Testing - g192.16 regression script DSS - 27feb07 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #### Looks like the script produced good images and reasonably well-calibrated data (there is a bad scan/baseline and a poor antenna after calibration but this is just the lack of final flagging - not a big deal at all). Summary of issues: --------------------- - fits image generated with ia.tofits() can not be loaded into the casa viewer or the aips++ default viewer. Seems like a problem with the history file: Tue Feb 27 17:01:11 2007 NORMAL FITSCoordinateUtil::fromFITSHeader (file /home/ballista/casa/daily/code/coordinates/implement/Coordinates/ FITSCoordinateUtil.cc, line 1078): Using new WCS-based FITS parser Found one coordinate representation. Cannot display g192_a2.fits as raster image: (/home/ballista/casa/daily/code/fits/implement/FITS/FITSHistoryUtil.cc : 197) Failed AlwaysAssert nstrings%2 == 0 (e-mail already sent to Joe so this is one is logged already). - A correctly executed setjy command gives warning message that unnecessarily alarms the user (it did me anyway): setjy('g192_a.ms',fieldid=4) #set flux density for 1331+305 (3C286) NORMAL imager::setjy(): 1331+305 spwid= 0 [I=2.414, Q=0, U=0, V=0] Jy, (Perley-Taylor 99) then: WARN imager:setdata():Selection is empty:reverting to sorted MeasurementSet WARN imager:setdata():Selection is empty:reverting to sorted MeasurementSet There is only one setjy command in the script and this is the correct field. There are 2 more spwids (continuum tipping scans) - so it looks like this is another example of WARN messages to the user that are not needed and can decrease the confidance a user might have in the software. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actual detailed test notes: alias casadaily 'source /home/ballista/casa/daily/casainit.csh; casapy' casadaily Regression scripts: https://wikio.nrao.edu/bin/view/Software/CASA /home/casa/code/xmlcasa/scripts/ NOTE: refant = NAME now, not ID # ==> previous scripts will get the wrong antenna because they specified ID #. Useful commands to work around problems: ------------------------------------------ tb.clearlocks() mp.clearplot restore() # source /home/ballista/casa/daily/casainit.csh; casapy ----------------------------------------------------------------------- make sure I have the latest version of the script: cp /home/casa/code/xmlcasa/scripts/g192_regression.py . casadaily execfile 'g192_regression.py' listobs('g192_a.ms', verbose=true) # results in 0.summary.txt WARN issue: setjy('g192_a.ms',fieldid=4) #set flux density for 1331+305 (3C286) NORMAL imager::setjy(): 1331+305 spwid= 0 [I=2.414, Q=0, U=0, V=0] Jy, (Perley-Taylor 99) then: WARN imager::setdata(): Selection is empty:reverting to sorted MeasurementSet WARN imager::setdata(): Selection is empty:reverting to sorted MeasurementSet There is only one setjy command in the script and this is the correct field. There are 2 more spwids (continuum tipping scans) - so it looks like this is another example of WARN messages to the user that should not occur. ---------------------------------- Regression stats were not printed out on the command window. Instead, they are printed to a log file: ggtau.2007-02-25T15:36:00.651219.log: ********** Data Summary ********* * Observer: unavailable Project: AS758 * * Observation: VLA(27 antennas) * * Telescope Observation Date Observer Project * * VLA [ 4.55803e+09, 4.55803e+09]unavailable AS758 * * VLA [ 4.55803e+09, 4.55803e+09]unavailable AS758 * * VLA [ 4.55803e+09, 4.55803e+09]unavailable AS758 * * VLA [ 4.55803e+09, 4.55804e+09]unavailable AS758 * * VLA [ 4.55804e+09, 4.55804e+09]unavailable AS758 * * Data records: 1200015 Total integration time = 19347.5 seconds * * Observed from 