#==================================================================== # # Script for simulating and imaging VLA Orion continuum mosaic # # Created STM 2008-11-04 from SMA mosaic simulation # Updated STM 2008-11-06 formatting improvements # Updated STM 2008-11-19 Patch3 final version 640x640 # Updated STM 2009-06-16 Patch4 800x800 # Updated STM 2009-06-23 Patch4 web download of pickle file # # Simulates point sources and cleans # # Script Notes: # o Starts with a template MS which must be present # (set to point to this) # o The results are written out as a dictionary in a pickle file # .regression..pickle # as well as in a text file # out...log # (these are not auto-deleted at start of script) # o If you want to show regression differences from a previous # run then you can provide a file from a previous run # .pickle # #==================================================================== # IMPORTANT: VERSIONING HERE #==================================================================== myscriptvers = '2008-06-23 STM' import time import os import pickle scriptprefix='run_orionmos4sim' prefix='simtest_orionmos4sim' # Clean up old output files os.system('rm -rf '+prefix+'*') #==================================================================== # IMPORTANT: SET STUFF UP HERE #==================================================================== mytmp = '===========================' mydataset = 'Orion VLA mosaic simulation' print "========================"+mytmp print "Simulating and Cleaning "+mydataset print "========================"+mytmp print "Script version "+myscriptvers print "Output will be prefixed with "+prefix #Start from existing MS templatems = 'orion_calsplit.ms' # needed for existence check from os import F_OK if os.access(templatems,F_OK): # already in current directory print " Using "+templatems+" found in current directory" else: pathname=os.environ.get('CASAPATH').split()[0] datapath=pathname+'/data/regression/ATST3/Orion/' msname='orion.ms' mspath=datapath+msname # Path to web archive webms = 'http://casa.nrao.edu/Data/VLA/Orion/'+msname+'.tgz' # Alternate path at AOC altms = '/home/ballista/casa/active/data/regression/ATST3/Orion/'+msname if os.access(msname,F_OK): # ms in current directory print " Using "+msname+" found in current directory" elif os.access(mspath,F_OK): print '--Copy data to local directory--' print " Using "+mspath os.system("cp -r "+mspath+" .") os.system('chmod -R a+wx '+msname) elif os.access(altms,F_OK): print '--Copy data to local directory--' print " Using "+altms os.system("cp -r "+altms+" .") os.system('chmod -R a+wx '+msname) else: if os.access(msname+'.tgz',F_OK): # ms tarball in current directory print " Using "+msname+".tgz found in current directory" else: # try web retrieval print '--Retrieve data from '+webms # Use curl (for Mac compatibility) os.system('curl '+webms+' -o '+msname+'.tgz') # NOTE: could also use wget #os.system('wget '+webms) print '--Unpacking tarball ' os.system('tar xzf '+msname+'.tgz') if os.access(msname,F_OK): # should now be in current directory print " Using "+msname+" found in current directory" else: raise IOError," ERROR: "+msname+" not found" # Starting from orion.ms which has already been calibrated print '--Split--' split(vis=msname,outputvis=templatems,datacolumn='corrected') print " Created "+templatems #Clean params myimsize = 800 #myimsize = 640 mycell = "2.0arcsec" mycen = "J2000 05:35:17.470 -" myniter = 400 #mymask = "save.oriontest_mosaic.mask" mymask = "" myfield = "2~10" myspw = "" myftmachine = "mosaic" mycyclefactor = 1.5 myminpb = 0.15 print "Will use template MS "+ templatems print "Will image with imsize %5i and cell %s " % (myimsize,mycell) print "Will clean "+str(myniter)+" iterations" if mycen!="": print "Will use phasecenter "+mycen if myfield!="": print "Will image fields "+myfield if myspw!="": print "Will use spw "+myspw if myftmachine!="": print "Will mosaic using ftmachine "+myftmachine if mymask!