
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //# DisplayEnums.h: enumerated constants for the Display Library
00002 //# Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002
00003 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
00004 //#
00005 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
00007 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
00008 //# option) any later version.
00009 //#
00010 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00011 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00012 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
00013 //# License for more details.
00014 //#
00015 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
00016 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00017 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00018 //#
00019 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
00020 //#        Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu.
00021 //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
00022 //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
00023 //#                        520 Edgemont Road
00024 //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
00025 //#
00026 //# $Id$
00031 #include <casa/aips.h>
00033 //# Forward declarations
00034 #include <casa/iosfwd.h>
00036 namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
00038 // <summary>
00039 // Enumerate constants for the display classes.
00040 // </summary>
00041 //
00042 // <use visibility=export>
00043 //
00044 // <reviewed>
00045 // </reviewed>
00046 //
00047 // <prerequisite>
00048 // <li> none
00049 // </prerequisite>
00050 //
00051 // <etymology>
00052 // DisplayEnums : Display library enumerators
00053 // </etymology>
00054 //
00055 // <synopsis>
00056 // Standard keysym constants chosen to match the X system.  Event handling done
00057 // in other systems must provide the same constants when returning
00058 // keysyms.
00059 //
00060 // Definitions for all characters in ISO LATIN 1-4, and GREEK keysyms
00061 // are included.
00062 //
00063 // </synopsis>
00064 //
00065 // <motivation>
00066 // High standardization and flexible support of national and
00067 // international keyboard buttons.
00068 // </motivation>
00069 //
00071         class Display {
00072         public:
00073                 // Different ways of handling color on the display
00074                 enum ColorModel {
00075                     // ColorIndex mode
00076                     Index,
00077                     // RGB mode
00078                     RGB,
00079                     // HSV mode
00080                     HSV
00081                 };
00083                 // Color components
00084                 enum ColorComponent {
00085                     Red,
00086                     Green,
00087                     Blue,
00088                     Hue,
00089                     Saturation,
00090                     Value
00091                 };
00093                 // Strategy to use to allocate system color resources
00094                 enum Strategy {
00095                     // Want the most colors regardless of consequences
00096                     Best,
00097                     // Want the default allocation
00098                     Default,
00099                     // Happy with a range between some min and max
00100                     MinMax,
00101                     // Want some percentage of the available allocation
00102                     Percent,
00103                     // Want it my way or not at all
00104                     Custom
00105                 };
00107                 // Special map is used as a placeholder to indicate that ...
00108                 enum SpecialMap {
00109                     // the user wants to use the system (default) Colormap
00110                     System,
00111                     // the user wants to use a new colormap
00112                     New,
00113                     // the user wants to share an existing (possibly system!) Colormap
00114                     // (this is used internally at present)
00115                     Shared
00116                 };
00118                 // Style of line to use
00119                 enum LineStyle {
00120                     // solid, no breaks
00121                     LSSolid,
00122                     // dashed line with transparent breaks
00123                     LSDashed,
00124                     // dashed line with background-color breaks
00125                     LSDoubleDashed
00126                 };
00128                 // Controls the appearance of thick lines near their endpoints.
00129                 // See Xlib programming guide, page 126 for complete info
00130                 enum CapStyle {
00131                     // don't draw pixels aligned with an endpoint
00132                     CSNotLast,
00133                     // draw pixels up to the endpoint
00134                     CSButt,
00135                     // round the edges using pixels past the endpoint
00136                     CSRound,
00137                     // continue linewidth/2 pixels past the endpoint
00138                     CSProjecting
00139                 };
00141                 // Controls the appearance of two joined lines
00142                 enum JoinStyle {
00143                     // corner ends in a point
00144                     JSMiter,
00145                     // corner is rounded off
00146                     JSRound,
00147                     // corner is flat surface whose normal bisects the joint angle.
00148                     JSBevel
00149                 };
00151                 // Controls fill style
00152                 enum FillStyle {
00153                     // solid fill
00154                     FSSolid,
00155                     // tiled fill
00156                     FSTiled,
00157                     // stippled fill
00158                     FSStippled,
00159                     // opaque stippled
00160                     FSOpaqueStippled
00161                 };
00163                 // Fill Rule
00164                 // Xlib programming guide, pg.132
00165                 enum FillRule {
00166                     // interior point filled if odd number of lines crossed to exit polygon
00167                     FREvenOdd,
00168                     // overlapping areas always filled
00169                     FRWinding
00170                 };
00172                 // Arc Mode
00173                 enum ArcMode {
00174                     // Chord
00175                     AMChord,
00176                     // slice
00177                     AMPieSlice
00178                 };
00180                 // Text Alignment
00181                 enum TextAlign {
00182                     // reference point aligned to center of text
00183                     AlignCenter,
00184                     // reference point aligned to center of left edge of text
00185                     AlignLeft,
00186                     // reference point aligned to center ot top edge of text
00187                     AlignTop,
00188                     // reference point aligned to center of right edge of text
00189                     AlignRight,
00190                     // reference point aligned to center of bottom edge of text
00191                     AlignBottom,
00192                     // reference point aligned to top left corner of text
00193                     AlignTopLeft,
00194                     // reference point aligned to top right corner of text
00195                     AlignTopRight,
00196                     // reference point aligned to bottom left corner of text
00197                     AlignBottomLeft,
00198                     // reference point aligned to bottom right corner of text
00199                     AlignBottomRight
00200                 };
00202                 // PixelCanvas Drawing Modes
00203                 enum DrawMode {
00204                     // Immediate draw mode
00205                     Draw,
00206                     // Build display list mode
00207                     Compile
00208                 };
00210                 // PixelCanvas target drawing destination
00211                 enum DrawBuffer {
00212                     // Nowhere
00213                     NoBuffer,
00214                     // Use default behaviour for the particular implementation of the PixelCanvas
00215                     DefaultBuffer,
00216                     // Draw only to front buffer
00217                     FrontBuffer,
00218                     // Draw only to back buffer
00219                     BackBuffer,
00220                     // Draw to both
00221                     FrontAndBackBuffer
00222                 };
00224                 // PixelCanvas Drawing Logical Functions.  The functions implement
00225                 // various combinations of dst = F(src, dest), where src is the current
00226                 // color and dest is the existing color in the framebuffer.
