SD Testing Report S.Myers 2007-03-04 Based upon my experiences building the ASAP SDtasks and regressions scripts, here are some comments on the ASAP package as currently incorporated into CASA. sd.plotter currently you can get hardcopy only after making a viewed plot, should choose device for plotting when you set up the plotter. multi-panel plotting poor. currently can only seem to add lines etc to first panel through asap (or is it just bad documentation). sd.plotter.set_range() sets the same range for multiple panels, but should be able to set the range for each independently, including the default plots need to be made a lot better. In principle matplotlib can make "publication quality" figures, but in practice you have to do alot of work to make it do that, and our plots are not good. the sd.plotter object remembers things throughout the session and thus can easily get confused. For example you have to reset the range sd.plotter.set_range() if you have ever set it manually. This is not the best behavior but maybe we have to live with it. sd.selector only allows one selection of each type, should be possible to make union of selections (without resorting to query) for the set_name (the others work off lists of ifs or scans). sd.scantable there is no useful inline help on the scantable constructor when you do "help sd.scantable", nor in "help sd" the inline help for scantable.summary claims that there is a verbose parameter, but there isnt. the scantable.verbosesummary asaprc parameter (e.g. in sd.rcParams) does nothing. you cannot usually set the rest frequencies for GBT data, mostly because scantable.set_restfreqs iterates over IFs and if you have missing IFs (like you selected 0 and 2) it will crash dealing with the missing ones. You can do it at the beginning when you have consecutive IFs but only for consecutive ones starting from 0. It should work on the IFs that are actually in the scantable, and in that order. THIS IS THE MOST SERIOUS BUG RIGHT NOW. You can see the problem in this crash: /home/casa/linux_rhe/python/2.5/asap/ in set_restfreqs(self, freqs, unit) 802 for i in xrange(len(freqs)): 803 sel.set_ifs([i]) --> 804 self._setselection(sel) 805 self._setrestfreqs(freqs[i], "",unit) 806 self._setselection(savesel) need a method to query the antenna name DONE: scantable.get_antennaname added by Tak on 1-Mar add to scantable.stats: maxord, minord - the ordinate (channel, vel, freq) of the max/min general we should have CASA use the ASAP scantables rather than requiring conversion to MS should be a "sdhelp" equivalent of toolhelp and tasklist for the sd tools and tasks the current output of ASAP is verbose, should we default by setting sd.rcParams['verbose']=False ? or leave it to the user?