="": print "Will use clean mask "+mymask # Save the parameters used in clean etc. params = {} # Version of script params['version'] = myscriptvers # User set params params['user'] = {} params['user']['templatems'] = templatems params['user']['myimsize'] = myimsize params['user']['mycell'] = mycell params['user']['mycen'] = mycen params['user']['myniter'] = myniter params['user']['mymask'] = mymask params['user']['myfield'] = myfield params['user']['myspw'] = myspw params['user']['myftmachine'] = myftmachine params['user']['mycyclefactor'] = mycyclefactor params['user']['myminpb'] = myminpb #==================================================================== # Get this into a direction measure phc = me.direction(mycen.split()[0],mycen.split()[1],mycen.split()[2]) # Reference pixel of image myref = int((myimsize+0.5)/2.0) dcell = qa.convert(mycell,'arcsec')['value'] #==================================================================== # Dictionary with components to simulated # Comp A is at the peak of the .flux image: # 05:35:22.024, - # Note that only comp A is centered on a pixel by fiat complist = {} complist['A'] = {} complist['A']['rf'] = 'J2000' complist['A']['RA'] = '05:35:22.024' complist['A']['Dec'] = '-' complist['A']['flux'] = 1.0 # Comp B is in center of field 6 (phs center), at 96% of peak .flux # 05:35:17.47 - complist['B'] = {} complist['B']['rf'] = 'J2000' complist['B']['RA'] = '05:35:17.47' complist['B']['Dec'] = '-' complist['B']['flux'] = 1.0 # Comp C is center of field 10, at 75% of peak .flux # 05:35:27.52 - complist['C'] = {} complist['C']['rf'] = 'J2000' complist['C']['RA'] = '05:35:27.52' complist['C']['Dec'] = '-' complist['C']['flux'] = 1.0 # Comp D is SSE of field 2, at 33% of peak .flux # 05:35:08.746 - complist['D'] = {} complist['D']['rf'] = 'J2000' complist['D']['RA'] = '05:35:08.746' complist['D']['Dec'] = '-' complist['D']['flux'] = 1.0 # Which of these to use compnames = ['A','B','C','D'] # Box around each component in image dbox = 10 for comp in compnames: # get as direction mydir = me.direction(complist[comp]['rf'],complist[comp]['RA'],complist[comp]['Dec']) # get offset and angle off_sep = me.separation(phc,mydir) off_sec = qa.convert(off_sep,'arcsec')['value'] off_pa = me.posangle(phc,mydir) off_par = qa.convert(off_pa,'rad')['value'] # offsets in pixels off_x = off_sec*sin(off_par)/dcell off_y = off_sec*cos(off_par)/dcell xpix = int( myref + 0.5 - off_x ) ypix = int( myref + 0.5 + off_y ) # store these in dictionary complist[comp]['xpix'] = xpix complist[comp]['ypix'] = ypix # now make box for clean and stats blcx = xpix - dbox blcy = ypix - dbox trcx = xpix + dbox trcy = ypix + dbox mybox = str(blcx)+","+ str(blcy)+","+ str(trcx)+","+ str(trcy) complist[comp]['box'] = mybox myclnbox = [blcx,blcy,trcx,trcy] complist[comp]['clnbox'] = myclnbox #==================================================================== # Start actual processing #==================================================================== startTime=time.time() startProc=time.clock() #==================================================================== # Set up component list with 1Jy point source clfile = prefix + "_sim.cl" print "Creating componentlist " for comp in compnames: mydirection = "J2000 "+complist[comp]['RA']+" "+complist[comp]['Dec'] myflux = complist[comp]['flux'] cl.addcomponent(dir=mydirection, flux=myflux, freq='230.0GHz', spectrumtype='constant') print " Added comp "+comp+" "+str(myflux)+" Jy at "+mydirection+" ("+str(complist[comp]['xpix'])+","+str(complist[comp]['ypix'])+")" cl.rename(clfile) mycl = cl.torecord() cl.close() print "Created componentlist "+clfile #Copy a new MS to work from template msfile = prefix + "_sim.ms" print "Copying "+templatems+" to "+msfile os.system('cp -rf '+templatems+' '+msfile) sm.openfromms(msfile) sm.setvp(dovp=T, usedefaultvp=T, dosquint=F) sm.predict(complist=clfile) sm.close() print "Completed simulating MS "+msfile listobs(msfile) #==================================================================== #DS9 shape files for viewer #j2000; text 05:35:07.42 -05:25:36.07 # text={2} color=blue #j2000; text 05:35:17.42 -05:25:36.79 # text={3} color=blue #j2000; text 05:35:27.42 -05:25:37.52 # text={4} color=blue #j2000; text 05:35:27.47 -05:23:07.52 # text={5} color=blue #j2000; text 05:35:17.47 -05:23:06.79 # text={6} color=blue #j2000; text 05:35:07.47 -05:23:06.07 # text={7} color=blue #j2000; text 05:35:07.52 -05:20:36.07 # text={8} color=blue #j2000; text 05:35:17.52 -05:20:36.80 # text={9} color=blue #j2000; text 05:35:27.52 -05:20:37.52 # text={10} color=blue #j2000; text 05:35:32.61 -05:16:07.88 # text={11} color=blue # # From listobs: # Fields: 12 # ID Code Name Right Ascension Declination Epoch # 0 A 0518+165 05:21:09.89 + J2000 # 1 A 0539-057 05:41:38.09 - J2000 # 2 ORION1 05:35:07.42 - J2000 # 3 ORION2 05:35:17.42 - J2000 # 4 ORION3 05:35:27.42 - J2000 # 5 ORION4 05:35:27.47 - J2000 # 6 ORION5 05:35:17.47 - J2000 # 7 ORION6 05:35:07.47 - J2000 # 8 ORION7 05:35:07.52 - J2000 # 9 ORION8 05:35:17.52 - J2000 # 10 ORION9 05:35:27.52 - J2000 # 11 ORION10 05:35:32.61 - J2000 # Spectral Windows: # SpwID #Chans Frame Ch1(MHz) ChanWid(kHz)TotBW(kHz) Ref(MHz) Corrs # 0 1 TOPO 8435.1 50000 50000 8435.1 RR LL RL LR # 1 1 TOPO 8485.1 50000 50000 8485.1 RR LL RL LR #==================================================================== sim1time=time.time() #==================================================================== # Some details about the mosaic (from old aips++ glish script): # primary beam at X-band = 5.4', # mosaic field spacing = 2.5' # total mosaic size = approx. 9.5' = 570" # synthesized beam size = 8.4" in D config at 3.6 cm, 8.3 GHz # cell size = 2" and nx,ny = 300 (600" field size) # phase center = center field: J2000 05:35:17.470, - # NOTE: field 10 is outside of the 9 point primary mosaic (sitting # on M43 -- but the flux is resolved out so there is no use to # add it to the mosaic. The script below leaves it out. #==================================================================== # Clean print "Preparing to image data" # Set up clean boxes clnbox = [] for comp in compnames: clnbox.append(complist[comp]['clnbox']) print "" print "Will be cleaning in box(es) "+str(clnbox) # MFS imaging for continuum default("clean") vis = msfile field = myfield spw = myspw selectdata = False timerange = "" uvrange = "" antenna = "" scan = "" mode = "mfs" gain = 0.1 threshold = "0.0mJy" psfmode = "clark" imagermode = "mosaic" ftmachine = myftmachine mosweight = False scaletype = "SAULT" multiscale = [] negcomponent = -1 interactive = F mask = [] nchan = 1 start = 0 width = 1 phasecenter = mycen imsize = myimsize cell = mycell restfreq = "" stokes = "I" weighting = "natural" robust = 0.0 uvtaper = False outertaper = [] innertaper = [] modelimage = "" restoringbeam = [''] pbcor = T minpb = myminpb noise = "1.0Jy" npixels = 0 npercycle = 100 cyclefactor = mycyclefactor cyclespeedup = -1 # Set phasecenter either on field 1 or using Crystal's #phasecenter = "1" print "Will be mosaicing using phasecenter "+phasecenter print "First make dirty image" dirtimag = prefix + ".dirty" imagename = dirtimag niter = 0 clean() print "Output images are called "+imagename dirty1time=time.time() if mymask == "": mask = clnbox print "Will be cleaning using box(es) "+str(mask) else: mask = mymask print "Will be cleaning using mask "+mask #Clean image contimag = prefix + ".clean" imagename = contimag niter = myniter print "Now actually clean the image using niter = "+str(niter) clean() print "Output images are called "+imagename clean1time=time.time() # What Crystal's been doing # #contimag='g19_d2usb_targets.ms.cont.im' #clean(vis=vis,imagename=contimag, # field='',spw='0~12,16~23', # mode='mfs', # niter=100,gain=0.1,threshold=0.0, # psfmode='clark',imagermode='mosaic',scaletype='SAULT', # mask='g19_d2usb_cont.model.mask', # interactive=F,imsize=400,cell="0.5arcsec", # phasecenter="J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20", # pbcor=T,minpb=0.15) dirimage = dirtimag+'.image' clnimage = contimag+'.image' fluximage = contimag+'.flux' modimage = contimag+'.model' resimage = contimag+'.residual' #==================================================================== # pbcor the model, be careful to mask zeros pbmodimage = contimag+'.pbcormod' immath(outfile=pbmodimage, mode='evalexpr', expr="'"+modimage+"'['"+fluximage+"'!=0.0]/'"+fluximage+"'") # stats #==================================================================== # Some continuum image statistics # Set up off-src box # Offset NW of comp A #offbox = str(myref+45)+','+str(myref+30)+','+str(myref+110)+','+str(myref+100) doffx = 75 doffy = 65 doffbox = 30 xpix = complist['A']['xpix'] ypix = complist['A']['ypix'] blcx = xpix + doffx - doffbox blcy = ypix + doffy - doffbox trcx = xpix + doffx + doffbox trcy = ypix + doffy + doffbox offbox = str(blcx)+","+ str(blcy)+","+ str(trcx)+","+ str(trcy) print "Off-source stats in box "+offbox # Do dirty image stats dirstats = imstat(imagename=dirimage,box = '') dirtyimg_max = dirstats['max'][0] dirtyimg_rms = dirstats['sigma'][0] diroffstats = imstat(imagename=dirimage,box=offbox) dirtyoff_rms = diroffstats['sigma'][0] # Do clean image allstats = imstat(imagename=clnimage,box = '') imageall_max = allstats['max'][0] imageall_rms = allstats['sigma'][0] offstats = imstat(imagename=clnimage,box=offbox) imageoff_rms = offstats['sigma'][0] # Do residual image resstats = imstat(imagename=resimage,box = '') residall_max = resstats['max'][0] residall_rms = resstats['sigma'][0] resoffstats = imstat(imagename=resimage,box=offbox) residoff_rms = resoffstats['sigma'][0] # Do whole model modstats = imstat(imagename=modimage,box = '') modelall_flux = modstats['sum'][0] pbmodstats = imstat(imagename=pbmodimage,box = '') pbmodelall_flux = pbmodstats['sum'][0] # Flux image effective area (STM 2009-06-18) fluxstats = imstat(imagename=fluximage,box = '') fluximg_sum = fluxstats['sum'][0] fluximg_npt = fluxstats['npts'][0] # Extract pixel area (sq.arcsec.) pixsec = qa.convert(qa.quantity(mycell),'arcsec') pixarea = qa.quantity(pixsec)['value']**2 stats1time=time.time() #==================================================================== # Some image fitting # There is a 1Jy source at center of field 1 in image # Comp Restored image # Using phasecenter='1' # A 467,372 at peak between 2,3,4 18:25:55.116 - # B 400,400 at 75% center field 1 18:25:57.400 - # C 360,462 at 40% N of field 0 18:25:58.764 - # D 511,420 at 20% NW of field 3 18:25:53.607 - # Using phasecenter="J2000 18h25m56.09 -12d04m28.20" # Note that only comp A is centered on a pixel by fiat # A 429,391 at peak between 2,3,4 18:25:55.101 - # B 362,420 at 75% center field 1 18:25:57.400 - # C 321,481 at 40% N of field 0 18:25:58.764 - # D 473,440 at 20% NW of field 3 18:25:53.607 - # Use 21x21 boxes centered on above coordinates # Calculate: # (a) Peak in restored image (Jy/bm) # (b) Flux in imfit of restored image (Jy) # (c) Flux in box in sim model (Jy) # totalflux = 0.0 # Box around each component in image for comp in compnames: myflux = complist[comp]['flux'] totalflux = totalflux + myflux mybox = complist[comp]['box'] print "Component "+comp+" stats in box "+mybox # Dirty image xstat_dirimg = imstat(imagename=dirimage,box=mybox) xfit_dirimg_cl = imfit(imagename=dirimage,box=mybox,usecleanbeam=T) xfit_dirimg = xfit_dirimg_cl.getcomponent(0) # Clean image xstat_img = imstat(imagename=clnimage,box=mybox) xfit_img_cl = imfit(imagename=clnimage,box=mybox,usecleanbeam=T) xfit_img = xfit_img_cl.getcomponent(0) # Clean model xstat_mod = imstat(imagename=modimage,box=mybox) xstat_pbmod = imstat(imagename=pbmodimage,box=mybox) # Residual image xstat_res = imstat(imagename=resimage,box=mybox) # Save in complist complist[comp]['dirtystat'] = xstat_dirimg complist[comp]['dirtyfit'] = xfit_dirimg complist[comp]['imstat'] = xstat_img complist[comp]['imfit'] = xfit_img complist[comp]['modstat'] = xstat_mod complist[comp]['pbmodstat'] = xstat_pbmod complist[comp]['resstat'] = xstat_res #==================================================================== # Done #==================================================================== endProc=time.clock() endTime=time.time() import datetime datestring=datetime.datetime.isoformat(datetime.datetime.today()) myvers = casalog.version() myuser = os.getenv('USER') myhost = str( os.getenv('HOST') ) mycwd = os.getcwd() myos = os.uname() mypath = os.environ.get('CASAPATH') walltime = (endTime - startTime) cputime = (endProc - startProc) # Print to terminal print 'Running '+myvers+' on host '+myhost print ' at '+datestring print ' using '+mypath # # Save in logfile outfile = 'out.'+prefix+'.'+datestring+'.log' logfile=open(outfile,'w') print >>logfile,'Running '+myvers+' on host '+myhost print >>logfile,' at '+datestring print >>logfile,' using '+mypath # ########################################################################## # Write some more stuff to logfile print >>logfile,'' print >>logfile,'---' print >>logfile,'Script version: '+params['version'] print >>logfile,'User set parameters used in execution:' print >>logfile,'---' print '' print '---' print 'Script version: '+params['version'] print 'User set parameters used in execution:' print '---' for keys in params['user'].keys(): print >>logfile,' %s = %s ' % ( keys, params['user'][keys] ) print ' %s = %s ' % ( keys, params['user'][keys] ) print >>logfile,'' print '' # ########################################################################## # # Save info in regression dictionary new_regression = {} new_regression['date'] = datestring new_regression['version'] = myvers new_regression['user'] = myuser new_regression['host'] = myhost new_regression['cwd'] = mycwd new_regression['os'] = myos new_regression['aipspath'] = mypath new_regression['dataset'] = mydataset # Store the parameters used in clean etc. new_regression['params'] = params # Store the results of this regression results = {} # First the overall results op = 'divf' tol = 0.01 results['clean_dirtyimg_max'] = {} results['clean_dirtyimg_max']['name'] = 'Dirty image (all) max' results['clean_dirtyimg_max']['value'] = dirtyimg_max results['clean_dirtyimg_max']['op'] = op results['clean_dirtyimg_max']['tol'] = tol results['clean_dirtyimg_rms'] = {} results['clean_dirtyimg_rms']['name'] = 'Dirty image (all) rms' results['clean_dirtyimg_rms']['value'] = dirtyimg_rms results['clean_dirtyimg_rms']['op'] = op results['clean_dirtyimg_rms']['tol'] = tol results['clean_dirtyoff_rms'] = {} results['clean_dirtyoff_rms']['name'] = 'Dirty image (off-src) rms' results['clean_dirtyoff_rms']['value'] = dirtyoff_rms results['clean_dirtyoff_rms']['op'] = op results['clean_dirtyoff_rms']['tol'] = tol results['clean_imageall_max'] = {} results['clean_imageall_max']['name'] = 'Clean image (all) max' results['clean_imageall_max']['value'] = imageall_max results['clean_imageall_max']['op'] = op results['clean_imageall_max']['tol'] = tol results['clean_imageall_rms'] = {} results['clean_imageall_rms']['name'] = 'Clean image (all) rms' results['clean_imageall_rms']['value'] = imageall_rms results['clean_imageall_rms']['op'] = op results['clean_imageall_rms']['tol'] = tol results['clean_imageoff_rms'] = {} results['clean_imageoff_rms']['name'] = 'Clean image (off-src) rms' results['clean_imageoff_rms']['value'] = imageoff_rms results['clean_imageoff_rms']['op'] = op results['clean_imageoff_rms']['tol'] = tol results['clean_residall_max'] = {} results['clean_residall_max']['name'] = 'Residual image (all) max' results['clean_residall_max']['value'] = residall_max results['clean_residall_max']['op'] = op results['clean_residall_max']['tol'] = tol results['clean_residall_rms'] = {} results['clean_residall_rms']['name'] = 'Residual image (all) rms' results['clean_residall_rms']['value'] = residall_rms results['clean_residall_rms']['op'] = op results['clean_residall_rms']['tol'] = tol results['clean_residoff_rms'] = {} results['clean_residoff_rms']['name'] = 'Residual image (off-src) rms' results['clean_residoff_rms']['value'] = residoff_rms results['clean_residoff_rms']['op'] = op results['clean_residoff_rms']['tol'] = tol results['clean_modelall_flux'] = {} results['clean_modelall_flux']['name'] = 'Model image (all) flux' results['clean_modelall_flux']['value'] = modelall_flux results['clean_modelall_flux']['op'] = op results['clean_modelall_flux']['tol'] = tol results['clean_pbmodelall_flux'] = {} results['clean_pbmodelall_flux']['name'] = 'PBCOR Model image (all) flux' results['clean_pbmodelall_flux']['value'] = pbmodelall_flux results['clean_pbmodelall_flux']['op'] = op results['clean_pbmodelall_flux']['tol'] = tol results['sim_comp_flux'] = {} results['sim_comp_flux']['name'] = 'Sim Model total flux' results['sim_comp_flux']['value'] = totalflux results['sim_comp_flux']['op'] = op results['sim_comp_flux']['tol'] = tol results['flux_area'] = {} results['flux_area']['name'] = 'Eff. mosaic area (sq.arcmin.)' results['flux_area']['value'] = fluximg_sum*pixarea/3600.0 results['flux_area']['op'] = op results['flux_area']['tol'] = tol # Done filling results new_regression['results'] = results # Now the component results new_regression['compnames'] = compnames #Store raw statistics new_regression['compstats'] = complist compresults = {} for comp in compnames: compresults[comp] = {} xstat_dirimg = complist[comp]['dirtystat'] xfit_dirimg = complist[comp]['dirtyfit'] xstat_img = complist[comp]['imstat'] xfit_img = complist[comp]['imfit'] xstat_mod = complist[comp]['modstat'] xstat_pbmod = complist[comp]['pbmodstat'] xstat_res = complist[comp]['resstat'] compresults[comp]['box'] = complist[comp]['box'] op = 'divf' tol = 0.08 compresults[comp]['dirty_image_max'] = {} compresults[comp]['dirty_image_max']['name'] = 'Dirty image max' compresults[comp]['dirty_image_max']['value'] = xstat_dirimg['max'][0] compresults[comp]['dirty_image_max']['op'] = op compresults[comp]['dirty_image_max']['tol'] = tol op = 'diff' tol = 0.5 compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposx'] = {} compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposx']['name'] = 'Dirty image max pos x' compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposx']['value'] = xstat_dirimg['maxpos'][0] compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposx']['op'] = op compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposx']['tol'] = tol compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposy'] = {} compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposy']['name'] = 'Dirty image max pos y' compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposy']['value'] = xstat_dirimg['maxpos'][1] compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposy']['op'] = op