NRAO AIPS++ Users Group Meeting - MINUTES Date: 2005-07-27 (Wednesday) Time: 1300 MDT Video Hub: SOC-conf (CV should call in to Socorro) Rooms: SOC317/CV311 Send additions or corrections to smyers 1. NAUG News o general news (Steve) 2. AIPS++/ISD Status Report - New look for project office page: The frames have been removed, the testing timeline for ALMA and EVLA is apparent, and the ALMA/EVLA Joint Compliance spreadsheet is linked in. Also, there is now a new scheme for the naming of tests (e.g. ALMA2005.04-3 and EVLA2005.06-1 were the past 2 tests). - There will be a combined ALMA/EVLA "Focus Group" targeted on the new user interface, scheduled sometime early next year (Jan'06?). This will be instead of a formal ALMA test (whether it counts as an EVLA test is TBD). This has been given the designation AE2006.01. Standard items: o stable status (Joe) - SS13 (stable2b) available soon Things to look at: imager - multiple MS capability inf+DS true joint deconvolution (via multiple ms) o defect status (Joe) - none noted (but see EVLA and ALMA test "actions") o development targets (Joe) - MS selection still being implemented (e.g. imager and calibrater) 3. ALMA o ALMA Test 4 plans (Joe, Steve) - see schedule at Looks like this test will be deferred to Jan06. Focus is single-baseline processing for purposes of commissioning tests using the ATF. Most testers are expected to be here for this activity. - an interface focus group (joint with EVLA) is planned for Jan06 also, to try out the python enviroment prototypes and provide feedback to the project from a user perspective. Standard items: o ALMA development targets (Joe, Steve) - it was thought that an overview of the long-range development targets from a user perspective (ie. why we get what capability when) would be useful (Action: Steve) 4. EVLA o EVLA Test 1 results (Joe, Steve, Sanjay) - EVLA Test 1 summary and actions: - also see testing logs on testing page Note: Steve's testing log has been posted also at o EVLA Test 2 plans (Joe, Steve, Sanjay) - see schedule at There was some discussion of what the focus of future testing should be. In particular, it was thought that exploring optimizations for the efficiency of the wide-field imaging (e.g. use of flanking subimages around distant sources versus making huge images) would be useful - it is likely we need both capabilities. This could be incremental, now that the Test 1 datasets are checked into the system. There was also lively discussion of just how many EVLA tests are needed each year. Joe expressed concern that the current schedule of 2 ALMA plus 2 EVLA formal tests was taxing our development time, while Bryan expressed concerns about keeping up accountability for the project and noted that much progress is made in the run-up to the tests. Steve pointed out that the original plan was to have ongoing testing in conjunction with the developers delivery of functionality, but that the NAUG was so understaffed that we moved toward the fewer more focused tests that we now carry out. A meeting between Joe, Gustaaf, Bryan, Debra, and Brian on this topic is in the works. Personally, I would like to note that the AIPS++/ISD group is committed to the projects and that the progress over the past 2 years under the current organization should be the metric - if there are real problems in our current development schedule and in our deliverables then let us know, but contantly bringing up past transgressions is counterproductive... The subject of NAUG staffing, particular for EVLA testing, came up during the previous discussion. As usual, the desirability of NRAO staff using the software for science reduction was empasized (and it was noted that Debra was using aips++ for SMA reduction - see next meeting's agenda - and that Ed expressed optimism for use of the wide-field imaging capability for his future processing). It was noted that EVLA has hired David Whysong as an NRAO postdoc and that he would be an ideal tester if a significant fraction of his time were assigned to NAUG-related testing (Frazer later confirmed that this is indeed the plan). This would allow more continuous testing in closer contact with the developers, for example. It was also apparent during the testing that we are pushing the memory limits of the 32-bit machines. It is highly desirable that we procure a 64-bit machine for EVLA testing as soon as possible. Discussions are underway with the project to do so. Standard items: o EVLA development plan & requirements (Steve, Sanjay) - It was noted that the direction-dependent calibration issues appear to be the next big problem to tackle and probably should be the focus of the next main test in 2006. In this past test it indeed appeared that this is our main dynamic range limitation. - Wide-band imaging tests by Urvashi are ongoing. Her summer project is to assess what the limitations are using the currently available software (e.g. MIRIAD mfsclean) for EVLA L-band frequency ranges. Stay tuned for a report. 5. Main Event - Presentations and Discussion Items - No main event, mostly summary from EVLA testing, and current status (see above). Future Topics o Tasking interface and framework status and demonstration (Joe) o Flagging (ms) implementation plan (George) o suggestions welcome 6. AIPS++ Developments - see latest targets and info at Project Office: 7. Upcoming meetings and deadlines: o 2005 Fall NSF NRAO Software Senior Review o 2005 Fall EVLA Software PDR (followed by CDRs) o 2005 Oct 15 External ALMA TST2.1 o 2005 Nov 15 EVLA Test E2005.2 The agendas for past NAUG meetings are archived at: The minutes for past NAUG meetings are archived at: