From Fri Oct 25 16:26:44 2002 Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 16:22:11 -0600 (MDT) From: Joe McMullin Reply-To: To: Subject: [Aips2-naug] Minutes 10/23 The meeting discussion minutes are compliments of Debra. I have filled in the relevant AIPS++ updates/details. 23oct02 1:15pm NAUG Meeting: ------------------------------ Tim, George, Joe, Kumar, Sanjay Claire, Walter, Crystal, Mark, Greg, Steve, Me, Dale, John H. Joe-Tim: intro about what is happening in DM We need a good faith effort on both sides. Steve will be the Proj Sci and will help set priorities and be the communications link between app and the NAUG. The NAUG will be run by Steve. There will be a partnership between the NAUG and AIPS++ to set priorities and goals. We are to become a 'team-based effort.' Steve: intro: NAUG will remain independent but cooperative with app. Debra: I gave an overview of my function in the change process. Steve: - There is exciting new research/development issues that are coming up. Great opportunity to have some fun. - Steve's job is to make our priorities clear to APP. - Past NAUG priorities focused on making APP functional/useable. This is changing to an acceptance testing phase. Now Steve wants do an app VLA evaluation - an AUDIT. The audit will be organized around a flow-chart of operations and then we will develop priorities based on the audit results. - The audit will be visible as a NAUG product by the end of Jan. In time to influence the next development cycle. - We can use the cookbook as the operational outline. - Steve and Debra will write the draft document and get the inputs from all others in the NAUG. There was general agreement among the NAUG that this was a good idea. Crystal mentioned that its important to have an overlap in the audit areas to check results. - Steve wants to create subsystem scientists positions that will work on specific target arease with more interaction with the APP team. Steve suggested area breakouts could look something like: - Ops and user interface - data handling - calibration and editing - analysis and imaging - imaging- mosaicing - documentation - cookbook John H. suggested that we align the subsystems with the audit path (e.g. the operational outline identified in the cookbook). Steve thought this was a better idea. Probably the one we will go with. - There are exciting new research areas to develop new methods for the new telescopes that are coming on line. Think about how the VLA audit could identify areas of scientific development like: - mosaicing and single dish + interferometer combo techniques - polarization imaging - spectral line all the time with the evla. - There is a lack of FTE resources on the AIPS++ side. We can use the audit results to make a strong case that we need additional FTEs. - Debra mentioned that NAUG members are responsible for helping to make this a success. One way we can do this is by helping to give lunch talks to the AOC. Both the NAUG and the AIPS++ team should participate in this. Joe McMullin: - Tool Manager: Claire's outline for an organization of tools required for VLA reduction was explored. After some investigation, it was seen that this could be achieved within the context of the existing tool manager capabilities without major effort. A prototype tool was developed and demo'd. Claire/Joe will followup on this. - Development Plan: The development plan for AIPS++ v2.0 is out and available: Note 251. Joe has made a cross listing of NAUG and AIPS++ priorities that he will give to Steve. Steve can distribute this to the NAUG. - Recent Development - All listed changes/bug fixes are available in the upcoming weekly installation, subsequent daily builds and the upcoming stable which will be announced. George Moellenbrock gave a status of recent updates on flagger.quack - no need to set 'scaninterval' anymore--quack sees the SCAN boundaries automatically now (scaninterval is still a paramater, and it can be used to detect gaps within scans, if quacking these is desired) - the span of the quack (set by 'delta') now defaults to the (minimum) integration time in each scan. - quacking at the beginning and/or the end of scans is supported using new params 'begin' and 'end' (default: begin=T, end=F) - quack(trial=T) is now really a trial! (it used to flag data even if trial=T) calvave() - function in calibrater to average solutions over fieldid, spwid, and/or time. uvlsf() - function for uvline subtraction ms.ptsrc() - function averages the selected UV data and reports the corresponding Stokes values (useful for obtaining full-polarization D calibration or as an aid in selecting channels for continuum subtraction). measures changes - see newsletter article - Recently resolved defects/enhancements in the last month (synthesis): See for details on any of the listed defects. AOCso04035 flagger.quack trial=true says data is flagged AOCso04020 cant read any of my fits data in AOCso03990 can't trim trailing edge AOCso03958 Flux scale appears to be incorrect AOCso03901 fluxscale has an array indexing bug AOCso03887 fluxscale() not working in new stable (081) AOCso03841 calib.fluxscale multiple transfer sources will not work AOCso03828 does not distinguish different names for the same direction AOCso03616 Crazy data loaded from archive tape AOCso03608 Default for all times AOCso03065 Execution occurs when the time is specified AOCso03050 time slots are ignorant AOCso02846 msplot cannot plot spectra AOCso02505 no way to select individual baselines AOCso04038 clean.mask: mask GUI comes up even after clean reached threshold AOCso04027 Selfcal stops because it cannot find Gphase table AOCso04025 dragon constructor crashes: file "visplot.g" not found AOCso04023 if interactive=T, imager does not continue after "Done with Mask" AOCso04017 no overlap in freq error AOCso03938 When ready, imager does not terminate and hangs all windows AOCso03823 Locking error reported by imager.setjy() AOCso03820 running with interactive clean with threshold produces strange behavior AOCso03809 imager.pb - im.pbcor is identically zero AOCso03808 - 2 bugs & 1 enhancement request AOCso03760 Please provide a 'continue cleaning' button on interactive mask AOCso03663 dies if no data in channel AOCso02950 image.mem gives NaNs in test suite AOCso02390 Solution row times in gain tbl are incorrect - Newsletter An installment of the newsletter is due out at the end of the month. John had suggested that information in these newsletters is useful and should find a way into the mainstream documentation. We need to followup on how this should happen. _______________________________________________ Aips2-naug mailing list