Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 09:26:05 -0700 (MST) From: Debra Shepherd To: gtaylor Subject: aips++ fill Since these tests were done, Ralph has worked on the filler quite a bit. So there may be some changes. Manually configure the Linux hardware driver to use variable length blocks. mt -f /dev/nst0 setblk 0 copy DN tape data with unix command onto disk: advance past the first record with housekeeping data. mt -f /dev/nst0 setblk 0 mt -f /dev/tape rewind mt -f /dev/tape fsf 1 dd if=/dev/tape bs=26624 of=22dec00.vla -- 6256+21 records in =================================== # # Fill from a remote tape drive (mizar, a linux box, like sola) # must have source /aips++/weekly/aipsinit.csh in the VERY TOP of .tcshrc file for remote machine. # (full path must be specified for remote machine -- not in documentation). include 'vlafiller.g'; myvlafiller:=vlafiller(host="comanche" , forcenewserver=F); ok:=myvlafiller.tapeinput(device="/dev/rmt/0ln" , files=1); ok:=myvlafiller.output(msname="/home/sola/dss/orion/" , overwrite=F); ok:=myvlafiller.selectproject(project="DSTST" ); ok:=myvlafiller.fill(verbose=T, async=F); -- ---- ------- ----------- Debra Shepherd e-mail: National Radio Astronomy Observatory phone: (505) 835-7398 P.O. Box O FAX: (505) 835-7027 Socorro, NM 87801