NRAO AIPS++ Users Group Meeting - DRAFT MINUTES Date: 2004-4-30 (Friday) NOTE NEW DAY AND TIME, THIS MEETING ONLY! Time: 1400 MDT Video Hub: SOC-conf (CV should call in to Socorro) Rooms: SOC317/CV311 AIPS++ Threat Level is: Yellow = Elevated [The VC presentations went well, but there is much to do for CDR2.] 1. NAUG News o Summer School - the summer school will be today's main event (see below). We are looking at the week of May 24-28 for targeted NAUG testing. *Action item - Debra sent out an email after the last meeting asking for permission to use the carbon star dataset. What was the result? Answer: "We have full permission to use the dataset. We just have to make sure that we give the authors and PdBI credit in documentation we have. - Debra" o The items that need NAUG review/testing can be found at: (also accessed from the Module Testing link on front page). Joe would like a review of: Imager - multi-spectral window imaging Calibrater - interpolation Viewer - blinking Viewer - statistical editing of data - use the adjust menus to select rms, etc. for editing (in MS and Visibility Selection of Adjust Panel). The aim is for the NAUG to sign off (or indicate problems with) these functions. Comments should be in the form of: functionality: usability: documentation: See examples of Debra's reports under the "NAUG Comments" links under the first two items. *Ongoing - carried over from previous meetings o Testing reports *Ongoing - any testers with stuff to report? 2. AIPS++/ISD Status Report o Joe and Steve presented the status of AIPS++ and the SSG to the visiting committee on Monday, along with other ISD/e2e presentations by Brian, Bill, and Dale. The reception by the committee to the talks was favorable. From Fred: "Dear colleagues, I have been asked by the Visiting Committee chair, Phil Diamond, to pass on the VC's commendation to all involved in software development work at the NRAO on the significant progress that has been made since the last Visiting Committee meeting a year ago. Of course I share completely the VC's sentiment and thank you all for all your efforts and accomplishments. Cheers, KYL Fred K. Y. Lo" *Joe & Steve will debrief the NAUG on the VC meeting. o "SS5.5" was deployed in time for the VC (it can be found as the current stable. The freeze for SS6 is scheduled for May 7. o Neil has checked in a number of improvements. Joe will briefly describe these. *ACTION: Joe will provide a list, and post them for testing on the project office page. 3. ALMA o ALMA TST2 is on the horizion. It has been pushed back to August in order to afford time for development, which has been hard to schedule due to the pressures of testing. For TST2 info, see: One of the focuses of TST2 is mosaicing. We have some possible test datasets in hand, and will begin evaluating these. *ACTION: Joe and Steve will take first crack at the mosaicing data. (Carried over from previous meetings) 4. EVLA o No known EVLA issues at this time. 5. Main Event - Presentations and Discussion Items o Joe will discuss plans for the summer school, and a demo of the the chosen dataset will be given. Of particular concern is the cookbook that will be presented to the students and some possibilities will be discussed. *DISCUSSION - Claire will hack at the current cookbook, then Joe, Steve, and George will make a go. It would be good to get it down from the >100 pgs. to 25pgs (dream on). Would be good to focus on the PdBI and split out the VLA. Need to change the GGTau examples to conform to how we will need to do UCam. Eventually, the NAUG and the team should decide on what sort of Cookbook(s) we want in general. o Possible future topics: - Auto-flagging (Dongshan) - Wide-field imaging, w-projection, mosaicing (Tim & Sanjay) - The ALMA proto-pipeline (Lindsey) - Framework technologies and plans (Doug?) - Data reduction demos? 6. AIPS++ Developments - see latest targets and info at Project Office: o SS6 Targets -- see Project Office page for development status and testing info. 7. Upcoming meetings and deadlines: o 2004 May 7 SS6 freeze o 2004 May 14-15 ALMA Science Workshop (UMd) - Joe & Steve attending o 2004 May 24-25 Users Committee (CV) o 2004 May 30 - Jun 3 AAS Meeting (Denver) o 2004 Jun 15-22 Synthesis Imaging Summer School (SOC) o 2004 Aug 1 ALMA CDR2 = Judgement Day! (docs Jun, rev in Jul) o 2004 Aug 1 ALMA TST2 begins?? The agendas for past NAUG meetings are archived at: The minutes for past NAUG meetings are archived at: