>From kgolap@zia.aoc.NRAO.EDU Wed Dec 19 17:12 EST 2001 Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 15:12:14 -0700 (MST) Hi Ed, > I was looking for the documentation of your interactive region > maker in the AIPS++ document. Can you help me out? If it's not in > there yet, could you remind me of how to use it? For some reason, which i have to clear with Wes, the document did not build try the following: include 'interactivemask.g' a:=interactivemask('imagename') a.start() After you are done.... an image 'imagename.mask' will have the mask image. Kumar below is the help file i filed in with the code === %% Copyright (C) 1999,2000,2001 %% Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. %% %% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it %% under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by %% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your %% option) any later version. %% %% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT %% ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or %% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public %% License for more details. %% %% You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License %% along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, %% Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. %% %% Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows: %% Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu. %% Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office %% National Radio Astronomy Observatory %% 520 Edgemont Road %% Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA %% %% $Id: interactivemask.help,v 17.0 2001/11/12 19:49:27 aips2adm Exp $ \documentclass{book} \usepackage{aips2help,html} \begin{document} \begin{ahobject}{interactivemask}{Glish script for making mask interactively} \ahinclude{interactivemask.g} \ahcategory{aips} \ahcategory{map} % %ahkeyword registers module keywords % \ahkeyword{map}{} \ahkeyword{mask}{} \ahmethods{} % % %%\medskip %%\noindent{\bf Summary} \bigskip {\bf Overview of {\tt interactivemask} tool} interactivemask is a simple tool which is meant to be called by 'imager' and 'dragon'; though it can be used as standalone by a user. It is meant to provide the user with the facility of making mask by drawing boxes or polygons on a viewer image. It provides the facility for the user to update the mask and view over the image then the user can futher add or remove regions. It creates an mask image which can be used by 'imager', 'dragon' or 'map'. \begin{ahconstructor}{interactivemask}{Create a tool to interactively make masks} \begin{ahargs} \ahaddarg{image}{reference image name to use to make masks}{'', no default}{String} \ahaddarg{mask}{mask image}{'', if left empty then the mask is image name appended with '.mask'}{String} \end{ahargs} \ahreturns{{\tt interactivemask tool} or fail} \begin{ahdescription} Constructs a interactivemask tool. \end{ahdescription} \begin{ahexample} \begin{verbatim} mymasktool:=interactivemask(image='clean.restored', mask='mymask.image') mymasktool.start(); \end{verbatim} This creates a interactivemask tool {\tt mymasktool}. {\tt mymasktool.start()} will pop-up a viewer with the image and if the mask file exists then the image will be overlayed with contours around regions already in the mask file. \end{ahexample} \end{ahconstructor} %%% Functions \begin{ahfunction}{start}{creates the viewer window and allows user to update mask} \begin{ahargs} \end{ahargs} \ahreturns{nothing} \begin{ahdescription} This function starts the process of interactive masking. It will bring the viewer with the reference image. If the mask is existant the image will be overlayed with contours around mask region already present in mask. The user should click on the left hand menu on any of the region buttons ( buttons on left hand menu which have an 'R' on them) and draw the region of choice and double click inside. Either use the 'ESC' key and redraw another region and double click inside or the box (or polygon) region can be dragged around by using the left mouse and positioned where required. Don't forget to double click inside region to register it as a region to be masked. The user can click on the 'refresh mask' button to see what regions has been defined. The user can 'add' or 'remove' regions till the 'Done with masking' button is pressed. If the maskimage is the name of an existing mask image then the user can update that mask. \end{ahdescription} \begin{ahexample} \begin{verbatim} mymasktool:=interactivemask(image='clean.restored', mask='mymask.image') mymasktool.start(); \end{verbatim} \end{ahexample} \end{ahfunction} \begin{ahfunction}{done}{terminate the process of interactive masking} \begin{ahargs} \end{ahargs} \ahreturns{nothing} \begin{ahdescription} This function just terminates the interactive masking process and remove the viewer and save the mask. It is equivalent to pressing the ``Done with masking' button. \end{ahdescription} \begin{ahexample} \begin{verbatim} mymasktool:=interactivemask(image='clean.restored', mask='mymask.image') mymasktool.start(); After drawing regions to be masked mymasktool.done(); \end{verbatim} \end{ahexample} \end{ahfunction} \end{ahobject} \end{document}