer doesn't have to worry about
00068 // getting those right. There is an access function for every predefined
00069 // column. Access to non-predefined columns will still have to be done with
00070 // explicit declarations.
00071 // See <linkto class=ROMSColumns> ROMSColumns</linkto> for an example.
00072 // </synopsis>
00073 //
00074 // <motivation>
00075 // See <linkto class=MSColumns> MSColumns</linkto> for the motivation.
00076 // </motivation>
00078 class ROMSAntennaColumns
00079 {
00080 public:
00082   // Create a columns object that accesses the data in the specified Table
00083   ROMSAntennaColumns(const MSAntenna& msAntenna);
00085   // The destructor does nothing special
00086   ~ROMSAntennaColumns();
00088   // Access to columns
00089   // <group>
00090   const ROScalarColumn<Double>& dishDiameter() const {return dishDiameter_p;}
00091   const ROScalarQuantColumn<Double>& dishDiameterQuant() const 
00092     {return dishDiameterQuant_p;}
00093   const ROScalarColumn<Bool>& flagRow() const {return flagRow_p;}
00094   const ROScalarColumn<String>& mount() const {return mount_p;}
00095   const ROScalarColumn<String>& name() const {return name_p;}
00096   const ROArrayColumn<Double>& offset() const {return offset_p;}
00097   const ROArrayQuantColumn<Double>& offsetQuant() const {return offsetQuant_p;}
00098   const ROScalarMeasColumn<MPosition>& offsetMeas() const {
00099     return offsetMeas_p;}
00100   const ROArrayColumn<Double>& position() const {return position_p;}
00101   const ROArrayQuantColumn<Double>& positionQuant() const {
00102     return positionQuant_p;}
00103   const ROScalarMeasColumn<MPosition>& positionMeas() const 
00104     { return positionMeas_p;}
00105   const ROScalarColumn<String>& station() const {return station_p;}
00106   const ROScalarColumn<String>& type() const {return type_p;}
00107   // </group>
00109   // Access to optional columns
00110   // <group>
00111   const ROArrayColumn<Double>& meanOrbit() const {return meanOrbit_p;}
00112   const ROScalarColumn<Int>& orbitId() const {return orbitId_p;}
00113   const ROScalarColumn<Int>& phasedArrayId() const {return phasedArrayId_p;}
00114   // </group>
00116   // Convenience function that returns the number of rows in any of the columns
00117   uInt nrow() const {return dishDiameter_p.nrow();}
00119   // returns the last row that contains an antenna at the specified position,
00120   // to within the specified tolerance. The reference frame of the supplied
00121   // position must be the same as the one for the POSITION columns. If not an
00122   // AipsError is thrown as such an argument will never match any row of the
00123   // Table. The tolerance is the maximum allowed distance between the two
00124   // positions and the supplied Quantum must have dimensions of length. This is
00125   // checked when compiled in debug mode and an AipsError exception is thrown
00126   // if the dimensions are wrong. Returns -1 if no match could be found. Flaged
00127   // rows can never match. If tryRow is non-negative, then that row is tested
00128   // to see if it matches before any others are tested. Setting tryRow to a
00129   // positive value greater than the table length will throw an exception
00130   // (AipsError), when compiled in debug mode.
00131   Int matchAntenna(const MPosition& antennaPos,
00132                    const Quantum<Double>& tolerance, Int tryRow=-1);
00134   // Same as the previous function except that the antenna name must also
00135   // match.
00136   Int matchAntenna(const String& antName, const MPosition& antennaPos,
00137                    const Quantum<Double>& tolerance, Int tryRow=-1);
00139   // Same as the previous function except that the station name must also
00140   // match.
00141   Int matchAntennaAndStation(const String& antName, 
00142                              const String& stationName, // ignored when empty 
00143                              const MPosition& antennaPos,
00144                              const Quantum<Double>& tolerance, Int tryRow=-1);
00145 protected:
00146   //# default constructor creates a object that is not usable. Use the attach
00147   //# function correct this.
00148   ROMSAntennaColumns();
00150   //# attach this object to the supplied table.
00151   void attach(const MSAntenna& msAntenna);
00153 private:
00154   //# Make the assignment operator and the copy constructor private to prevent
00155   //# any compiler generated one from being used.
00156   ROMSAntennaColumns(const ROMSAntennaColumns&);
00157   ROMSAntennaColumns& operator=(const ROMSAntennaColumns&);
00159   //# Check if any optional columns exist and if so attach them.
