N A W G ======= NRAO Algorithms Working Group Meeting - PRELIMINARY AGENDA Date: 2004-11-24 (Wednesday) Time: 1300 MST Video Hub: SOC-conf (others) Rooms: SOC317/CV311/GB241/TUCN505 I would like to invite you to attend and participate in the first NAWG = NRAO Algorithms Working Group (pun intended) meeting on Wednesday 24 November 2004. The goal of these meetings, which will use the 2nd of the two monthly NAUG slots on the 4th Wednesday of each month, is to have a general forum to discuss data-processing algorithms related issues of interest to scientists and software folks alike (independent of development platform or package). This is in response to the pressures of planning for the EVLA hard problems like wide-field/wide-band imaging as well as thinking about problems for ALMA and GBT. It is meant to be as observatory-wide as possible and I'm trying to solicit some participants from the various sites. These meetings are meant to be mostly informal discussion with some scheduled presentations ("Main Events") on algorithmic research and/or implementation topics. This first meeting is intended to just be a kickoff, with a number of people saying something about the problems they are working on. If you wish to participate and also want to speak on a topic let me know (or just show up either in person or via video/audio)! NOTE: I know, the day before Thanksgiving isn't the best, but I can't wait until January (we will also have a meeting the equally bad pre-Christmas December week) and this slot is already reserved (and as you know its nearly impossible to find open slots othwerwise)! ======= Agenda: Send items for inclusion to smyers 1. Organizational issues o goals of the NAWG (Steve) o requirements, plans & issues for ALMA & EVLA (Steve) 2. Project-related (ALMA, EVLA, GBT) algorithms o auto-flagging &c (Eric) o polarization imaging + mosaicing (Mark? or Steve) o pointing calibration + wide-field/wide-band imaging (Sanjay) 3. General algorithmic issues o science data models (Ed) o parallelization (Kumar) 4. Main Event - Presentations and Discussion Items o no presentations - mostly discussion of the NAWG future 5. Relevant reading: o Post-processing requirements: - ALMA Offline Data Processing Requirements http://www.alma.nrao.edu/development/computing/docs/joint/0018/ALMAoffline-sw-18.pdf - EVLA Offline Data Processing Requirements http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/~smyers/evla/evla_offline.pdf o Memos: - Solving for the Antenna Based Pointing Errors (Bhatnagar, Cornwell & Golap) http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/evla/geninfo/memoseries/evlamemo84.pdf - EVLA and SKA Computing Costs for Wide Field Imaging (Cornwell) http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/evla/geninfo/memoseries/evlamemo77.pdf - Effects of Atmospheric Emission Fluctuations and Gain Fluctuations on Continuum Total Power Observations with ALMA (Holdaway) http://www.mma.nrao.edu/memos/html-memos/abstracts/abs490.html http://www.mma.nrao.edu/memos/html-memos/alma490/memo490.pdf o GBT: - GBT Software Review Agenda & Presentations http://wiki.gb.nrao.edu/bin/view/Software/ReviewAgenda2004 - GBT Standard Observing Modes http://wiki.gb.nrao.edu/bin/view/Observing/StandardObservingModes 6. Upcoming meetings and deadlines: o 2004 Dec 14-15 EVLA Advisory Committee (SOC)