Attending: ========== Participant Site Local Office ----------- ---- ------------ Walter Brisken (NRAO-AOC) AOC 301 Crystal Brogan (NRAO-CV) AOC 209 Ed Fomalont (NRAO-CV) AOC 209? Eric Greisen (NRAO-AOC) AOC 318 John Hibbard (NRAO-CV) AOC 209 Gary Li (UCalgary) video as needed Joe McMullin (NRAO-AOC) AOC 368 Steve Myers (NRAO-AOC) AOC 376 Frazer Owen (NRAO-AOC) AOC 320 Michael Rupen (NRAO-AOC) AOC 206 Raymond Rusk (DRAO) video as needed Darrell Schiebel(NRAO-CV) video as needed Boyd Waters (NRAO-AOC) AOC 316->373 David Whysong (NRAO-AOC) AOC 300A Wes Young (NRAO-AOC) AOC 378 Agenda: ======= Monday, March 27 0930 - 1030 Introduction McMullin What is CASA? Functionality Interface Tools and Tasks Documentation Distribution Known Issues ALMA2006.01-4 Existing Schedule/Plan The week will be spent identifying items for implementation/improvement. The goal of the week is to generate a list of targeted goals and to make as much progress on those goals during the week with the system team (McMullin, Schiebel, Young). Friday, March 31 1300 - 1400 Wrap-up/Review McMullin Location(s): ============ Scheduling a week-long meeting is fraught with peril and so the following represents the room locations and times for the meeting. March 27 0930 - 1400 MST AOC 280/ER 230 March 28 0930 - 1400 MST AOC 280/ER 230 March 29 0930 - 1400 MST AOC 280/ER 230 March 30 0930 - 1400 MST AOC 280/ER 230 March 31 0930 - 1400 MST AOC 280/ER 230