00160   void attachOptionalCols(const MSAntenna& msAntenna);
00162   //# Functions which check the supplied values against the relevant column and
00163   //# the specified row.
00164   Bool matchName(uInt row, const String& antName) const;
00165   Bool matchStation(uInt row, const String& stationName) const;
00166   Bool matchPosition(uInt row, const Vector<Double>& antPosInM, 
00167                      const Double tolInM) const;
00170   //# required columns
00171   ROScalarColumn<Double> dishDiameter_p;
00172   ROScalarColumn<Bool> flagRow_p;
00173   ROScalarColumn<String> mount_p;
00174   ROScalarColumn<String> name_p;
00175   ROArrayColumn<Double> offset_p;
00176   ROArrayColumn<Double> position_p;
00177   ROScalarColumn<String> station_p;
00178   ROScalarColumn<String> type_p;
00179   //# optional columns
00180   ROArrayColumn<Double> meanOrbit_p;
00181   ROScalarColumn<Int> orbitId_p;
00182   ROScalarColumn<Int> phasedArrayId_p;
00184   //# Access to Measure columns
00185   ROScalarMeasColumn<MPosition> offsetMeas_p;
00186   ROScalarMeasColumn<MPosition> positionMeas_p;
00188   //# Access to Quantum columns
00189   ROScalarQuantColumn<Double> dishDiameterQuant_p;
00190   ROArrayQuantColumn<Double> offsetQuant_p;
00191   ROArrayQuantColumn<Double> positionQuant_p;
00192 };
00194 // <summary>
00195 // A class to provide easy read-write access to MSAntenna columns
00196 // </summary>
00198 // <use visibility=export>
00200 // <reviewed reviewer="Bob Garwood" date="1997/02/01" tests="" demos="">
00201 // </reviewed>
00203 // <prerequisite>
00204 //   <li> MSAntenna
00205 //   <li> ArrayColumn
00206 //   <li> ScalarColumn
00207 // </prerequisite>
00208 //
00209 // <etymology>
00210 // MSAntennaColumns stands for MeasurementSet Antenna Table columns.
00211 // </etymology>
00212 //
00213 // <synopsis>
00214 // This class provides access to the columns in the MSAntenna Table,
00215 // it does the declaration of all the Scalar and ArrayColumns with the
00216 // correct types, so the application programmer doesn't have to
00217 // worry about getting those right. There is an access function
00218 // for every predefined column. Access to non-predefined columns will still
00219 // have to be done with explicit declarations.
00220 // See <linkto class=MSColumns> MSColumns</linkto> for an example.
00221 // </synopsis>
00222 //
00223 // <motivation>
00224 // See <linkto class=MSColumns> MSColumns</linkto> for the motivation.
00225 // </motivation>
00227 class MSAntennaColumns: public ROMSAntennaColumns
00228 {
00229 public:
00231   // Create a columns object that accesses the data in the specified Table
00232   MSAntennaColumns(MSAntenna& msAntenna);
00234   // The destructor does nothing special
00235   ~MSAntennaColumns();
00237   // Read-write access to required columns
00238   // <group>
00239   ScalarColumn<Double>& dishDiameter() {return dishDiameter_p;}
00240   ScalarQuantColumn<Double>& dishDiameterQuant() {return dishDiameterQuant_p;}
00241   ScalarColumn<Bool>& flagRow() {return flagRow_p;}
00242   ScalarColumn<String>& mount() {return mount_p;}
00243   ScalarColumn<String>& name() {return name_p;}
00244   ArrayColumn<Double>& offset() {return offset_p;}
00245   ArrayQuantColumn<Double>& offsetQuant() {return offsetQuant_p;}
00246   ScalarMeasColumn<MPosition>& offsetMeas() { return offsetMeas_p;}
00247   ArrayColumn<Double>& position() {return position_p;}
00248   ArrayQuantColumn<Double>& positionQuant() {return positionQuant_p;}
00249   ScalarMeasColumn<MPosition>& positionMeas() { return positionMeas_p;}
00250   ScalarColumn<String>& station() {return station_p;}
00251   ScalarColumn<String>& type() {return type_p;}
00252   // </group>
00254   // Read-write access to optional columns
00255   // <group>
00256   ArrayColumn<Double>& meanOrbit() {return meanOrbit_p;}
00257   ScalarColumn<Int>& orbitId() {return orbitId_p;}
00258   ScalarColumn<Int>& phasedArrayId() {return phasedArrayId_p;}
