Plotxy - detailed notes from testing - second try, using daily DSS - 21feb07 ########################################################################## data and ms in: /home/sola/dss/casa.testing/casa/misc.testing/plotxy.testing HH80-81, W75N, IRAS 19410, IRAS 20293 A Array, X band Obs, 18may06 AS831_I060518.xp1 VLA Archive file, 30.2 MB in size ------------------------------------------------------ remove previous test files: dell -r src*.ms *.last alias casadaily 'source /home/ballista/casa/daily/casainit.csh; casapy' casadaily # source /home/casa/casainit.csh # which casapy # /home/casa/linux_rhe/bin/casapy # Note: every time I source aips++, it changes my library path and I # have to re-source casa. ID Name Right Ascension Declination Epoch 0 1331+305 13:31:08.29 + J2000 ** fcal,400uvmax 1 1820-254 18:20:57.85 - J2000 ** hh8081 gcal 2 HH8081 18:19:12.10 - J2000 ** src 3 2007+404 20:07:44.94 + J2000 ** w75n gcal 4 W75N 20:38:36.49 + J2000 ** src 5 1925+211 19:25:59.61 + J2000 ** i19410 gcal 6 I19410 19:43:11.00 + J2000 ** src 7 2015+371 20:15:28.73 + J2000 ** i20293 gcal 8 I20293 20:31:12.40 + J2000 ** src ID #Chans Frame Ch1(MHz) Resoln(kHz) TotBW(kHz) Ref(MHz) Corrs 0 1 TOPO 8435.1 50000 50000 8435.1 RR RL LR LL 1 1 TOPO 8485.1 50000 50000 8485.1 RR RL LR LL importvla(archivefiles=['AS831_I060518.xp1'],vis='',bandname='X') flagautocorr('') listobs(vis='',verbose=True) # summary in 0.summary.txt Bad data as identified in AIPS++ (alter to be 0-based indexing): Need to quack the data 10s at the beginning of each scan index 10,(name = 15), just moved index 1 (name = 4), just moved index 5 (name = 6), no idea, just looks bad # field 1 1331 fcal: ant 10 amps decrease with time # field 2 8081 gcal: ant 10 amps low & variable # field 3 HH8081: ant 10 amps have higher scatter - looks bad # field 4 w75n gcal: ant 10 amps high & variable several ants have dropouts - flagged ant 5 - highly variable - ant looks bad ant 1 is high but appears stable. see how it calibrates (just moved). # field 5 w75n: flag ant 5,10 - gcal bad # field 6 i194 gcal: ant 10 amps high & variable ant 5 very scrappy - techs preparing it for move - don't trust ant 9 dropout on 1st scan first int bad, sideband amps wrong - flag # field 7 i19410: first int bad - flag # field 8 i202 gcal: lost ant 8 & 9 after t=13:23 one drop out in last 1/2 of data ants 7 & 6 ant 5 highly variable - flag # field 9 i20293: ant 5 bad. ants 8,9 - no cal data bracketing source at the end # data looks pretty clean now. # refant = index 12 (name=10) or 20 (name=9) - choose 20 (index 12 works equally well) After calibration I find: # I've got some bad data in 4th from the last slot (fieldid=7) # some solutions are clearly low Now, try to identify that same bad data in CASA using plotxy: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- restore() plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', correlations='RR LL', spwid=[0,1], plotsymbol = ',', multicolor=true) # good, blue, green colors for RR & LL # but there is no apparent difference for spwid 0 and 1. restore() plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:00:00~2006/05/18/12:00:00', correlations='RR LL', spwid=[0], plotsymbol = ',', multicolor=true) plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:00:00~2006/05/18/12:00:00', correlations='RR', spwid=[1], plotsymbol = 'r,', multicolor=false, overplot=true) - humm, all blue got replaced by red restore() plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:00:00~2006/05/18/12:00:00', correlations='RR', spwid=[1,0], multicolor=true, overplot=true) - humm, this shows the spwids are clearly different so red should be separate from the blue, not overlayed. - also, now the colors are light blue & dark blue, not blue & green Is it possible for multicolor to have a set color scheme? Maybe have red & blue or black be the correlations RR & LL, then spwids can start cycling through the rest of the available colors? restore() plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:30:00~2006/05/18/12:00:00', correlations='RR', spwid=[1], plotsymbol = 'r,', multicolor=false, overplot=true) plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:30:00~2006/05/18/12:00:00', correlations='RR', spwid=[0], plotsymbol = 'b,', multicolor=false, overplot=true) - wait, now there are 3 colors up but I've only asked for red & blue spwid 1 & 2. doing a restore and then trying to just plot RR and spwid 1 also gives 3 colors (light blue, blue, red). Its as if spwid the parameters are not being reset. inp plotxy shows all parameters are set correctly. typing 'go' now gives colors red, blue, pea-green. humm, I think the plot is not being reset properly. - I shortened the time interval to 1/2 hour and now the time axis is messed up again. mp.clearplot restore() plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:30:00~2006/05/18/12:00:00', correlations='RR', spwid=[1], plotsymbol = 'r,', multicolor=false, overplot=true) plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:30:00~2006/05/18/12:00:00', correlations='RR', spwid=[0], plotsymbol = 'b,', multicolor=false, overplot=true) mp.clearplot restore() plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:30:00~2006/05/18/12:00:00', correlations='RR LL', spwid=[1], multicolor=true, overplot=false) - blue and green mp.clearplot restore() plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:30:00~2006/05/18/12:00:00', correlations='RR LL', spwid=[1,0], multicolor=true, overplot=false) - still just blue & green mp.clearplot restore() plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:30:00~2006/05/18/12:00:00', correlations='RR LL', spwid=[1], multicolor=true, overplot=false) plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:30:00~2006/05/18/12:00:00', correlations='RR LL', spwid=[0], multicolor=true, overplot=true) - just blue and light blue, no green. mp.clearplot restore() plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:30:00~2006/05/18/12:00:00', correlations='RR LL', spwid=[1], multicolor=true, overplot=false) - blue & green plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:30:00~2006/05/18/12:00:00', correlations='RR', spwid=[0], multicolor=false, plotsymbol='r,', overplot=true) - now I've got green & red, no blue. plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:30:00~2006/05/18/12:00:00', correlations='LL', spwid=[0], multicolor=false, plotsymbol='c,', overplot=true) - now I've got red, green & light blue, still no dark blue. Try plotting each one separate: mp.clearplot restore() plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:34:00~2006/05/18/11:36:00', correlations='RR', spwid=[1], multicolor=false, plotsymbol='b,', overplot=false) # dark blue plot plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:34:00~2006/05/18/11:36:00', correlations='LL', spwid=[1], multicolor=false, plotsymbol='r,', overplot=true) # blue & cyan (not red) - I can only get red when I specify it first. plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:30:00~2006/05/18/11:34:00', correlations='RR', spwid=[0], multicolor=false, plotsymbol='r,', overplot=true) - now I've olive green, still no red - good, different time range gives correct overplotting! plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:36:00~2006/05/18/11:45:00', correlations='LL', spwid=[0], multicolor=false, plotsymbol='k,', overplot=true) - k = black, worked. # try selecting red first. mp.clearplot restore() plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:34:00~2006/05/18/11:36:00', correlations='RR', spwid=[1], multicolor=false, plotsymbol='r,', overplot=false) plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:34:00~2006/05/18/11:36:00', correlations='LL', spwid=[1], multicolor=false, plotsymbol='b,', overplot=true) plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:30:00~2006/05/18/11:34:00', correlations='RR', spwid=[0], multicolor=false, plotsymbol='g,', overplot=true) plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:36:00~2006/05/18/11:45:00', correlations='LL', spwid=[0], multicolor=false, plotsymbol='k,', overplot=true) # red points now visible # another glitch, when I run these all very fast together, the 3rd plotxy command doesn't plot. If I do the first 2, then the 3rd, then the 4th, they all work as they should. Note: I want to see all the correlations and spwids plotted with different colors and then flag them. I can manage to plot them this way laborously but then, when I flag the data, I must flag each spwid and correlation separately or have them all mingled together as one color. This is not very good - its like AIPS TVFLAG restrictions. I'd like CASA to be better, more intuitive so people will find it easier to use than AIPS. # I finally figured out how to use the pan/zoom mode. This needs documentation in the cookbook and maybe in-line help? enough with general plotting capabilities for now. ---------------------------------------------------- See if I can isolate the bad data: I can find no locate function or documentation on locating points in a plotxy. - I thought this was supposed to be available? mp.clearplot restore() plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:34:00~2006/05/18/11:45:00', correlations='RR LL', spwid=[1], multicolor=true, overplot=false) Humm, lets try the flagxy - see flagmode = l - list data in marked region! In line help has this but cookbook needs it too. mp.clearplot restore() flagxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='2007', timerange='2006/05/18/11:34:00~2006/05/18/11:45:00', correlations='RR LL', spwid=[1], multicolor=true, overplot=false) # time range did not work for flagxy - it only works for plotxy... mp.clearplot restore() flagxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='2007', correlations='RR LL', spwid=[1,0], multicolor=true, overplot=false) - Humm, I hit 'l' in the plot window and I made the plot y axis be re-scaled to a log value... If I hit 'l' again, it goes back to normal. maybe using 'l' as the locate function is not so such a good thing. locate works, it is slow... I don't like the fact that every time I type a command, I get kicked out of flagxy. I would rather locate, flag, unflag as many times as I want and then type 'q' to quit all the