00227                 enum DrawFunction {
00228                     // Normal operation, overwrite with src
00229                     DFCopy,
00230                     // Invert operation
00231                     DFCopyInverted,
00232                     // Clear, ignore current color, use background color
00233                     DFClear,
00234                     // Make all bits 1
00235                     DFSet,
00236                     // Invert the dest (twice to restore original dest)
00237                     DFInvert,
00238                     // do-nothing draw
00239                     DFNoop,
00241                     // Exclusive or, used for draw/erase operation over a variable
00242                     // background
00243                     DFXor,
00244                     // (!src) XOR dest
00245                     DFEquiv,
00247                     // src AND dest
00248                     DFAnd,
00249                     // !(src AND dest)
00250                     DFNand,
00251                     // src AND !dest
00252                     DFAndReverse,
00253                     // !src AND dest
00254                     DFAndInverted,
00256                     // src OR dest
00257                     DFOr,
00258                     // !(src OR dest)
00259                     DFNor,
00260                     // src OR !dest
00261                     DFOrReverse,
00262                     // !src OR dest
00263                     DFOrInverted
00264                 };
00266                 // Callback reasons for PCRefreshEvent and WCRefreshEvent
00267                 enum RefreshReason {
00268                     // User told PixelCanvas to refresh via PixelCanvas refresh()
00269                     UserCommand,
00270                     // Colortable allocation changed (from PixelCanvasColorTable)
00271                     ColorTableChange,
00272                     // Colormap allocation changed - less severe than ColorTableChange,
00273                     // this will mean an internal change to a single Display Library
00274                     // Colormap that doesn't affect other Colormaps in the same
00275                     // ColorTable
00276                     ColormapChange,
00277                     // Change in shape of PixelCanvas
00278                     PixelCoordinateChange,
00279                     // Change in linear coordinate system
00280                     LinearCoordinateChange,
00281                     // Change in world coordinate system
00282                     WorldCoordinateChange,
00283                     // Back buffer was copied to front buffer on the PixelCanvas
00284                     BackCopiedToFront,
00285                     // Clear required prior to a change in color table or distribution...
00286                     ClearPriorToColorChange
00287                 };
00289                 // PixelCanvas Options
00290                 enum Option {
00291                     // Is a clipwindow enabled?
00292                     ClipWindow
00293                 };
00295                 // How to cache images when displaying them on client-server graphics
00296                 // systems
00297                 enum ImageCacheStrategy {
00298                     // Always use client-side caching (XImages for X Server)
00299                     ClientAlways,
00300                     // Always use server-side caching (Pixmaps for X Server)
00301                     ServerAlways,
00302                     // Use server-side pixmaps, recording the size of each
00303                     // pixmap created for image caching.  When the memory used
00304                     // exceeds some threshold, change to use client-side
00305                     // XImages to avoid swamping the X server
00306                     ServerMemoryThreshold
00307                 };
00309                 // List of markers for use as annotations. These can also be drawn
00310                 // as primitives on a pixelcanvas.
00311                 const static Int nMarkers = 15;
00312                 enum Marker {
00314                     // Basic, Unfilled shapes;
00315                     Cross = 0,
00316                     X,
00317                     Diamond,
00318                     Circle,
00319                     Square,
00320                     Triangle,
00321                     InvertedTriangle,
00322                     //Pentagon,
00323                     //Hexagon,
00325                     // Basic, filled shapes
00326                     FilledCircle,
00327                     FilledSquare,
00328                     FilledDiamond,
00329                     FilledTriangle,
00330                     FilledInvertedTriangle,
00331                     //FilledPentagon,
00332                     //FilledHexagon,
00334                     // Combination markers
00335                     CircleAndCross,
00336                     CircleAndX,
00337                     CircleAndDot
00338                 };
00340                 // WorldCanvas - what to do with complex data if it is
00341                 // presented to WorldCanvas::drawImage()
00342                 enum ComplexToRealMethod {
00343                     // Extract magnitude
00344                     Magnitude,
00345                     // Extract phase
00346                     Phase,
00347                     // Extract real part
00348                     Real,
00349                     // Extract imaginary part
00350                     Imaginary
00351                 };
00353                 // WorldCanvasHolder - what type of DisplayData is this,
00354                 // need to know for drawing order
00355                 enum DisplayDataType {
00356                     // Rastered data - should go first
00357                     Raster,
00358                     // Vector data - can go next
00359                     Vector,
00360                     // Annotation
00361                     Annotation,
00362                     // Canvas annotation - can draw outside draw area
00363                     CanvasAnnotation
00364                 };
00366                 // All events - modifier codes.
00367                 // key is down if modifier & code is nonzero
00368                 enum KeyModifier {
00369                     // Shift key bit
00370                     KM_Shift            = 0x0001,
00371                     // Caps lock bit
00372                     KM_CapsLock         = 0x0002,
00373                     // Control key bit
00374                     KM_Ctrl             = 0x0004,
00375                     // Alt key bit
00376                     KM_Alt              = 0x0008,
00377                     // Numlock (1 = engaged)
00378                     KM_NumLock          = 0x0010,
00379                     // ScrollLock bit (1 = engaged)
00380                     KM_ScrollLock       = 0x0020,
00381                     //
00382                     KM_Mod1             = 0x0008,
00383                     //
00384                     KM_Mod2             = 0x0010,
00385                     //
00386                     KM_Mod3             = 0x0020,
00387                     //
00388                     KM_Mod4             = 0x0040,
00389                     //
00390                     KM_Mod5             = 0x0080,
00391                     // Mouse button 1 bit
00392                     KM_Pointer_Button_1 = 0x0100,
00393                     // Mouse button 2 bit
00394                     KM_Pointer_Button_2 = 0x0200,
00395                     // Mouse button 3 bit
00396                     KM_Pointer_Button_3 = 0x0400,
00397                     // Mouse button 4 bit
00398                     KM_Pointer_Button_4 = 0x0800,
00399                     // Mouse button 5 bit
00400                     KM_Pointer_Button_5 = 0x1000,
00401                     // Double click bit
00402                     KM_Double_Click = 0x2000
00403                 };
00405                 //
00406                 // Keysyms for PixelCanvas keyboard events.  These
00407                 // can be printed using the stream functions listed
00408                 // below.
00409                 // These are mostly self explanatory.
00410                 //
00412                 enum KeySym {
00413                     //
00414                     K_None              = 0x0000,
00415                     //
00416                     K_BackSpace         = 0xFF08,
00417                     //
00418                     K_Tab               = 0xFF09,
00419                     //
00420                     K_Linefeed          = 0xFF0A,
00421                     //
00422                     K_Clear             = 0xFF0B,
00423                     //
00424                     K_Return            = 0xFF0D,
00425                     //
00426                     K_Pause             = 0xFF13,
00427                     //
00428                     K_Scroll_Lock       = 0xFF14,
00429                     //
00430                     K_Sys_Req           = 0xFF15,
00431                     //
00432                     K_Escape            = 0xFF1B,
00433                     //
00434                     K_Delete            = 0xFFFF,
00436                     //
00437                     K_Multi_key         = 0xFF20,
00439                     //
00440                     K_Home              = 0xFF50,
00441                     //
00442                     K_Left              = 0xFF51,
00443                     //
00444                     K_Up                = 0xFF52,
00445                     //
00446                     K_Right             = 0xFF53,
00447                     //
00448                     K_Down              = 0xFF54,
00449                     //
00450                     K_Prior             = 0xFF55,
00451                     //
00452                     K_Page_Up           = 0xFF55,
00453                     //
00454                     K_Next              = 0xFF56,
00455                     //
00456                     K_Page_Down         = 0xFF56,
00457                     //
00458                     K_End               = 0xFF57,
00459                     //
00460                     K_Begin             = 0xFF58,
00462                     //
00463                     K_Select            = 0xFF60,
00464                     //
00465                     K_Print             = 0xFF61,
00466                     //
00467                     K_Execute           = 0xFF62,
00468                     //
00469                     K_Insert            = 0xFF63,
00470                     //
00471                     K_Undo              = 0xFF65,
00472                     //
00473                     K_Redo              = 0xFF66,
00474                     //
00475                     K_Menu              = 0xFF67,
00476                     //
00477                     K_Find              = 0xFF68,
00478                     //
00479                     K_Cancel            = 0xFF69,
00480                     //
00481                     K_Help              = 0xFF6A,
00482                     //
00483                     K_Break             = 0xFF6B,
00484                     //
00485                     K_Mode_switch       = 0xFF7E,
00486                     //
00487                     K_script_switch     = 0xFF7E,
00488                     //
00489                     K_Num_Lock          = 0xFF7F,
00490                     //
00491                     K_KP_Space          = 0xFF80,
00492                     //
00493                     K_KP_Tab            = 0xFF89,
00494                     //
00495                     K_KP_Enter          = 0xFF8D,
00496                     //
00497                     K_KP_F1             = 0xFF91,
00498                     //
00499                     K_KP_F2             = 0xFF92,
00500                     //
00501                     K_KP_F3             = 0xFF93,
00502                     //
00503                     K_KP_F4             = 0xFF94,
00504                     //
00505                     K_KP_Home           = 0xFF95,
00506                     //
00507                     K_KP_Left           = 0xFF96,
00508                     //
00509                     K_KP_Up             = 0xFF97,
00510                     //
00511                     K_KP_Right          = 0xFF98,
00512                     //
00513                     K_KP_Down           = 0xFF99,
00514                     //
00515                     K_KP_Prior          = 0xFF9A,
00516                     //
00517                     K_KP_Page_Up        = 0xFF9A,
00518                     //
00519                     K_KP_Next           = 0xFF9B,
00520                     //
00521                     K_KP_Page_Down      = 0xFF9B,
00522                     //
00523                     K_KP_End            = 0xFF9C,
00524                     //
00525                     K_KP_Begin          = 0xFF9D,
00526                     //
00527                     K_KP_Insert         = 0xFF9E,
00528                     //
00529                     K_KP_Delete         = 0xFF9F,
00530                     //
00531                     K_KP_Equal          = 0xFFBD,
00532                     //
00533                     K_KP_Multiply       = 0xFFAA,
00534                     //
00535                     K_KP_Add            = 0xFFAB,
00536                     //
00537                     K_KP_Separator      = 0xFFAC,
00538                     //
00539                     K_KP_Subtract       = 0xFFAD,
00540                     //
00541                     K_KP_Decimal        = 0xFFAE,
00542                     //
00543                     K_KP_Divide         = 0xFFAF,
00544                     //
00545                     K_KP_0              = 0xFFB0,
00546                     //
00547                     K_KP_1              = 0xFFB1,
00548                     //
00549                     K_KP_2              = 0xFFB2,
00550                     //
00551                     K_KP_3              = 0xFFB3,
00552                     //
00553                     K_KP_4              = 0xFFB4,
00554                     //
00555                     K_KP_5              = 0xFFB5,
00556                     //
00557                     K_KP_6              = 0xFFB6,
00558                     //
00559                     K_KP_7              = 0xFFB7,
00560                     //
00561                     K_KP_8              = 0xFFB8,
00562                     //
00563                     K_KP_9              = 0xFFB9,
00565                     //
00566                     K_F1                = 0xFFBE,
00567                     //
00568                     K_F2                = 0xFFBF,
00569                     //
00570                     K_F3                = 0xFFC0,
00571                     //
00572                     K_F4                = 0xFFC1,
00573                     //
00574                     K_F5                = 0xFFC2,
00575                     //
00576                     K_F6                = 0xFFC3,
00577                     //
00578                     K_F7                = 0xFFC4,
00579                     //
00580                     K_F8                = 0xFFC5,
00581                     //
00582                     K_F9                = 0xFFC6,
00583                     //
00584                     K_F10               = 0xFFC7,
00585                     //
00586                     K_F11               = 0xFFC8,
00587                     //
00588                     K_L1                = 0xFFC8,
00589                     //
00590                     K_F12               = 0xFFC9,
00591                     //
00592                     K_L2                = 0xFFC9,
00593                     //
00594                     K_F13               = 0xFFCA,
00595                     //
00596                     K_L3                = 0xFFCA,
00597                     //
00598                     K_F14               = 0xFFCB,
00599                     //
00600                     K_L4                = 0xFFCB,
00601                     //
00602                     K_F15               = 0xFFCC,
00603                     //
00604                     K_L5                = 0xFFCC,
00605                     //
00606                     K_F16               = 0xFFCD,
00607                     //
00608                     K_L6                = 0xFFCD,
00609                     //
00610                     K_F17               = 0xFFCE,
00611                     //
00612                     K_L7                = 0xFFCE,
00613                     //
00614                     K_F18               = 0xFFCF,
00615                     //
00616                     K_L8                = 0xFFCF,
00617                     //
00618                     K_F19               = 0xFFD0,
00619                     //
00620                     K_L9                = 0xFFD0,
00621                     //
00622                     K_F20               = 0xFFD1,
00623                     //
00624                     K_L10               = 0xFFD1,
00625                     //
00626                     K_F21               = 0xFFD2,
00627                     //
00628                     K_R1                = 0xFFD2,
00629                     //
00630                     K_F22               = 0xFFD3,
00631                     //
00632                     K_R2                = 0xFFD3,
00633                     //
00634                     K_F23               = 0xFFD4,
00635                     //
00636                     K_R3                = 0xFFD4,
00637                     //
00638                     K_F24               = 0xFFD5,
00639                     //
00640                     K_R4                = 0xFFD5,
00641                     //
00642                     K_F25               = 0xFFD6,
00643                     //
00644                     K_R5                = 0xFFD6,
00645                     //
00646                     K_F26               = 0xFFD7,
00647                     //
00648                     K_R6                = 0xFFD7,
00649                     //
00650                     K_F27               = 0xFFD8,
00651                     //
00652                     K_R7                = 0xFFD8,
00653                     //
00654                     K_F28               = 0xFFD9,
00655                     //
00656                     K_R8                = 0xFFD9,
00657                     //
00658                     K_F29               = 0xFFDA,
00659                     //
00660                     K_R9                = 0xFFDA,
00661                     //
00662                     K_F30               = 0xFFDB,
00663                     //
00664                     K_R10               = 0xFFDB,
00665                     //
00666                     K_F31               = 0xFFDC,
00667                     //
00668                     K_R11               = 0xFFDC,
00669                     //
00670                     K_F32               = 0xFFDD,
00671                     //
00672                     K_R12               = 0xFFDD,
00673                     //
00674                     K_F33               = 0xFFDE,
00675                     //
00676                     K_R13               = 0xFFDE,
00677                     //
00678                     K_F34               = 0xFFDF,
00679                     //
00680                     K_R14               = 0xFFDF,
00681                     //
00682                     K_F35               = 0xFFE0,
00683                     //
00684                     K_R15               = 0xFFE0,
00686                     //
00687                     K_Shift_L           = 0xFFE1,
00688                     //
00689                     K_Shift_R           = 0xFFE2,
00690                     //
00691                     K_Control_L         = 0xFFE3,
00692                     //
00693                     K_Control_R         = 0xFFE4,
00694                     //
00695                     K_Caps_Lock         = 0xFFE5,
00696                     //
00697                     K_Shift_Lock        = 0xFFE6,
00699                     //
00700                     K_Meta_L            = 0xFFE7,
00701                     //
00702                     K_Meta_R            = 0xFFE8,
00703                     //
00704                     K_Alt_L             = 0xFFE9,
00705                     //
00706                     K_Alt_R             = 0xFFEA,
00707                     //
00708                     K_Super_L           = 0xFFEB,
00709                     //
00710                     K_Super_R           = 0xFFEC,
00711                     //
00712                     K_Hyper_L           = 0xFFED,
00713                     //
00714                     K_Hyper_R           = 0xFFEE,
00715                     //
00717                     K_Pointer_Button1           = 0xFEE9,
00718                     //
00719                     K_Pointer_Button2           = 0xFEEA,
00720                     //
00721                     K_Pointer_Button3           = 0xFEEB,
00722                     //
00723                     K_Pointer_Button4           = 0xFEEC,
00724                     //
00725                     K_Pointer_Button5           = 0xFEED,
00726                     //
00728                     K_Pointer_DblClick_Dflt     = 0xFEEE,
00729                     //
00730                     K_Pointer_DblClick1         = 0xFEEF,
00731                     //
00732                     K_Pointer_DblClick2         = 0xFEF0,
00733                     //
00734                     K_Pointer_DblClick3         = 0xFEF1,
00735                     //
00736                     K_Pointer_DblClick4         = 0xFEF2,
00737                     //
00738                     K_Pointer_DblClick5         = 0xFEF3,
00739                     //
00740                     K_Pointer_Drag_Dflt         = 0xFEF4,
00741                     //
00742                     K_Pointer_Drag1             = 0xFEF5,
00743                     //
00744                     K_Pointer_Drag2             = 0xFEF6,
00745                     //
00746                     K_Pointer_Drag3             = 0xFEF7,
00747                     //
00748                     K_Pointer_Drag4             = 0xFEF8,
00749                     //
00751                     //
00752                     K_Pointer_EnableKeys        = 0xFEF9,
00753                     //
00754                     K_Pointer_Accelerate        = 0xFEFA,
00755                     //
00756                     K_Pointer_DfltBtnNext       = 0xFEFB,
00757                     //
00758                     K_Pointer_DfltBtnPrev       = 0xFEFC,
00760                     //  Latin 1  Byte 3 = 0
00761                     K_space               = 0x0020,
00762                     //
00763                     K_exclam              = 0x0021,
00764                     //
00765                     K_quotedbl            = 0x0022,
00766                     //
00767                     K_numbersign          = 0x0023,
00768                     //
00769                     K_dollar              = 0x0024,
00770                     //
00771                     K_percent             = 0x0025,
00772                     //
00773                     K_ampersand           = 0x0026,
00774                     //
00775                     K_apostrophe          = 0x0027,
00776                     //
00777                     K_parenleft           = 0x0028,
00778                     //
00779                     K_parenright          = 0x0029,
00780                     //
00781                     K_asterisk            = 0x002a,
00782                     //
00783                     K_plus                = 0x002b,
00784                     //
00785                     K_comma               = 0x002c,
00786                     //
00787                     K_minus               = 0x002d,
00788                     //
00789                     K_period              = 0x002e,
00790                     //
00791                     K_slash               = 0x002f,
00792                     //
00793                     K_0                   = 0x0030,
00794                     //
00795                     K_1                   = 0x0031,
00796                     //
00797                     K_2                   = 0x0032,
00798                     //
00799                     K_3                   = 0x0033,
00800                     //
00801                     K_4                   = 0x0034,
00802                     //
00803                     K_5                   = 0x0035,
00804                     //
00805                     K_6                   = 0x0036,
00806                     //
00807                     K_7                   = 0x0037,
00808                     //
00809                     K_8                   = 0x0038,
00810                     //
00811                     K_9                   = 0x0039,
00812                     //
00813                     K_colon               = 0x003a,
00814                     //
00815                     K_semicolon           = 0x003b,
00816                     //
00817                     K_less                = 0x003c,
00818                     //
00819                     K_equal               = 0x003d,
00820                     //
00821                     K_greater             = 0x003e,
00822                     //
00823                     K_question            = 0x003f,
00824                     //
00825                     K_at                  = 0x0040,
00826                     //
00827                     K_A                   = 0x0041,
00828                     //
00829                     K_B                   = 0x0042,
00830                     //
00831                     K_C                   = 0x0043,
00832                     //
00833                     K_D                   = 0x0044,
00834                     //
00835                     K_E                   = 0x0045,
00836                     //
00837                     K_F                   = 0x0046,
00838                     //
00839                     K_G                   = 0x0047,
00840                     //
00841                     K_H                   = 0x0048,
00842                     //
00843                     K_I                   = 0x0049,
00844                     //
00845                     K_J                   = 0x004a,
00846                     //
00847                     K_K                   = 0x004b,
00848                     //
00849                     K_L                   = 0x004c,
00850                     //
00851                     K_M                   = 0x004d,
00852                     //
00853                     K_N                   = 0x004e,
00854                     //
00855                     K_O                   = 0x004f,
00856                     //
00857                     K_P                   = 0x0050,
00858                     //
00859                     K_Q                   = 0x0051,
00860                     //
00861                     K_R                   = 0x0052,
00862                     //
00863                     K_S                   = 0x0053,
00864                     //
00865                     K_T                   = 0x0054,
00866                     //
00867                     K_U                   = 0x0055,
00868                     //
00869                     K_V                   = 0x0056,
00870                     //
00871                     K_W                   = 0x0057,
00872                     //
00873                     K_X                   = 0x0058,
00874                     //
00875                     K_Y                   = 0x0059,
00876                     //
00877                     K_Z                   = 0x005a,
00878                     //
00879                     K_bracketleft         = 0x005b,
00880                     //
00881                     K_backslash           = 0x005c,
00882                     //
00883                     K_bracketright        = 0x005d,
00884                     //
00885                     K_asciicircum         = 0x005e,
00886                     //
00887                     K_underscore          = 0x005f,
00888                     //
00889                     K_grave               = 0x0060,
00890                     //
00891                     K_quoteleft           = 0x0060,
00892                     //
00893                     K_a                   = 0x0061,
00894                     //
00895                     K_b                   = 0x0062,
00896                     //
00897                     K_c                   = 0x0063,
00898                     //
00899                     K_d                   = 0x0064,
00900                     //
00901                     K_e                   = 0x0065,
00902                     //
00903                     K_f                   = 0x0066,
00904                     //
00905                     K_g                   = 0x0067,
00906                     //
00907                     K_h                   = 0x0068,
00908                     //
00909                     K_i                   = 0x0069,
00910                     //
00911                     K_j                   = 0x006a,
00912                     //
00913                     K_k                   = 0x006b,
00914                     //
00915                     K_l                   = 0x006c,
00916                     //
00917                     K_m                   = 0x006d,
00918                     //
00919                     K_n                   = 0x006e,
00920                     //
00921                     K_o                   = 0x006f,
00922                     //
00923                     K_p                   = 0x0070,
00924                     //
00925                     K_q                   = 0x0071,
00926                     //
00927                     K_r                   = 0x0072,
00928                     //
00929                     K_s                   = 0x0073,
00930                     //
00931                     K_t                   = 0x0074,
00932                     //
00933                     K_u                   = 0x0075,
00934                     //
00935                     K_v                   = 0x0076,
00936                     //
00937                     K_w                   = 0x0077,
00938                     //
00939                     K_x                   = 0x0078,
00940                     //
00941                     K_y                   = 0x0079,
00942                     //
00943                     K_z                   = 0x007a,
00944                     //
00945                     K_braceleft           = 0x007b,
00946                     //
00947                     K_bar                 = 0x007c,
00948                     //
00949                     K_braceright          = 0x007d,
00950                     //
00951                     K_asciitilde          = 0x007e,
00952                     //
00954                     //
00955                     K_nobreakspace        = 0x00a0,
00956                     //
00957                     K_exclamdown          = 0x00a1,
00958                     //
00959                     K_cent              = 0x00a2,
00960                     //
00961                     K_sterling            = 0x00a3,
00962                     //
00963                     K_currency            = 0x00a4,
00964                     //
00965                     K_yen                 = 0x00a5,
00966                     //
00967                     K_brokenbar           = 0x00a6,
00968                     //
00969                     K_section             = 0x00a7,
00970                     //
00971                     K_diaeresis           = 0x00a8,
00972                     //
00973                     K_copyright           = 0x00a9,
00974                     //
00975                     K_ordfeminine         = 0x00aa,
00976                     //
00977                     K_guillemotleft       = 0x00ab,
00978                     //
00979                     K_notsign             = 0x00ac,
00980                     //
00981                     K_hyphen              = 0x00ad,
00982                     //
00983                     K_registered          = 0x00ae,
00984                     //
00985                     K_macron              = 0x00af,
00986                     //
00987                     K_degree              = 0x00b0,
00988                     //
00989                     K_plusminus           = 0x00b1,
00990                     //
00991                     K_twosuperior         = 0x00b2,
00992                     //
00993                     K_threesuperior       = 0x00b3,
00994                     //
00995                     K_acute               = 0x00b4,
00996                     //
00997                     K_mu                  = 0x00b5,
00998                     //
00999                     K_paragraph           = 0x00b6,
01000                     //
01001                     K_periodcentered      = 0x00b7,
01002                     //
01003                     K_cedilla             = 0x00b8,
01004                     //
01005                     K_onesuperior         = 0x00b9,
01006                     //
01007                     K_masculine           = 0x00ba,
01008                     //
01009                     K_guillemotright      = 0x00bb,
01010                     //
01011                     K_onequarter          = 0x00bc,
01012                     //
01013                     K_onehalf             = 0x00bd,
01014                     //
01015                     K_threequarters       = 0x00be,
01016                     //
01017                     K_questiondown        = 0x00bf,
01018                     //
01019                     K_Agrave              = 0x00c0,
01020                     //
01021                     K_Aacute              = 0x00c1,
01022                     //
01023                     K_Acircumflex         = 0x00c2,
01024                     //
01025                     K_Atilde              = 0x00c3,
01026                     //
01027                     K_Adiaeresis          = 0x00c4,
01028                     //
01029                     K_Aring               = 0x00c5,
01030                     //
01031                     K_AE                  = 0x00c6,
01032                     //
01033                     K_Ccedilla            = 0x00c7,
01034                     //
01035                     K_Egrave              = 0x00c8,
01036                     //
01037                     K_Eacute              = 0x00c9,
01038                     //
01039                     K_Ecircumflex         = 0x00ca,
01040                     //
01041                     K_Ediaeresis          = 0x00cb,
01042                     //
01043                     K_Igrave              = 0x00cc,
01044                     //
01045                     K_Iacute              = 0x00cd,
01046                     //
01047                     K_Icircumflex         = 0x00ce,
01048                     //
01049                     K_Idiaeresis          = 0x00cf,
01050                     //
01051                     K_ETH                 = 0x00d0,
01052                     //
01053                     K_Ntilde              = 0x00d1,
01054                     //
01055                     K_Ograve              = 0x00d2,
01056                     //
01057                     K_Oacute              = 0x00d3,
01058                     //
01059                     K_Ocircumflex         = 0x00d4,
01060                     //
01061                     K_Otilde              = 0x00d5,
01062                     //
01063                     K_Odiaeresis          = 0x00d6,
01064                     //
01065                     K_multiply            = 0x00d7,
01066                     //
01067                     K_Ooblique            = 0x00d8,
01068                     //
01069                     K_Ugrave              = 0x00d9,
01070                     //
01071                     K_Uacute              = 0x00da,
01072                     //
01073                     K_Ucircumflex         = 0x00db,
01074                     //
01075                     K_Udiaeresis          = 0x00dc,
01076                     //
01077                     K_Yacute              = 0x00dd,
01078                     //
01079                     K_THORN               = 0x00de,
01080                     //
01081                     K_ssharp              = 0x00df,
01082                     //
01083                     K_agrave              = 0x00e0,
01084                     //
01085                     K_aacute              = 0x00e1,
01086                     //
01087                     K_acircumflex         = 0x00e2,
01088                     //
01089                     K_atilde              = 0x00e3,
01090                     //
01091                     K_adiaeresis          = 0x00e4,
01092                     //
01093                     K_aring               = 0x00e5,
01094                     //
01095                     K_ae                  = 0x00e6,
01096                     //
01097                     K_ccedilla            = 0x00e7,
01098                     //
01099                     K_egrave              = 0x00e8,
01100                     //
01101                     K_eacute              = 0x00e9,
01102                     //
01103                     K_ecircumflex         = 0x00ea,
01104                     //
01105                     K_ediaeresis          = 0x00eb,
01106                     //
01107                     K_igrave              = 0x00ec,
01108                     //
01109                     K_iacute              = 0x00ed,
01110                     //
01111                     K_icircumflex         = 0x00ee,
01112                     //
01113                     K_idiaeresis          = 0x00ef,
01114                     //
01115                     K_eth                 = 0x00f0,
01116                     //
01117                     K_ntilde              = 0x00f1,
01118                     //
01119                     K_ograve              = 0x00f2,
01120                     //
01121                     K_oacute              = 0x00f3,
01122                     //
01123                     K_ocircumflex         = 0x00f4,
01124                     //
01125                     K_otilde              = 0x00f5,
01126                     //
01127                     K_odiaeresis          = 0x00f6,
01128                     //
01129                     K_division            = 0x00f7,
01130                     //
01131                     K_oslash              = 0x00f8,
01132                     //
01133                     K_ugrave              = 0x00f9,
01134                     //
01135                     K_uacute              = 0x00fa,
01136                     //
01137                     K_ucircumflex         = 0x00fb,
01138                     //
01139                     K_udiaeresis          = 0x00fc,
01140                     //
01141                     K_yacute              = 0x00fd,
01142                     //
01143                     K_thorn               = 0x00fe,
01144                     //
01145                     K_ydiaeresis          = 0x00ff,
01146                     //
01148                     //   Latin 2
01149                     //   Byte 3 = 1
01151                     K_Aogonek             = 0x01a1,
01152                     //
01153                     K_breve               = 0x01a2,
01154                     //
01155                     K_Lstroke             = 0x01a3,
01156                     //
01157                     K_Lcaron              = 0x01a5,
01158                     //
01159                     K_Sacute              = 0x01a6,
01160                     //
01161                     K_Scaron              = 0x01a9,
01162                     //
01163                     K_Scedilla            = 0x01aa,
01164                     //
01165                     K_Tcaron              = 0x01ab,
01166                     //
01167                     K_Zacute              = 0x01ac,
01168                     //
01169                     K_Zcaron              = 0x01ae,
01170                     //
01171                     K_Zabovedot           = 0x01af,
01172                     //
01173                     K_aogonek             = 0x01b1,
01174                     //
01175                     K_ogonek              = 0x01b2,
01176                     //
01177                     K_lstroke             = 0x01b3,
01178                     //
01179                     K_lcaron              = 0x01b5,
01180                     //
01181                     K_sacute              = 0x01b6,
01182                     //
01183                     K_caron               = 0x01b7,
01184                     //
01185                     K_scaron              = 0x01b9,
01186                     //
01187                     K_scedilla            = 0x01ba,
01188                     //
01189                     K_tcaron              = 0x01bb,
01190                     //
01191                     K_zacute              = 0x01bc,
01192                     //
01193                     K_doubleacute         = 0x01bd,
01194                     //
01195                     K_zcaron              = 0x01be,
01196                     //
01197                     K_zabovedot           = 0x01bf,
01198                     //
01199                     K_Racute              = 0x01c0,
01200                     //
01201                     K_Abreve              = 0x01c3,
01202                     //
01203                     K_Lacute              = 0x01c5,
01204                     //
01205                     K_Cacute              = 0x01c6,
01206                     //
01207                     K_Ccaron              = 0x01c8,
01208                     //
01209                     K_Eogonek             = 0x01ca,
01210                     //
01211                     K_Ecaron              = 0x01cc,
01212                     //
01213                     K_Dcaron              = 0x01cf,
01214                     //
01215                     K_Dstroke             = 0x01d0,
01216                     //
01217                     K_Nacute              = 0x01d1,
01218                     //
01219                     K_Ncaron              = 0x01d2,
01220                     //
01221                     K_Odoubleacute        = 0x01d5,
01222                     //
01223                     K_Rcaron              = 0x01d8,
01224                     //
01225                     K_Uring               = 0x01d9,
01226                     //
01227                     K_Udoubleacute        = 0x01db,
01228                     //
01229                     K_Tcedilla            = 0x01de,
01230                     //
01231                     K_racute              = 0x01e0,
01232                     //
01233                     K_abreve              = 0x01e3,
01234                     //
01235                     K_lacute              = 0x01e5,
01236                     //
01237                     K_cacute              = 0x01e6,
01238                     //
01239                     K_ccaron              = 0x01e8,
01240                     //
01241                     K_eogonek             = 0x01ea,
01242                     //
01243                     K_ecaron              = 0x01ec,
01244                     //
01245                     K_dcaron              = 0x01ef,
01246                     //
01247                     K_dstroke             = 0x01f0,
01248                     //
01249                     K_nacute              = 0x01f1,
01250                     //
01251                     K_ncaron              = 0x01f2,
01252                     //
01253                     K_odoubleacute        = 0x01f5,
01254                     //
01255                     K_udoubleacute        = 0x01fb,
01256                     //
01257                     K_rcaron              = 0x01f8,
01258                     //
01259                     K_uring               = 0x01f9,
01260                     //
01261                     K_tcedilla            = 0x01fe,
01262                     //
01263                     K_abovedot            = 0x01ff,
01264                     //
01266                     //   Latin 3  Byte 3 = 2
01268                     K_Hstroke             = 0x02a1,
01269                     //
01270                     K_Hcircumflex         = 0x02a6,
01271                     //
01272                     K_Iabovedot           = 0x02a9,
01273                     //
01274                     K_Gbreve              = 0x02ab,
01275                     //
01276                     K_Jcircumflex         = 0x02ac,
01277                     //
01278                     K_hstroke             = 0x02b1,
01279                     //
01280                     K_hcircumflex         = 0x02b6,
01281                     //
01282                     K_idotless            = 0x02b9,
01283                     //
01284                     K_gbreve              = 0x02bb,
01285                     //
01286                     K_jcircumflex         = 0x02bc,
01287                     //
01288                     K_Cabovedot           = 0x02c5,
01289                     //
01290                     K_Ccircumflex         = 0x02c6,
01291                     //
01292                     K_Gabovedot           = 0x02d5,
01293                     //
01294                     K_Gcircumflex         = 0x02d8,
01295                     //
01296                     K_Ubreve              = 0x02dd,
01297                     //
01298                     K_Scircumflex         = 0x02de,
01299                     //
01300                     K_cabovedot           = 0x02e5,
01301                     //
01302                     K_ccircumflex         = 0x02e6,
01303                     //
01304                     K_gabovedot           = 0x02f5,
01305                     //
01306                     K_gcircumflex         = 0x02f8,
01307                     //
01308                     K_ubreve              = 0x02fd,
01309                     //
01310                     K_scircumflex         = 0x02fe,
01312                     //   Latin 4  Byte 3 = 3
01314                     K_kra                 = 0x03a2,
01315                     //
01316                     K_Rcedilla            = 0x03a3,
01317                     //
01318                     K_Itilde              = 0x03a5,
01319                     //
01320                     K_Lcedilla            = 0x03a6,
01321                     //
01322                     K_Emacron             = 0x03aa,
01323                     //
01324                     K_Gcedilla            = 0x03ab,
01325                     //
01326                     K_Tslash              = 0x03ac,
01327                     //
01328                     K_rcedilla            = 0x03b3,
01329                     //
01330                     K_itilde              = 0x03b5,
01331                     //
01332                     K_lcedilla            = 0x03b6,
01333                     //
01334                     K_emacron             = 0x03ba,
01335                     //
01336                     K_gcedilla            = 0x03bb,
01337                     //
01338                     K_tslash              = 0x03bc,
01339                     //
01340                     K_ENG                 = 0x03bd,
01341                     //
01342                     K_eng                 = 0x03bf,
01343                     //
01344                     K_Amacron             = 0x03c0,
01345                     //
01346                     K_Iogonek             = 0x03c7,
01347                     //
01348                     K_Eabovedot           = 0x03cc,
01349                     //
01350                     K_Imacron             = 0x03cf,
01351                     //
01352                     K_Ncedilla            = 0x03d1,
01353                     //
01354                     K_Omacron             = 0x03d2,
01355                     //
01356                     K_Kcedilla            = 0x03d3,
01357                     //
01358                     K_Uogonek             = 0x03d9,
01359                     //
01360                     K_Utilde              = 0x03dd,
01361                     //
01362                     K_Umacron             = 0x03de,
01363                     //
01364                     K_amacron             = 0x03e0,
01365                     //
01366                     K_iogonek             = 0x03e7,
01367                     //
01368                     K_eabovedot           = 0x03ec,
01369                     //
01370                     K_imacron             = 0x03ef,
01371                     //
01372                     K_ncedilla            = 0x03f1,
01373                     //
01374                     K_omacron             = 0x03f2,
01375                     //
01376                     K_kcedilla            = 0x03f3,
01377                     //
01378                     K_uogonek             = 0x03f9,
01379                     //
01380                     K_utilde              = 0x03fd,
01381                     //
01382                     K_umacron             = 0x03fe,
01384                     // Greek Byte 3 = 7
01386                     K_Greek_ALPHAaccent            = 0x07a1,
01387                     //
01388                     K_Greek_EPSILONaccent          = 0x07a2,
01389                     //
01390                     K_Greek_ETAaccent              = 0x07a3,
01391                     //
01392                     K_Greek_IOTAaccent             = 0x07a4,
01393                     //
01394                     K_Greek_IOTAdiaeresis          = 0x07a5,
01395                     //
01396                     K_Greek_OMICRONaccent          = 0x07a7,
01397                     //
01398                     K_Greek_UPSILONaccent          = 0x07a8,
01399                     //
01400                     K_Greek_UPSILONdieresis        = 0x07a9,
01401                     //
01402                     K_Greek_OMEGAaccent            = 0x07ab,
01403                     //
01404                     K_Greek_accentdieresis         = 0x07ae,
01405                     //
01406                     K_Greek_horizbar               = 0x07af,
01407                     //
01408                     K_Greek_alphaaccent            = 0x07b1,
01409                     //
01410                     K_Greek_epsilonaccent          = 0x07b2,
01411                     //
01412                     K_Greek_etaaccent              = 0x07b3,
01413                     //
01414                     K_Greek_iotaaccent             = 0x07b4,
01415                     //
01416                     K_Greek_iotadieresis           = 0x07b5,
01417                     //
01418                     K_Greek_iotaaccentdieresis     = 0x07b6,
01419                     //
01420                     K_Greek_omicronaccent          = 0x07b7,
01421                     //
01422                     K_Greek_upsilonaccent          = 0x07b8,
01423                     //
01424                     K_Greek_upsilondieresis        = 0x07b9,
01425                     //
01426                     K_Greek_upsilonaccentdieresis  = 0x07ba,
01427                     //
01428                     K_Greek_omegaaccent            = 0x07bb,
01429                     //
01430                     K_Greek_ALPHA                  = 0x07c1,
01431                     //
01432                     K_Greek_BETA                   = 0x07c2,
01433                     //
01434                     K_Greek_GAMMA                  = 0x07c3,
01435                     //
01436                     K_Greek_DELTA                  = 0x07c4,
01437                     //
01438                     K_Greek_EPSILON                = 0x07c5,
01439                     //
01440                     K_Greek_ZETA                   = 0x07c6,
01441                     //
01442                     K_Greek_ETA                    = 0x07c7,
01443                     //
01444                     K_Greek_THETA                  = 0x07c8,
01445                     //
01446                     K_Greek_IOTA                   = 0x07c9,
01447                     //
01448                     K_Greek_KAPPA                  = 0x07ca,
01449                     //
01450                     K_Greek_LAMDA                  = 0x07cb,
01451                     //
01452                     K_Greek_LAMBDA                 = 0x07cb,
01453                     //
01454                     K_Greek_MU                     = 0x07cc,
01455                     //
01456                     K_Greek_NU                     = 0x07cd,
01457                     //
01458                     K_Greek_XI                     = 0x07ce,
01459                     //
01460                     K_Greek_OMICRON                = 0x07cf,
01461                     //
01462                     K_Greek_PI                     = 0x07d0,
01463                     //
01464                     K_Greek_RHO                    = 0x07d1,
01465                     //
01466                     K_Greek_SIGMA                  = 0x07d2,
01467                     //
01468                     K_Greek_TAU                    = 0x07d4,
01469                     //
01470                     K_Greek_UPSILON                = 0x07d5,
01471                     //
01472                     K_Greek_PHI                    = 0x07d6,
01473                     //
01474                     K_Greek_CHI                    = 0x07d7,
01475                     //
01476                     K_Greek_PSI                    = 0x07d8,
01477                     //
01478                     K_Greek_OMEGA                  = 0x07d9,
01479                     //
01480                     K_Greek_alpha                  = 0x07e1,
01481                     //
01482                     K_Greek_beta                   = 0x07e2,
01483                     //
01484                     K_Greek_gamma                  = 0x07e3,
01485                     //
01486                     K_Greek_delta                  = 0x07e4,
01487                     //
01488                     K_Greek_epsilon                = 0x07e5,
01489                     //
01490                     K_Greek_zeta                   = 0x07e6,
01491                     //
01492                     K_Greek_eta                    = 0x07e7,
01493                     //
01494                     K_Greek_theta                  = 0x07e8,
01495                     //
01496                     K_Greek_iota                   = 0x07e9,
01497                     //
01498                     K_Greek_kappa                  = 0x07ea,
01499                     //
01500                     K_Greek_lamda                  = 0x07eb,
01501                     //
01502                     K_Greek_lambda                 = 0x07eb,
01503                     //
01504                     K_Greek_mu                     = 0x07ec,
01505                     //
01506                     K_Greek_nu                     = 0x07ed,
01507                     //
01508                     K_Greek_xi                     = 0x07ee,
01509                     //
01510                     K_Greek_omicron                = 0x07ef,
01511                     //
01512                     K_Greek_pi                     = 0x07f0,
01513                     //
01514                     K_Greek_rho                    = 0x07f1,
01515                     //
01516                     K_Greek_sigma                  = 0x07f2,
01517                     //
01518                     K_Greek_finalsmallsigma        = 0x07f3,
01519                     //
01520                     K_Greek_tau                    = 0x07f4,
01521                     //
01522                     K_Greek_upsilon                = 0x07f5,
01523                     //
01524                     K_Greek_phi                    = 0x07f6,
01525                     //
01526                     K_Greek_chi                    = 0x07f7,
01527                     //
01528                     K_Greek_psi                    = 0x07f8,
01529                     //
01530                     K_Greek_omega                  = 0x07f9,
01531                     //  Alias for mode_switch
01532                     K_Greek_switch                 = 0xFF7E
01533                 };
01535                 // Determine Display::KeyModifier given Display::KeySym.
01536                 static Display::KeyModifier keyModifierFromKeySym(const Display::KeySym
01537                         &keysym);
01539         };
01541 // remove this when all IL's are extracted ???
01542         typedef Display IL;
01544 // <summary>
01545 // Global functions (operators) to print display class enumerations.
01546 // </summary>
01548 // Each enumeration can be printed to the console to assist
01549 // in debugging.  Printed name is identical to source code
01550 // constant name.
01551 // <group name="DisplayEnums to string functions">
01552         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::ColorModel dmt);
01553         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::Strategy dmt);
01554         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::SpecialMap dmt);
01555         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::LineStyle dmt);
01556         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::CapStyle dmt);
01557         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::JoinStyle dmt);
01558         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::FillStyle dmt);
01559         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::FillRule dmt);
01560         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::ArcMode dmt);
01561         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::TextAlign dmt);
01562         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::DrawMode dmt);
01563         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::DrawBuffer dmt);
01564         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::DrawFunction dmt);
01565         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::RefreshReason drr);
01566         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::Option dopt);
01567         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::ImageCacheStrategy ics);
01568         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::ComplexToRealMethod ctrm);
01569         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::DisplayDataType dtype);
01570         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::KeyModifier dmt);
01571         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::KeySym dmt);
01572         ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Display::Marker mrk);
01573 // </group>
01576 } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
01578 #endif
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 31 Aug 2016 for casa by  doxygen 1.6.1