compresults[comp]['dirty_image_maxposy']['tol'] = tol op = 'divf' tol = 0.08 compresults[comp]['clean_image_max'] = {} compresults[comp]['clean_image_max']['name'] = 'Restored image max' compresults[comp]['clean_image_max']['value'] = xstat_img['max'][0] compresults[comp]['clean_image_max']['op'] = op compresults[comp]['clean_image_max']['tol'] = tol op = 'diff' tol = 0.5 compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposx'] = {} compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposx']['name'] = 'Restored image max pos x' compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposx']['value'] = xstat_img['maxpos'][0] compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposx']['op'] = op compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposx']['tol'] = tol compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposy'] = {} compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposy']['name'] = 'Restored image max pos y' compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposy']['value'] = xstat_img['maxpos'][1] compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposy']['op'] = op compresults[comp]['clean_image_maxposy']['tol'] = tol op = 'divf' tol = 0.08 compresults[comp]['residual_image_max'] = {} compresults[comp]['residual_image_max']['name'] = 'Residual image max' compresults[comp]['residual_image_max']['value'] = xstat_res['max'][0] compresults[comp]['residual_image_max']['op'] = op compresults[comp]['residual_image_max']['tol'] = tol compresults[comp]['residual_image_rms'] = {} compresults[comp]['residual_image_rms']['name'] = 'Residual image rms' compresults[comp]['residual_image_rms']['value'] = xstat_res['sigma'][0] compresults[comp]['residual_image_rms']['op'] = op compresults[comp]['residual_image_rms']['tol'] = tol compresults[comp]['model_image_sum'] = {} compresults[comp]['model_image_sum']['name'] = 'Model image flux' compresults[comp]['model_image_sum']['value'] = xstat_mod['sum'][0] compresults[comp]['model_image_sum']['op'] = op compresults[comp]['model_image_sum']['tol'] = tol compresults[comp]['pbmodel_image_sum'] = {} compresults[comp]['pbmodel_image_sum']['name'] = 'PBCOR Model image flux' compresults[comp]['pbmodel_image_sum']['value'] = xstat_pbmod['sum'][0] compresults[comp]['pbmodel_image_sum']['op'] = op compresults[comp]['pbmodel_image_sum']['tol'] = tol compresults[comp]['sim_comp_flux'] = {} compresults[comp]['sim_comp_flux']['name'] = 'Simulated comp flux' compresults[comp]['sim_comp_flux']['value'] = complist[comp]['flux'] compresults[comp]['sim_comp_flux']['op'] = op compresults[comp]['sim_comp_flux']['tol'] = tol op = 'diff' tol = 0.5 compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posx'] = {} compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posx']['name'] = 'Simulated comp pos x' compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posx']['value'] = complist[comp]['xpix'] compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posx']['op'] = op compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posx']['tol'] = tol compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posy'] = {} compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posy']['name'] = 'Simulated comp pos y' compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posy']['value'] = complist[comp]['ypix'] compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posy']['op'] = op compresults[comp]['sim_comp_posy']['tol'] = tol new_regression['compresults'] = compresults # Dataset size info datasize_raw = 110.0 # MB datasize_ms = 110.0 # MB new_regression['datasize'] = {} new_regression['datasize']['raw'] = datasize_raw new_regression['datasize']['ms'] = datasize_ms # Save timing to regression dictionary new_regression['timing'] = {} total = {} total['wall'] = (endTime - startTime) total['cpu'] = (endProc - startProc) total['rate_raw'] = (datasize_raw/(endTime - startTime)) total['rate_ms'] = (datasize_ms/(endTime - startTime)) new_regression['timing']['total'] = total nstages = 4 new_regression['timing']['nstages'] = nstages stages = {} stages[0] = ['simulate',(sim1time-startTime)] stages[1] = ['invert',(dirty1time-sim1time)] stages[2] = ['clean',(clean1time-dirty1time)] stages[3] = ['stats',(endTime-clean1time)] new_regression['timing']['stages'] = stages # ########################################################################## # See if a previous pickfile can be found # # Try and load previous results from regression file # regression = {} regressfile = scriptprefix + '.pickle' prev_results = {} # Path to web archive (latest version) #webfile = 'http://casa.nrao.edu/Doc/Scripts/'+scriptprefix+'.pickle' webfile = 'http://casa.nrao.edu/Patch4/Doc/Scripts/'+scriptprefix+'.pickle' if os.access(regressfile,F_OK): # pickle file in current directory print " Found "+regressfile+" in current directory" else: print "Trying web download of "+webfile os.system('curl '+webfile+' -o '+regressfile) # NOTE: could also use wget #os.system('wget '+webfile) # Now try to access this file try: fr = open(regressfile,'r') except: print "No previous regression results file "+regressfile regression['exist'] = False else: u = pickle.Unpickler(fr) regression = u.load() fr.close() print "Regression results filled from "+regressfile print "Regression from version "+regression['version']+" on "+regression['date'] regression['exist'] = True prev_results = regression['results'] prev_compresults = regression['compresults'] # ########################################################################## # Now print regression results if a previous pickfile can be found resultlist = ['clean_dirtyimg_max','clean_dirtyimg_rms', 'clean_imageall_max','clean_imageall_rms','clean_imageoff_rms', 'clean_residall_max','clean_residall_rms','clean_residoff_rms', 'clean_modelall_flux','clean_pbmodelall_flux', 'sim_comp_flux','flux_area'] compreslist = ['dirty_image_max','dirty_image_maxposx','dirty_image_maxposy', 'clean_image_max','clean_image_maxposx','clean_image_maxposy', 'residual_image_max','residual_image_rms', 'model_image_sum','pbmodel_image_sum', 'sim_comp_flux','sim_comp_posx','sim_comp_posy'] testresults = {} testcompresults = {} if regression['exist']: print >>logfile,'---' print >>logfile,'Regression versus previous values:' print >>logfile,'---' print >>logfile," Regression results filled from "+regressfile print >>logfile," Regression from version "+regression['version']+" on "+regression['date'] print >>logfile," Regression platform "+regression['host']+" using "+regression['aipspath'] print '---' print 'Regression versus previous values:' print '---' print " Regression results filled from "+regressfile print " Regression from version "+regression['version']+" on "+regression['date'] print " Regression platform "+regression['host']+" using "+regression['aipspath'] final_status = 'Passed' else: # Just print results print >>logfile,'---' print >>logfile,'Results of imaging:' print >>logfile,'---' print >>logfile," No previous regression file" print '---' print 'Results of imaging:' print '---' print " No previous regression file" # First do the overall results print "" print " Whole image :" print >>logfile,"" print >>logfile," Whole image :" for keys in resultlist: res = results[keys] new_val = res['value'] if regression['exist']: # Set up storage for regression results testresults[keys] = {} testres = {} testres['value'] = new_val testres['op'] = res['op'] testres['tol'] = res['tol'] # Compute regression results if prev_results.has_key(keys): # This is a known regression key prev = prev_results[keys] prev_val = prev['value'] if res['op'] == 'divf': new_diff = (new_val - prev_val)/prev_val else: new_diff = new_val - prev_val if abs(new_diff)>res['tol']: new_status = 'Failed' else: new_status = 'Passed' testres['prev'] = prev_val testres['diff'] = new_diff testres['status'] = new_status testres['test'] = 'Last' else: # Unknown regression key testres['prev'] = 0.0 testres['diff'] = 1.0 testres['status'] = 'Missed' testres['test'] = 'none' # Save results testresults[keys] = testres # Print results print '--%30s : %12.6f was %12.6f %4s %12.6f (%6s) %s ' % ( res['name'], testres['value'], testres['prev'], testres['op'], testres['diff'], testres['status'], testres['test'] ) print >>logfile,'--%30s : %12.6f was %12.6f %4s %12.6f (%6s) %s ' % ( res['name'], testres['value'], testres['prev'], testres['op'], testres['diff'], testres['status'], testres['test'] ) if testres['status']=='Failed': final_status = 'Failed' else: # Just print the current results print '--%30s : %12.6f ' % ( res['name'], res['value'] ) print >>logfile,'--%30s : %12.6f ' % ( res['name'], res['value'] ) # Now do the component results for comp in compnames: print "" print " Component "+comp+" :" print >>logfile,"" print >>logfile," Component "+comp+" :" if regression['exist']: # Set up storage for regression results testcompresults[comp] = {} for keys in compreslist: res = compresults[comp][keys] new_val = res['value'] if regression['exist']: testcompresults[comp][keys] = {} testres = {} testres['value'] = new_val testres['op'] = res['op'] testres['tol'] = res['tol'] if prev_compresults.has_key(comp): # This is a known comp if prev_compresults[comp].has_key(keys): # This is a known regression key prev = prev_compresults[comp][keys] prev_val = prev['value'] if res['op'] == 'divf': new_diff = (new_val - prev_val)/prev_val else: new_diff = new_val - prev_val if abs(new_diff)>res['tol']: new_status = 'Failed' else: new_status = 'Passed' testres['prev'] = prev_val testres['diff'] = new_diff testres['status'] = new_status testres['test'] = 'Last' else: # Unknown regression key testres['prev'] = 0.0 testres['diff'] = 1.0 testres['status'] = 'Missed' testres['test'] = 'none' else: # Unknown regression comp testres['prev'] = 0.0 testres['diff'] = 1.0 testres['status'] = 'Unknown' testres['test'] = 'none' # Save results testcompresults[comp][keys] = testres # Print results print '--%30s : %12.6f was %12.6f %4s %12.6f (%6s) %s ' % ( res['name'], testres['value'], testres['prev'], testres['op'], testres['diff'], testres['status'], testres['test'] ) print >>logfile,'--%30s : %12.6f was %12.6f %4s %12.6f (%6s) %s ' % ( res['name'], testres['value'], testres['prev'], testres['op'], testres['diff'], testres['status'], testres['test'] ) if testres['status']=='Failed': final_status = 'Failed' else: # Just print results print '--%30s : %12.6f ' % ( res['name'], res['value'] ) print >>logfile,'--%30s : %12.6f ' % ( res['name'], res['value'] ) # Done if regression['exist']: # Final regression status if (final_status == 'Passed'): regstate=True print >>logfile,'---' print >>logfile,'Passed Regression test for '+mydataset print >>logfile,'---' print 'Passed Regression test for '+mydataset else: regstate=False print >>logfile,'----FAILED Regression test for '+mydataset print '----FAILED Regression test for '+mydataset # Write these regression test results to the dictionary new_regression['testresults'] = testresults new_regression['testcompresults'] = testcompresults else: regstate=False print >>logfile,'----Unable to complete regression test for '+mydataset print '----Unable to complete regression test for '+mydataset # ########################################################################## # Final stats and timing print '' print '********* Benchmarking *************************' print '* *' print 'Total wall clock time was: %10.3f ' % total['wall'] print 'Total CPU time was: %10.3f ' % total['cpu'] print 'Raw processing rate MB/s was: %8.1f ' % total['rate_raw'] print 'MS processing rate MB/s was: %8.1f ' % total['rate_ms'] print '' print '* Breakdown: *' print >>logfile,'' print >>logfile,'********* Benchmarking *************************' print >>logfile,'* *' print >>logfile,'Total wall clock time was: %10.3f ' % total['wall'] print >>logfile,'Total CPU time was: %10.3f ' % total['cpu'] print >>logfile,'Raw processing rate MB/s was: %8.1f ' % total['rate_raw'] print >>logfile,'MS processing rate MB/s was: %8.1f ' % total['rate_ms'] print >>logfile,'' print >>logfile,'* Breakdown: *' for i in range(nstages): print '* %16s * time was: %10.3f ' % tuple(stages[i]) print >>logfile,'* %16s * time was: %10.3f ' % tuple(stages[i]) print '************************************************' print >>logfile,'************************************************' if regression['exist']: print 'Previous wall time was %10.3f sec on %s ' % ( regression['timing']['total']['wall'], regression['host'] ) print 'Previous CPU time was %10.3f sec on %s ' % ( regression['timing']['total']['cpu'], regression['host'] ) print >>logfile,'Previous wall time was %10.3f sec on %s ' % ( regression['timing']['total']['wall'], regression['host'] ) print >>logfile,'Previous CPU time was %10.3f sec on %s ' % ( regression['timing']['total']['cpu'], regression['host'] ) # ########################################################################## # # Save regression results as dictionary using Pickle # pickfile = 'out.'+prefix + '.regression.'+datestring+'.pickle' f = open(pickfile,'w') p = pickle.Pickler(f) p.dump(new_regression) f.close() print "" print "Regression result dictionary saved in "+pickfile print "" print "Use Pickle to retrieve these" print "" # e.g. # f = open(pickfile) # u = pickle.Unpickler(f) # clnmodel = u.load() # polmodel = u.load() # f.close() print >>logfile,"" print >>logfile,"Done with "+mydataset logfile.close() print "Results are in "+outfile print "" print "Done with "+mydataset # ##########################################################################