25-Apr-2003/22:03:38 to 26-Apr-2003/03:26:05 * * Fields: 6 * * ID Name Right Ascension Declination Epoch * * 0 0530+135 05:30:56.42 + J2000 (gaincal) * * 1 05582+16320 05:58:13.53 + J2000 (target) * * 2 05309+13319 05:30:56.42 + J2000 (gaincal) * * 3 0319+415 03:19:48.16 + J2000 (bandpass) * * 4 1331+305 13:31:08.29 + J2000 (fluxcal) * * 6 KTIP 21:20:00.00 + J2000 * * Data descriptions: 3 (3 spectral windows and 2 polarization setups) * * ID #Chans Frame Ch1(MHz) Resoln(kHz) TotBW(kHz) Ref(MHz) Corrs * 0 127 LSRK 23692.5072 24.4170056 3100.95971 23694.045 RR * 2 1 TOPO 22485.1 50000 50000 22485.1 RR RL LR LL * 3 1 TOPO 22435.1 50000 50000 22435.1 RR RL LR LL ********************************* ********** Regression *********** * * * Passed cal max amplitude test * * Cal max amp 2.7573018074 * Passed src max amplitude test * * Src max amp 25.1354598999 * Passed contsub rms test * * Contsub rms 0.00291408249177 * Passed image max test * * Image max [0.026486486196517944] * Passed image rms test * * Image rms [0.0021099140867590904] --- Passed Regression test for G192 --- ********************************* ********* Benchmarking ***************** * * Total wall clock time was: 886.107796192 Total CPU time was: 562.84 Processing rate MB/s was: 0.716504247822 * Breakdown: * * import time was: 168.538694143 * flagautocorr time was: 21.9342608452 * setjy time was: 4.96021604538 * gaincal time was: 30.6925139427 * bandpass time was: 10.4784750938 * fluxscale time was: 0.502141952515 * correct time was: 123.904021978 * split-cal time was: 16.6217060089 * split-src time was: 61.1248121262 * flag-src time was: 108.97466588 * clean-src time was: 315.491038084 ***************************************** basho (test cpu) time was: 1500 seconds viewer g192.cont.im - this says it has 40 images but they are all exactly the same. Not sure what goes. g192.line.im - looks right. Nice image g192_a2.fits - humm: Tue Feb 27 17:01:11 2007 NORMAL FITSCoordinateUtil::fromFITSHeader (file /home/ballista/casa/daily/code/coordinates/implement/Coordinates/ FITSCoordinateUtil.cc, line 1078): Using new WCS-based FITS parser Found one coordinate representation. Cannot display g192_a2.fits as raster image: (/home/ballista/casa/daily/code/fits/implement/FITS/FITSHistoryUtil.cc : 197) Failed AlwaysAssert nstrings%2 == 0 g192_a2.image - same basic source image. g192_src.split.ms - Looks OK - a couple of antennas are noisy but they are probably downweighted. g192_cal.split.ms - again, ant 8 high but looks well calibrated. First scan intermittantly flagged (e.g. most flagged but not all) g192_a.ms - too big, must press apply on the adjust panel to load data. Darn, I thought this was a limitation of glish. Why is this implemented this way in CASA? Data looks pretty well calibrated (one ant is bad but that is OK, probably just didn't flag it after calibration). #### Looks like the script produced good images and well-calibrated data. --------------------- AIPS++ Stable: dv.gui(); # look at g192_a2.fits OK, aips++ viewer can't read this fits file either: message: Unable to create DisplayData:viewer.createdata failed; bad "displaydata" event: GTkDisplayData agent creation failed; (/aips++/stable/code/fits/implement/FITS/FITSHistoryUtil.cc : 197) Failed AlwaysAssertExit nstrings%2 == 0 --------------------- CASA script segment that generated this fits file: ia.open('g192_a2.image') ia.tofits('g192_a2.fits') ia.close() -------------- Try it again manually: ia.open('g192_a2.image') ia.tofits('g192_a2-2.fits') ia.close() # No errors, all looks normal. # still can't display it. FITS header looks OK in the first part but some of the history lines are wrapped. The errors appear to based in the history part of the file so this may be the problem. Sent note to Joe.