00259   // </group>
00261   // Read-only access to required columns
00262   // <group>
00263   const ROScalarColumn<Double>& dishDiameter() const {
00264     return ROMSAntennaColumns::dishDiameter();}
00265   const ROScalarQuantColumn<Double>& dishDiameterQuant() const {
00266     return ROMSAntennaColumns::dishDiameterQuant();}
00267   const ROScalarColumn<Bool>& flagRow() const {
00268     return ROMSAntennaColumns::flagRow();}
00269   const ROScalarColumn<String>& mount() const {
00270     return ROMSAntennaColumns::mount();}
00271   const ROScalarColumn<String>& name() const {
00272     return ROMSAntennaColumns::name();}
00273   const ROArrayColumn<Double>& offset() const {
00274     return ROMSAntennaColumns::offset();}
00275   const ROArrayQuantColumn<Double>& offsetQuant() const {
00276     return ROMSAntennaColumns::offsetQuant();}
00277   const ROScalarMeasColumn<MPosition>& offsetMeas() const {
00278     return ROMSAntennaColumns::offsetMeas();}
00279   const ROArrayColumn<Double>& position() const {
00280     return ROMSAntennaColumns::position();}
00281   const ROArrayQuantColumn<Double>& positionQuant() const {
00282     return ROMSAntennaColumns::positionQuant();}
00283   const ROScalarMeasColumn<MPosition>& positionMeas() const {
00284     return ROMSAntennaColumns::positionMeas();}
00285   const ROScalarColumn<String>& station() const {
00286     return ROMSAntennaColumns::station();}
00287   const ROScalarColumn<String>& type() const {
00288     return ROMSAntennaColumns::type();}
00289   // </group>
00291   // Read-only access to optional columns
00292   // <group>
00293   const ROArrayColumn<Double>& meanOrbit() const {
00294     return ROMSAntennaColumns::meanOrbit();}
00295   const ROScalarColumn<Int>& orbitId() const {
00296     return ROMSAntennaColumns::orbitId();}
00297   const ROScalarColumn<Int>& phasedArrayId() const {
00298     return ROMSAntennaColumns::phasedArrayId();}
00299   // </group>
00301   // set the position type for the POSITION column. This can only be done when
00302   // the table has no rows. Trying to do so at other times will throw an
00303   // exception.
00304   void setPositionRef(MPosition::Types ref);
00306   // set the position type for the OFFSET column. This can only be done when
00307   // the table has no rows. Trying to do so at other times will throw an
00308   // exception.
00309   void setOffsetRef(MPosition::Types ref);
00311 protected:
00312   //# default constructor creates a object that is not usable. Use the attach
00313   //# function correct this.
00314   MSAntennaColumns();
00316   //# attach this object to the supplied table.
00317   void attach(MSAntenna& msAntenna);
00319 private:
00320   //# Make the assignment operator and the copy constructor private to prevent
00321   //# any compiler generated one from being used.
00322   MSAntennaColumns(const MSAntennaColumns&);
00323   MSAntennaColumns& operator=(const MSAntennaColumns&);
00325   //# Check if any optional columns exist and if so attach them.
00326   void attachOptionalCols(MSAntenna& msAntenna);
00328   //# required columns
00329   ScalarColumn<Double> dishDiameter_p;
00330   ScalarColumn<Bool> flagRow_p;
00331   ScalarColumn<String> mount_p;
00332   ScalarColumn<String> name_p;
00333   ArrayColumn<Double> offset_p;
00334   ArrayColumn<Double> position_p;
00335   ScalarColumn<String> station_p;
00336   ScalarColumn<String> type_p;
00337   //# optional columns
00338   ArrayColumn<Double> meanOrbit_p;
00339   ScalarColumn<Int> orbitId_p;
00340   ScalarColumn<Int> phasedArrayId_p;
00342   //# Access to Measure columns
00343   ScalarMeasColumn<MPosition> offsetMeas_p;
00344   ScalarMeasColumn<MPosition> positionMeas_p;
00346   //# Access to Quantum columns
00347   ScalarQuantColumn<Double> dishDiameterQuant_p;
00348   ArrayQuantColumn<Double> offsetQuant_p;
00349   ArrayQuantColumn<Double> positionQuant_p;
00351 };
00355 #endif
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