ExprGroup.h File Reference

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class  casacore::TableExprGroupKey
 Class representing a key in the groupby clause. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupKeySet
 Class representing all keys in the groupby clause. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupResult
 Class holding the results of groupby and aggregation. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncBase
 Abstract base class for classes calculating an aggregated group result. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupNull
 Class derived from TableExprGroupFuncBase representing a no function. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupFirst
 Class derived from TableExprGroupFuncBase for the first value in a group. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupLast
 Class derived from TableExprGroupFuncBase for the first value in a group. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupExprId
 Class derived from TableExprGroupFuncBase collecting the ids in a group. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupRowid
 Class collecting the rowids of entries in a group. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupAggr
 Class collecting the arrays in a group. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncBool
 Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a bool scalar. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncInt
 Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving an integer scalar. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncDouble
 Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a double scalar. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncDComplex
 Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a dcomplex scalar. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncDate
 Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a date/time scalar. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncString
 Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a string scalar. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncArrayBool
 Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a bool array. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncArrayInt
 Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving an integer array. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncArrayDouble
 Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a double array. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncArrayDComplex
 Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a dcomplex array. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncArrayDate
 Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a date/time array. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncArrayString
 Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a string array. More...
class  casacore::TableExprGroupFuncSet
 Class containing the results of aggregated values in a group. More...


namespace  casacore

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Generated on 31 Aug 2016 for casa by  doxygen 1.6.1