flagging. Plotxy/flagxy - comments, recommendations and issues, 2nd evaluation. DSS 21feb07 Comments: ---------------------------------------------- - multicolor=true - so nice for correlations! what about different spwids? - time range specification working now but I don't like the format (see below). - locate works - thanks. It needs cookbook documentation (mentioned below). It is slow. Also, the formating in the logger window is not lined up so it is difficult to see the headings vs numbers. On the plus side, its very good to see the headings repeated at the bottom - thanks! priorities for issues/recommendations: ---------------------------------------------- 0 - do by the test 1 - would be really useful for the test 2 - wait for input from the testers but tell them we know this is important and we plan to implement it by ? June? Sept? 3 - not sure, lowest priority? priority & description of issues: ---------------------------------------------- 0. control buttons in the bottom left of the plotter need popup help. 0. I can find no locate function or documentation on locating points in a plot. - I thought this was supposed to be available? 0. timerange keyword did not work for flagxy - it only works for plotxy 1. I still want a quack function. 1. plotxy timerange format looks like: timerange='2006/05/18/09:00:00~2006/05/18/10:00:00' summary times and times given by the locate function are given in this format: 18-May-2006/09:00:00 plot axis format is: 09:00:00 MST These should all be consistent. 1. The plot is not being cleared when I do a restore(). restore() should do the mp.clearplot command so the plot is cleared. 1. Some times the time axis is plotted so you can read the time labels but other times it is not still. 1. If I select a blue color first, then red, the 2nd data selection plots as cyan. If I select red then blue, it works OK. Something is strange when red is selected as the 2nd color in a series of overplots. 2. I would like to use the 'xaxis' argument in plotxy to be able to plot data by antenna name (same name that VLA/EVLA uses). Thus, if I have a bad antenna, I can often see it very easily and just flag it right there. Can use antennaid to isolate antennas right now. 2. Cutting and pasting many commands at the same time missings one of them sometimes. Its as if the timing is off on what can be executed: mp.clearplot restore() plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:34:00~2006/05/18/11:36:00', correlations='RR', spwid=[1], multicolor=false, plotsymbol='r,', overplot=false) plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:34:00~2006/05/18/11:36:00', correlations='LL', spwid=[1], multicolor=false, plotsymbol='b,', overplot=true) plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:30:00~2006/05/18/11:34:00', correlations='RR', spwid=[0], multicolor=false, plotsymbol='g,', overplot=true) plotxy(vis='', xaxis='time', yaxis='amp', datacolumn='data', field='1 2 W', timerange='2006/05/18/11:36:00~2006/05/18/11:45:00', correlations='LL', spwid=[0], multicolor=false, plotsymbol='k,', overplot=true) # when I run these all very fast together, the 3rd plotxy command doesn't plot. If I do the first 2, then the 3rd, then the 4th, they all work as they should. 2. I want to see all the correlations and spwids plotted with different colors and then flag them. I can manage to plot them this way laborously with the overplot=true keyword but then, when I flag the data, I must flag each spwid and correlation separately or have them all mingled together as one color. This is not very good - its like AIPS TVFLAG restrictions. I'd like CASA to be better, more intuitive so people will find it easier to use than AIPS. 2. I don't like the fact that every time I type a command, I get kicked out of flagxy. I would rather locate, flag, unflag as many times as I want and then type 'q' to quit all the flagging. 2. I'd like the logger window message region to have a little scroll bar so I can see the whole message (e.g. locate results) without having to make the window larger or minimize other fields. 3. When I hit 'l' in the plot window, I made the plot y axis be re-scaled to a log value... If I hit 'l' again, it goes back to normal. Maybe using 'l' as the locate function is not so such a good thing. in-line documentation requests: ---------------------------------------------- - please add possible colors I can use in plotxy plotsymbol - Add a bit more to help file in timerange - e.g. specify that it needs to be in quotes like a string. Also, "inp plotxy" still gives no help or example on timerange. - I finally figured out how to use the pan/zoom mode. This needs documentation in the cookbook and maybe in-line help? - flagxy: If a quit flagmode is added as I suggested above, we will need to add flagmode q (quit) to help. cookbook documentation requests: ---------------------------------------------- - I finally figured out how to use the pan/zoom mode. This needs documentation in the cookbook and maybe in-line help? - flagxy: flagmode = l, f, u and maybe q needs added to cookbook. showflags needs to be added to the cookbook too.